Non-Custodial Employees of the Department of Corrections

Security and Supervision

Performance Outcome 1.1.

Identify counting, inspections, security and search procedures.

Training Objective Related to 1.1.

1. Given a practical exercise, identify:

a. Security procedures                      

b. Perimeter security procedures

c. Inmate movement procedures

d. Enforcement and disciplinary rules and regulations

e. Documentation and reporting

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

1.1.2. Identify and demonstrate security procedures.

1.1.6. Identify procedures to detect and correct actual or potential security breaches. 

1.1.7. Identify and demonstrate procedures to control movement in and out of the facility.  

1.1.11. Identify and demonstrate documentation and reporting procedures.

1.1.12. Identify rules and procedures.

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify and demonstrate security checks and actions to be taken regarding any escapes or absences without permission.

a. Areas:

1. Pods/dormitories/facility/unit/room/living/common/work areas

2.  Fixtures

3. Locks

4. Windows

5. Doors

6. Verify locations

7. Mail

8. Reporting and documentation      

2. Identify rules and procedures for inmates, disciplinary actions, monitoring and security procedures, visitation, escorting, and supervision of inmates.

a. Enforcing rules and procedures

b. Disciplinary actions

            c. Inmate activities:

1. Directing

2. Controlling

3. Hygiene

4. Recreation

5. Work detail

6. On and/or off site

7. Documentation

d. Inmate movement:

1. Security procedures:

a. Shakedown

                                   b. Cell entry

                                   c. Extrications

e. Mandatory incident reporting and documentation:

1. Accurate

                       2. Timely

                       3. Legible, clear, concise

                       4. Follows chain of command

f. Supervision of:

                       1. Inmate’s activities

                       2. Staff

                       3. Sight

                       4. Opposite sex

g. Monitoring:

                       1. Control of activity

                       2. Intervention alerts

h. Security precautions and/or awareness

i. Post orders and/or shift duties          

3. Identify and demonstrate proper procedures to maintain security of the perimeter by detecting and correcting actual and/or potential security breaches.

4. Identify and demonstrate procedures required to maintain security through control of movement through a gate and/or door:

a. Duties

b. Responsibilities

c. Log

5. Identify and demonstrate group movement procedures within the facility:

a. Escorting

            b. Monitoring/observations

            c. Criteria

            d. Security

            e. Control room

            f. Log books

            g. Reporting of incidents

            h. Emergencies

 i. Special considerations

Performance Outcome 1.2.

Identify established federal, state, and local standards for the prevention, detection and response of sexual abuse, sexual assault and/or prison rape and comply with § 63.2-1509 Code of Virginia requirements and the agency’s written procedures.

Training Objectives Related to 1.2.

1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify:

a. Federal and state statutes

            b. Reporting requirements for any case of suspected abuse

            c. Prevention and detection procedures

            d. Vulnerable populations

            e. Medical and mental health services and programs

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

1.2.1. Identify the Code of Virginia § 63.2-1509 and the Prison Rape Elimination Act 28 C.F.R Part 115

1.2.2. Identify the procedures for reporting cases of suspected abuse

1.2.3. Identify prevention and detection procedures

1.2.4. Identify vulnerable populations

1.2.5. Identify medical and mental health care programs

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify federal and state statutes and agency procedures.

2. Identify detection and prevention procedures:

a. Observation

            b. Notifying/reporting inmate(s) activity(ies)

            c. Responsive planning

            d. Disciplinary actions

            e. Medical and mental health care

            f. Grievances

            g. Audits

3. Identify vulnerable populations:

            a. Lesbian

            b. Gay

            c. Bisexual

            d. Transgender

            e. Intersex

            f. Gender nonconforming inmates

            g. With disabilities

            h. Limited English proficient

4. Identify inmate and staff sexual abuse.                    

5. Identify inmate and inmate sexual abuse.   

6. Identify physical assault and potential injuries.

7. Identify therapeutic interventions.

8. Identify victim characteristics.

9. Identify physical victimization through:

            a. Personal attacks and/or bullying/hazing

            b. Property damage

            c. Use of weapon(s)

            d. Confinement–no escape

            e. Intimidation

            f. Retaliation

10. Identify psychological consequences.

Performance Outcome 1.8.

