

Performance Outcome 2.1.

Utilize effective interpersonal verbal and non-verbal communication skills.

Training Objectives Relating to 2.1.

1. Given a written, audio-visual, or practical exercise, identify:

             a. Effective interpersonal verbal and non-verbal communication characteristics and their importance

        b. Distracting behaviors

        c. Effective responses to be used with residents

Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:

2.1.1. Identify effective verbal and non-verbal communications skills

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills.

2. Describe distracting behaviors.

3. Identify possible responses to be used with residents.

Performance Outcome 2.2.

Identify procedures used to obtain and/or provide information involving a resident(s).

Training Objectives Relating to 2.2.

1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify factors to consider when obtaining and/or providing information relating to an incident(s) involving resident(s).

Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:

2.2.1. Identify procedures used to obtain and/or provide information

2.2.2. Identify incident reporting and documentation procedures

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify how to obtain and/or provide information relating to an incident(s);

             a. Who

             b. What

             c. Where

             d. How

             e. When

2. Identify reporting and documentation procedures;

            a. Narrative style

            b. Proper use of grammar

            c. Accurate statements of facts

            d. Complete and detailed representation of facts

            e. Impartial, clear, and concise language

             f. Chronological order

3. Other information as identified;

  a. Resident(s), (suspect(s), witness (es) statements, if any

  b. Investigative or follow-up reports to be attached, if any

  c. All documents should be typewritten or legibly printed


Performance Outcome 2.3.

Prepare disciplinary reports and related paperwork.

Training Objectives Relating to 2.3.

1. Given a practical exercise, prepare a disciplinary report and related paperwork.

Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:

             2.3.1. Identify and prepare disciplinary reports

             2.3.2. Identify reporting and documentation requirements

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify;

            a. Offense and/or disciplinary action and/or rule infraction

            b. Date, location, and time

            c. Description of details of disciplinary incident

            d. Victim(s) description(s)

            e. Resident(s) file number, if applicable

            f. Resident(s) description

           g. Full name(s) of resident(s) and others involved

           h. Injuries resident(s) may have received

            i. Detention

            j. Restrictions

           k. Privileges

           l. Juvenile justice

          m. Appeals/Review

          n. Decisions

          o. Notifications

          p. Exceptions

         q. Continuances

          r. Reporting and documentation procedures

Performance Outcome 2.4.

Demonstrate effective court testimony and follow agency policy and procedures.

Training Objectives Relating to 2.4.

1. Given a practical exercise, demonstrate effective court testimony.

Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:

            2.4.1. Demonstrate effective testimony in general and legal/administrative proceedings

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

Related to general court testimony:

1. Identify agency guidelines.

2. Identify steps in reviewing facts and preparing for court.

3. Identify effective skills used in court testimony.

Performance Outcome 2.5.

Identify differences in levels of understanding.

Training Objectives Relating to 2.5.

1. Given a practical exercise, use verbal communication to relay messages to resident(s), staff, and   public while maintaining awareness of possible differences in their levels of understanding.

Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:

2.5.1 Use verbal communication skills to relay messages to resident(s), staff, and public verbal

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify communication skills to relay messages to a resident, staff, and public.

2. Identify audiences that may need adjustments in communications styles;

            a. Age range

            b. Culturally diverse

            c. Educational levels   

            d. Intellectual disability

            e. Emotionally upset

             f. Visually impaired and or hearing impaired

            g. Physically challenged

            h. Language translation

             i. Communication techniques

3. Identify the need for language transition or other communication techniques.

Performance Outcome 2.6.

Identify conflict resolution skills.

Training Objectives Relating to 2.6.

1. Given a written or practical exercise, define negotiation, mediation, and arbitration.

2. Given a written exercise, identify the steps of each conflict management technique.

3 Given a practical exercise, negotiate, mediate, or arbitrate a conflict and/or crisis situation.

4. Given a written exercise, identify procedures for evidenced based supervision strategies.

5. Given a written exercise, identify causes of resident’s behavior, i.e. physical and/or mental health

Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:

             2.6.1. Define negotiation, mediation, and arbitration

             2.6.2. Identify steps involved in conflict management techniques;           




             2.6.3. Identify safety and security precautions

             2.6.4. Identify evidence based supervision strategies

             2.6.5. Identify causes of resident’s behavior, i.e. physical and/or mental health

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Define negotiation, mediation, and arbitration.

2. Identify steps involved in conflict management techniques.

3. Identify and evaluate the conflict or crisis scene.

4. Identify officer security and safety procedures.

5. Identify causes of resident’s behavior, i.e. physical and/or mental health

Performance Outcome 2.7.

Compile and complete all forms, log entries and inventories in a comprehensible and precise layout.

Training Objectives Related to 2.7.

1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify:

            a. Reporting and documentation procedures

Criteria:  The trainee shall be tested on the following:

2.7.1. Identify various types of log entries

2.7.2. Identify and demonstrate reporting and documentation procedures

2.7.3. Identify and demonstrate inventory procedures.

Lesson Plan Guide:

1. Identify required reporting;

             a. Log entries

             b. Inventory (ies)

             c. Forms

             d. Others as identified

2. Define types of communications (logs, forms, inventories, etc).

3. Identify guidelines for report writing;

            a. Recognize common errors

            b. Compare fact versus opinion

            c. List seven essentials

            d. Use 6 C’s of communications

                       1. Clear

                        2. Concise

                       3. Complete

                        4. Chronological

                        5. Correct

                        6. Confidential

            e. Required timelines

4. Identify and demonstrate inventory procedures.

Performance Outcome 2.8.

Use radio equipment, telephone communications and related agency protocols.

Training Objectives Related to 2.8.

1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify:

            a. Proficiency in relaying message(s)

            b. Working knowledge of radio equipment and agency protocols.        

            c. 10-codes and/or plain talk.

Criteria:  The trainee shall be tested on the following:

             2.8.1. Identify techniques and procedures in relaying message(s)

             2.8.2. Identify components and functions of radio equipment

             2.8.3. Identify telephone and radio protocols

Lesson Plan Guide

1. Describe types of verbal and written communiqués.

2. Identify types of agency radio equipment.

3. Identify portable or mobile radio usage guidelines.

4. Describe radio and telephone protocols.
