Chapter 4: Employment Reporting and Requirements

Chapter 4: Employment Reporting and Requirements bscharf

Records Administrative Requirements

Records Administrative Requirements

Chapter 4

Section 1 - Records Administrative Requirements

  1. Reporting Completion of Training
    1. The certified criminal justice training academy shall electronically document and report completion of training to the Department.
    2. Only certified criminal justice training academies are authorized to electronically submit and to report completion of mandated training.
    3. The documentation of completion of training shall be submitted in compliance with 6VAC20-90-120 E and the following:
      1. The documentation must be submitted within 60 days of completion of training and shall contain ONLY the names of criminal justice professionals whose agencies are members of the reporting certified training academy for in-service training.  
      2.  The documentation must be submitted within 60 days of completion of training and must contain the names of officers for entry-level training. 
    4. All documentation must be signed by the academy director or their designee.

  2. Memo of Training Credit Transfer - Letter of Completion:
    1. The certified criminal justice training academy must send a letter of completion to the agency to which the criminal justice professional belongs.
      1. The letter of completion must contain the type of training, e.g. Law enforcement in-service, jail officer in-service, general instructor re-certification, etc.
      2. The letter of completion must contain the date of completion and signature of the academy director. 
      3. The letter of completion must contain the name and social security number of the criminal justice professional completing the training.
      4. The letter of completion must contain the number of legal hours, career development hours and total hours completed. 
      5. It is the responsibility of the agency receiving the letter of completion to forward the training information to the certified criminal justice training academy which maintains the agency’s training records so that documentation of training completion in accordance with 6VAC20-90-120 E can be initiated when the officer has accumulated enough hours to satisfy in-service training requirements.

    2. Certified Criminal Justice Training Academy Responsibility:

      It is the responsibility of the certified criminal justice training academy, upon receiving documentation from a member agency to track the training completed until an officer has accumulated enough hours to satisfy in-service training requirements and to electronically submit documentation of training completion in accordance  with 6VAC20-90-120 for that criminal justice professional

    3. Exceptions:
      1. Entry-level training:
        The certified criminal justice training academy that conducts entry-level training shall electronically submit documentation of completion of training in accordance with 6VAC20-90-120 E containing  the names of all individuals trained regardless of whether their agencies are members of the certified criminal justice training academy or not. 
      2. Instructor development training:
        The certified criminal justice training academy that conducts instructor development training shall electronically submit documentation of completion of training in accordance with 6VAC20-90-120 E containing  the names of all individuals trained regardless of whether their agencies are members of the certified criminal justice training academy or not.

    4. Pre-approved partial in-service credit:

Pre-approved partial in-service credit (PIC) forms must be received by the certified criminal justice training academy within sixty (60) days after completion of training in order to be credited toward in-service training requirements.

5. Individual partial in-service credit:

Individual partial in-service credit forms must be received by the certified criminal justice training academy within sixty (60) days after approval by the Department. 

  1. Department Responsibility:
    1. Receive and enter Department required forms in a timely manner. 
    2. Review contents of forms
    3. Return forms containing errors to the originating agency and or certified criminal justice training academy for correction and re-submission.
    4. Resolve areas of concern/conflict. 
    5. Print and distribute agency rosters to agencies to resolve discrepancies.
    6. Enter corrections to agency roster after receiving appropriate paperwork from agency, i.e., electronic Forms 21 and 31
    7. Notify agencies of personnel that are in non-compliance with the training requirement. 
    8. Receive, review, and process completed Field Training forms and On-the-Job Training forms. 
    9. Receive and approve instructor applications. 
    10. Print and distribute certificates.
    11. Distribute instructor patches. (NOTE: Certificates and patches are only distributed for initial certification. A nominal fee is charged for instructor patches.)




Physical Examination Requirements

Physical Examination Requirements

Chapter 4

  Section 2- Physical Examination Requirements

  1. Academies shall have a policy for insuring the physical fitness of students assigned for entry-level training.
    1. ​The policy shall include a procedure for ensuring that agency medical personnel performing physical examinations are aware of the rigors of entry-level training. 
    2. The policy shall require physicals to be performed within twelve months prior to training.

  2. The following are the major points that need to be considered when developing a physical examination policy.
    1. A statement requiring the trainee candidate to be examined by a licensed physician prior to attending training.
    2. Training parameters developed to the specific certified criminal justice training academy's program which is forwarded to the employing agency. In turn the agency will provide the requirements to the examining physician.
    3. A statement to be forwarded by the employing agency to the certified criminal justice training academy indicating the trainee has been examined by a licensed physician and is physically capable of performing all training required.

  3. Training Parameter Requirements:
    1. These requirements shall include the basic minimum requirements for entry-level training, and the parameters for training that the individual certified criminal justice training academy has established beyond minimum standards.
      1. It shall also be noted that part of the training is performance-based and that the recruit will be required to actually perform many of the functions required in the position for which he/she is entering training.  
      2. This includes training that places recruits in both physically and mentally stressful situations designed to elicit spontaneous responses. 
    2.  As a result, the employing agency shall ensure that the examining physician makes sure the recruit is physically sound and free of any physical or mental condition which would interfere with his/her ability to perform the duties of the position for which he/she is entering training.  
    3. The academy director or employing agency administrator shall distinguish which category of officer the recruit will fall under:  Law Enforcement Officer, Jailor/Custodial Officer, Courtroom Security or Civil Process Officer.
    4. Parameters for Law Enforcement Officer, Jailor/Custodial Officer, or Courtroom Security or Civil Process Officer
      1. Training is both physically and psychologically stress oriented to elicit spontaneous reactions.  Students are placed in situations where they must make critical life and death decisions such as: when to use deadly force, shoot/no-shoot situations, disaster response, ambush and sniper attacks, domestic violence and response to various in-progress criminal activities. Any psychological abnormalities observed during the physical exam shall be explored and thoroughly documented. Strenuous physical exercise requiring:
        1. ) Physical agility 
        2. ) Strength
        3. ) Musculoskeletal range of motion (to include joints) 
        4. ) Neuro-muscular coordination, hand-eye coordination and balance 
        5. ) Cardiopulmonary stamina and aerobic endurance
      2.  Additionally the officer must have the physical ability to fire a handgun and/or other specialty weapons.  The student shall have no physical deformity, defect or restriction which would prevent cocking and firing of a handgun or other specialty weapon.  Firearms training requires the student to fire from the standing, kneeling, sitting and prone positions.  Combat ranges require mobility and the use of various barriers.  Both day and night training are required. 
      3. Vision: requirements set by employing agency to include:
        1. ) Color distinction 
        2. ) Night vision
        3. ) Depth of field/peripheral 
      4. Hearing: requirements as set by employing agency.

  4. A physical examination certification shall be signed by the physician and returned to the certified criminal justice training academy via the employing agency prior to any recruit being eligible to participate in training.  This form shall include the physician's name, candidate's name, date of exam, candidate's position, and whether he/she is or is not able to participate in training.  If applicable, any restrictions shall be specified by the physician.                                     