Identify gangs, definitions, statutes, statistics, and related gang management procedures.

Training Objectives Related to 1.8.

1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify indicators of inmate gang activities and gang management procedures.

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

1.8.1. Identify indicators of inmate gangs and gang activities

1.8.2. Identify state gang statutes

1.8.3. Identify prohibited behavior (gambling, soliciting, recruiting, tattooing, etc.)

1.8.4. Identify documentation and reporting procedures

1.8.5. Identify gang management procedures

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify inmate gangs and gang indicators:

.           a. Awareness

            b. Activity

2. Identify statutes and procedures:

a. Gang identification

b. Documentation

            c. Code of Virginia § 18.2-46.1:

1. Definitions

                       2. Statutes

                      3. Statistics:

                                   a. National

                                   b. State

                                   c. Local

                        4. Acts of Violence § 18.2-46.1

                        5. Prohibited criminal street gang participation § 18.2-46.2

                       6. Role of the gang management unit           

3. Identify inmate prohibited behaviors:

            a. Evidence:

                       1. Collect

                       2. Preserve

                       3. Prosecute

                       4. Document

                       5. Secure scene

            b. Photographs

4. Identify mandatory reporting and documentation procedures.


Performance Outcome 2.1.

Utilize effective interpersonal verbal and non-verbal communication skills consistently.

Training Objectives Relating to 2.1.

1. Given a written, audio-visual, or practical exercise, identify:

              a. Effective interpersonal verbal and non-verbal communication skills

              b. One-minute interchange

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

2.1.1. Identify effective and non-effective interpersonal verbal and non-verbal communications skills.

2.1.2. Demonstration of verbal interchange of one-minute.

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills.

2. Demonstrate one-minute interchange.

Performance Outcome 2.2.

Demonstrate reporting and documentation procedures relating to an incident(s).

Training Objectives Relating to 2.2.

1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify factors to consider when obtaining and/or providing information relating to an incident(s) involving an inmate(s).

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

2.2.1. Identify procedures to obtain and/or provide information.

2.2.2. Identify reporting and documentation procedures.

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify and demonstrate how to obtain and/or provide information relating to an incident(s):

a. Who

b. What

c. Where

d. When

e. Why

f. How

g. Timely notification

h. Notify chain of command

2. Identify reporting and documentation procedures.

Performance Outcome 2.5.

Communicate with inmate(s), staff, and visitors while maintaining awareness of possible differences in their levels of understanding.

Training Objectives Relating to 2.5.

1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify:

           a. Different levels of understanding

           b. Effective communication skills

           c. Safety and security procedures

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

2.5.1. Identify and demonstrate communication skills.

2.5.2. Identify different levels of understanding.

2.5.3. Identify safety and security procedures.

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify and demonstrate possible situations where communication style adjustments may be needed or required:

a. Voice tone

b. Language use/simplification

c. Body stances/gestures

d. Cultural awareness

e. Facial expressions

f. Eye contact

2. Identify an understanding of the inmate’s behavior.

3. Identify methods of safe approach and procedures.

4. Identify inmate audience (e.g. age, education level, cultural diversity, etc.)

5. Identify potential reasons for communication challenges (e.g. hearing impaired, intellectual disability etc.)

6. Identify safety and security procedures.

Performance Outcome 2.6.

Identify conflict resolution skills.

Training Objectives Relating to 2.6.

