Use of Force, Weapons Use

Use of Force, Weapons Use

Jail officers

9.31 – 9.37 Use of Force, Weapons Use

9.31. Identify agency policy related to use of force.

9.32. Identify agency policy related to use of restraints, weapons (including impact weapons), electronic immobilization devices, and chemical sprays.

9.33. Identify agency policy and procedure for documenting injuries to a prisoner.

9.34. Identify agency policy and procedure for documenting injuries to staff.

9.35. Identify agency policy and procedure for documenting incidents that required a use of force.

9.36. Identify agency policy related to carrying a firearm while off duty.

9.37. Use an impact weapon to control a subject.

9.37.1. Identify primary, secondary and lethal target areas.

9.37.2. Demonstrate offensive and defensive stances.

9.37.3. Demonstrate the proper verbalization and touch/striking techniques for primary, secondary and the non-lethal target areas.