1. Given a written or practical exercise, define negotiation, mediation, and arbitration.

2. Given a written exercise, identify the steps of each conflict management technique.

3. Given a practical exercise, negotiate, mediate, or arbitrate a conflict and/or crisis situation.

4. Given a written exercise, identify procedures for evidenced based supervision strategies.

5. Given a written exercise, identify causes of inmate’s behavior (i.e. physical and/or mental health.)

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

2.6.1. Define negotiation, mediation, and arbitration.

2.6.2. Identify steps involved in conflict management techniques:     




2.6.3. Identify safety and security precautions.

2.6.4. Identify evidence based supervision strategies.

2.6.5. Identify causes of inmate’s behavior (i.e. physical and/or mental health.)

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Define negotiation, mediation, and arbitration.

2. Identify steps involved in conflict management techniques.

3. Identify and evaluate the conflict or crisis scene.

4. Identify officer security and safety procedures.

5. Identify causes of inmate’s behavior (i.e. physical and/or mental health)

Performance Outcome 2.8.

Identify and recognize hostage and/or barricaded incidents.

Training Objectives Relating to 2.8.

1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify a hostage and/or barricaded incident.

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

            2.8.1. Identification and recognition of a hostage and/or barricaded incident.

            2.8.2. Identify officer communication skills.

2.8.3. Identify how to notify and request assistance.

2.8.4. Identify security and safety procedures.

2.8.5. Identify documentation and reporting procedures.

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify a hostage and/or barricaded incident:

            a. Procedures

            b. Containment

            c. Coordination

            d. Evacuation

            e. Contact:

                       1. Barricaded subject's needs

                       2. Barricaded subject's wants

            f. Method(s) for surrender

            g. Armed inmate(s)

            h. Suicidal subject(s)

2. Identify reporting and documentation requirements.

3. Identify security and safety procedures.

4. Identify reporting and documentation procedures.

Performance Outcome 2.9.

Detect and report facility environmental changes and the associated impact on the facility.

Training Objective Relating to 2.9.

1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify, detect, and report nature or human made environmental changes.

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

      2.9.1. Identify environmental changes and the associated impact.

      2.9.2. Identify safety and security procedures.

      2.9.3. Identify reporting and documentation procedures.

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify environmental changes and the associated impact.

2. Identify security and safety procedures.

3. Identify reporting and documentation.                       

Performance Outcome 2.12.

Identify radio, telephone communications, and Statewide Agencies Radio System (STARS) equipment and demonstrate proficiency in communicating effectively through mechanical media.

Training Objectives Related to 2.12.

1. Given a practical exercise, demonstrate:

           a. Proficiency in relaying verbal messages

           b. Proper and effective use of portable or mobile radio, squelch, volume and proper channel selection

           c. Plain talk or 10 codes

Criteria:  The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

2.12.1. Demonstration of verbal and written communiqués and/or messaging:

   Radio and telephone equipment


   Serious Incident Reports (SIRS).

   Plain talk and/or 10 codes.

Lesson Plan Guide:

1. Demonstrate types of verbal and written communiqués and/or messaging.

2. Demonstrate use of telephone, portable and/or mobile radio use and controls.

3. Identify STARs equipment use and procedures.

4. Identify SIRS procedures.


Performance Outcome 3.1.

Identify restraints and restraining procedures.

Training Objective Related to 3.1.

1. Given a practical exercise, identify restraints (mechanical, medical, and electronic, etc)

2. Given a written exercise, define positional asphyxia          

3. Given a practical exercise, identify safe and effective restraining procedures

4. Given a practical exercise, identify take down techniques and procedures

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

3.1.1. Identify safe and effective restraining procedures

3.1.2. Identify control and/or take down technique(s) in standing, kneeling, and prone positions

3.1.3. Identify restraining devices

3.1.4. Identify and demonstrate the use of leg irons or other devices that restrain legs or  the torso

3.1.5. Define positional asphyxia                   

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify and demonstrate safe and effective handcuffing of cooperative single and multiple inmates.

2. Identify and demonstrate safe and effective handcuffing in the following positions:

            a. Standing

            b. Kneeling

            c. Prone

3. Identify and demonstrate a safe and effective handcuffing/restraining of an inmate after having performed a learned control and/or take down technique(s) in standing, kneeling and prone positions.

4. Identify and demonstrate application of leg irons or other devices that restrain legs or torso avoiding increased levels of force and methods that presents unnecessary injury potential to the noncustodial employee and inmate.

5. Definition of positional asphyxia:

a. Primary medical dangers associated with the sudden restraint of a violent inmate

b. Primary medical dangers associated with positional asphyxia

Performance Outcome 3.3.

Identify homemade and/or improvised weapons.

Training Objective Related to 3.3.

1. Given a written exercise, identify methods and material readily available to create homemade and/or improvised weapons.

2. Given a written exercise, identify procedures for removing, preserving, protecting, and properly documenting homemade materials and weapons.

3. Given a written exercise, identify safety techniques to safe guard staff, visitors and inmates

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

3.3.1. Identify methods and materials to create homemade and or improvised weapons

            3.3.2. Identify and demonstrate procedures for removing, preserving, protecting and properly documenting homemade materials and weapons.

            3.3.3. Identify safety techniques to safe guard staff, visitors, and inmates.

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify methods and material to create homemade weapons. 

2. Identify procedures for removing, preserving, protecting, and properly documenting homemade materials and weapons.

3. Identify safety techniques to safe guard staff, visitors, and inmates.

Performance Outcome 3.9.

Move inmates within the facility.

Training Objective Related to 3.9.

1. Given a practical exercise, identify movement procedures within the facility.       

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

3.9.1. Identify movement procedures within facility

            3.9.2. Identify security and safety procedures

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify inmate movement procedures within facility.

2. Identify security and safety procedures.

Performance Outcome 3.10.

Disperse fights between two or more inmates/visitors/persons.

Training Objective Related to 3.10.

1. Given a practical exercise, identify approved techniques for breaking up fights between two or more inmates.    

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

3.10.1. Evaluation of the situation

3.10.2. Verbal intervention

3.10.3. Use of appropriate level of force

3.10.4. Use and identification of safety procedures

3.10.5. Identification of medical follow-up procedures

3.10.6. Identification of reporting and documentation procedures                 

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify how to evaluate the situation.

2. Identify intervention steps:

            a. Intervene verbally using communications skills and voice commands

            b. Establish contact with the hostile inmates/visitors/persons

            c. Ascertain the reason(s) for his/her/their hostility

            d. Use of calming techniques to reduce emotions and restore order

            e. Communicate the noncustodial employee’s position and responsibilities in the situation

            f. State any applicable laws and rules and consequences of continued acts

            g. Reporting/documentation.

3. Identify appropriate level of force when verbal intervention fails.

4. Identify safety procedures:

            a. Monitor activities:

                       1. Individual

                       2. Group

            b. Observe and assess the inmate's/visitor's/person's propensity toward violence.

            c. Determine presence of weapon(s)

            d. Intervention

5. Identify medical follow-up procedures.

6. Identify documentation and reporting procedures.

Performance Outcome 3.11.

Defense against a physically attacking inmate(s).

Training Objective Related to 3.11.

1. Given a practical exercise, identify and demonstrate techniques for defending oneself against a physically attacking inmate(s).

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

3.11.1. Identify items that may be potential weapons used by inmate(s)

3.11.2. Demonstrate countermeasures designed to deflect aggressor

3.11.3. Identify defensive techniques

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify items that may be potential weapons used by inmate(s)

2. Demonstration of defensive strategy designed to protect the noncustodial employee’s vulnerable targets.

3. Demonstration of countermeasures designed to deflect aggressor for de-escalation

4. Identify physical techniques to stop aggressor.

Performance Outcome 3.13.

Identify and demonstrate body pressure points and techniques.

Training Objective Related to 3.13.

1. Given a written, audio-visual, or practical exercise, identify:

 a. Body pressure points

 b. Pressure point techniques 

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

3.13.1. Identify body pressure points

3.13.2. Demonstrate pressure point techniques

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify and demonstrate body pressure points.

2. Demonstrate pressure point techniques.                                   

Performance Outcome 3.15.

Identify chemical agents and other crowd control equipment.

Training Objective Related to 3.15.

1. Given a written exam or during a simulation exercise, identify the techniques for using chemical agents and other crowd control/management equipment.

2. Given a practical exercise, identify first aid or aftercare procedures.

3. Given a practical exercise, identify decontamination procedures.

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

3.15.1. Identify chemical agents, aerosol sprays and pyrotechnics and deployment methods

3.15.2. Identify first aid or aftercare

3.15.3. Identify decontamination techniques and procedures

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify types of chemical agents, aerosol sprays and pyrotechnics and methods of deployment.

2. Identify proper application of chemical agents and aerosol sprays.

3. Identify side effects on staff, visitors, and inmates sprayed with chemical or aerosol spray:

a. Short-term

b. Long-term

4. Identify the correct first aid or aftercare to use when contaminated with chemical agents or aerosol sprays according to type and density of the contamination.

5. Identify methods of structural decontamination of chemical or aerosol agents.

6. Identify methods of restraint and transportation of inmates sprayed with a chemical or aerosol agent; be aware of positional asphyxia for an inmate who has ingested a chemical or aerosol agent.

Performance Outcome 3.16.

Confront non-violent inmate groups, hostile groups, and/or disorderly assemblies.

Training Objective Related to 3.16.

1. Given practical exercises, demonstrate techniques to control/physically restrain and/or confront non-violent inmate groups, hostile groups, and/or disorderly assemblies. 

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

3.16.1. Identify three factors for controlling non-violent inmates, i.e., peaceable assemblies

3.16.2. Identify three factors to consider when dealing with hostile inmates

3.16.3. Identify safety and security procedures          

3.16.4. Identify communication skills and voice commands

3.16.5. Identify and demonstrate command presence

3.16.6. Identify controls and movement         

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify three factors for controlling non-violent inmates, i.e., peaceable assemblies:

            a. Officer safety considerations

            b. Command presence

            c. Communication skills

            d. Boundaries within which crowd must remain or move along

            e. Patterns of movement for crowd for safety and control

            f. Emergency access and/or exit.

2. Identify three factors to consider when dealing with hostile groups:

a. Techniques of detecting violations of facility rules and procedures (sources of disturbance in a crowd by noise and movements)

            b. High risk areas

            c. Conditions that will indicate rule violations

            d. Appropriate steps to enforce procedures:

                        1. Safety considerations:

                                    a. Monitor group activity

                                    b. Wait for appropriate back-up

                                    c. Determine the nature of their weapons and contraband

                                   d. Known or suspected leaders

                       2. Command presence:

                                  a. Safely approach

                                  b. Appropriate formations for potential crowd disturbance and/or riot

                                  c. Emergency escapes routes

                                  d. Coordinate cover and contact responsibilities

                       3. Communication skills and voice commands:

                                a. Establish contact with hostile group

                                b. Identify the group leaders

                                c. Ascertain the reason(s) for their hostility

        d. Evaluate the group’s proposed solutions to determine their specific “needs”

        e. Communicate the noncustodial employee’s position and responsibilities in the situation

         f. Relate any applicable laws, rules, regulations, policy and procedures, and consequences of continued acts

        g. Explain the group’s option to comply with the law and/or rules and pursue legal and/or administrative solutions

        h. Reassure commitment to resolve the group’s problems and/or issues and restore peace and/order

                       4. Techniques of group control:

                               a. Small hostile groups

                               b. Larger hostile groups and rioters

                               c. Shield, barricade, impact weapon, and other items to block groups when appropriate

                       5. Move group to break it up using authorized and appropriate use of force:

                       6. Disciplinary procedures

                       7. Transportation

                       8. Reporting and documentation                       

Performance Outcome 3.17.

Identify necessary and appropriate use of force.

Training Objective Related to 3.17.

1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify the factors that affect the use of force.

2. Given a written or practical exercise, identify the factors that affect the officers’ decision to use deadly force. 

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

3.17.1. Factors affecting the use of force:

   Subject actions





   Officer perception of the need for force

   Situation and environmental circumstances

3.17.2. Factors affecting the use of deadly force:

   Likelihood of serious bodily harm or death

   Perceived or announced intent of subject




   Legal criteria

3.17.3. General considerations for use of force:

   Key elements for appropriate response for situations or environmental circumstances where a violent orresistant reaction is foreseen (e.g., multiple officers/backup)

   Elements of command presence (e.g., stance, posture, eye contact)

   Avoiding unintentional and or unnecessarily antagonistic and provoking verbal and nonverbal factors by the officer.

   Primary aspects of proper verbalization (e.g., invoke authority, instructions on behavior compliance, clarity)

   Appropriate escalation and or de-escalation in use of force

   Application of handcuffs and additional restraints

3.17.4. Identify other alternatives that the officer may consider using before using deadly force.

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Factors affecting the use of force:

            a. Subject actions

            b. Intent

            c. Ability

            d. Means

            e. Opportunity

            f. Officer perception of the need for force

            g. Situation and environmental circumstances

            h. Officer safety considerations

2. Factors affecting the use of deadly force:

            a. Likelihood of serious bodily harm or death:  

                      1. Perceived or announced intent of subject  

                      2. Ability 

                      3. Means  

                     4. Opportunity

             b. Legal criteria

3. General considerations for use of force:

            a. Key elements for appropriate response for situations or environmental circumstances where a violent or resistant reaction is foreseen (e.g., multiple           officers/backup)

            b. Elements of command presence (e.g., stance, posture, eye contact)

c. Avoiding unintentional and/or unnecessarily antagonistic and provoking verbal and nonverbal factors by the deputy/jail officer (e.g., invoke authority, instructions on behavior compliance, clarity)

            e. Appropriate escalation/de-escalation on a use of force continuum:    

                   1. Define use of force.     

                   2. Identify the decision making process in using force.

            f. Application

4. Identify other alternatives that the officer may consider using before using deadly force.

Instructor Notes: The use of force options is for the preservation of life or to prevent serious bodily injury.  Safety equipment must be utilized appropriately during demonstrations.

Performance Outcome 3.18.

Identify sudden stress and its effects.

Training Objective Related to 3.18.

1. Given a written exercise, identify the psychological and physiological effects of sudden stress when threatened with danger.

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

3.18.1. Identify psychological and physiological effects of stress when threatened with danger

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify psychological and physiological effects of sudden stress when threatened with danger.   

Emergency Response

Performance Outcome 4.1.

Identify emergencies.

Training Objective Related to 4.1.

1. Given a written exercise, identify:

a. Nature and human made emergencies

b. Security and safety measure

c. Isolation

d. Containment

e. Prevention

f. Structural damage and/or failure

g. Work stoppage and/or shortage

h. Incident management

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

4.1.1. Identify indicators and levels of severity for nature and human made emergencies.

4.1.2. Identify response and management procedures.

4.1.3. Identify containment procedures.

4.1.4. Identify group movement.

4.1.5. Identify safety procedures.

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify nature and/or human made emergencies:

a. Indicators      

b. Levels of severity

2. Identify hazmat incident(s), bomb(s) and/or improvised explosive device(s) or bomb threat(s).

3. Identify safety procedures and measures to protect inmates, staff and visitors.

4. Identify procedures for controlling fire(s).

5. Identify procedures to be employed during power failure; loss of heat; loss of water; structural failure, etc.

Performance Outcome 4.2.

Identify hostage situations.

Training Objective Related to 4.2.

1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify:

a. Hostage situation(s)

b. Principles of survival

c. Security and safety procedures and techniques

d. Response procedures       

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

4.2.1. Identify psychological parameters of the hostage situation(s)

4.2.2. Identify survival principles

4.2.3. Identify security and safety procedures and techniques

4.2.4. Identify response procedures

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify psychological parameters of hostage situation(s).

2. Identify procedures in hostage situation(s).

3. Identify principles of survival for a hostage(s), inmates, and/or staff.

4. Identify actions by hostage(s), inmates, and/or staff which contribute to their safety and survival.

Performance Outcome 4.3.

Participate in emergency drills and exercises.

Training Objective Related to 4.3.

1. Given a practical exercise, participate in emergency drills and exercises.  

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

4.3.1. Identify emergency drills and exercises

4.3.2. Demonstrate duties and responsibilities during emergency drills and exercises

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1.  Identify how to participate in and conduct emergency drills and exercise. 

2.  Demonstrate duties and responsibilities during drills and exercises.        

Performance Outcome 4.4.

Identify and demonstrate first aid and CPR skills.

Training Objective Related to 4.4.

1. Given a written test and practical exercises, successfully:

a. Complete a first aid course

b. Complete CPR course      

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

4.4.1. Identify and demonstrate first aid techniques

4.4.2. Identify and demonstrate CPR techniques

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify and demonstrate first aid techniques.

2. Identify and demonstrate CPR techniques.

Performance Outcome 4.5.

Complete incident management training.

Training Objective Related to 4.5.

1. Given a written or practical exercise, complete:

a. FEMA IS-700 National Incident Management System (NIMS) Introductory training

b. ICS 100 Introductory training

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

4.5.1. Identify and complete an approved IS 700 NIMS Introductory training course

4.5.2. Identify and complete an approved ICS 100 Introductory training course

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify and complete an approved terrorism awareness training course.

2. Identify and complete IS- 700 NIMS Introductory training course.

3. Identify and complete ICS 100 Introductory training course.

Performance Outcome 4.6.

Identify applicable laws, definitions and background information related to terrorism.

Training Objectives Related to 4.6.

1. Given a written exercise, define terrorism according to Title 16 U.S.C and applicable laws in the Code of Virginia.

2. Given a written or practical exercise, identify the differences between extremist beliefs, terrorist activity, and acts/speech protected by the First Amendment.

3. Given a written or practical exercise identify the distinctions between and individual acting alone, domestic and international terrorist organizations and their supporters:

a. Background information:

1. International

2. Domestic (Intra-national)

b. Strategies/current trends:                                 

1. Propaganda

2. Internet resources

3. Complex coordinated attacks intended to overwhelm the local jurisdiction and initiate a regional /statewide response:

a. Three or more attackers

b. Simultaneous attack of two or more sites

           c.  Other as identified

           d. Primary objectives

           e. Potential targets

Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:

4.6.1. Define terrorism according to Title 16 U.S.C and applicable laws in the Code of Virginia.

4.6.2. Identify the difference between extremist beliefs, terrorist activity, and acts/speech protected by the First Amendment.

4.6.3. Identify the distinctions between and individual acting alone, domestic and international terrorist organizations and their supporters: Extreme political groups (Sovereign Citizens) Race-based hate groups (White Supremacist, Black Separatists) Religious-based hate groups (Christian Identity, Westboro Baptist Church) Special interest groups (anti-abortion, animal rights) Foreign Terrorist Organizations (al Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram) Identify the primary objectives of terrorists: Recognition


               Intimidation Provocation Insurgency Support Potential targets

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Define terrorism according to Title 16 U.S.C and applicable laws in the Code of Virginia.

2. Identify the difference between extremist beliefs and terrorist activity acts/speech protected by the First Amendment: (i.e. subject has radical beliefs which are not a violation of law until they act upon them)

a.  Identify the radicalization process and the behavioral factors influencing the process.

b. Terrorist recruitment cycle and socialization activities.

3. Identify the distinctions between and individual acting alone, domestic and international terrorist organizations and their supporters:

a. Extreme political groups (Sovereign Citizens)

b. Race-based hate groups (White Supremacist, Black Separatists), Religious-based hate groups (Christian Identity, Westboro Baptist Church)

c. Special interest groups (anti-abortion, animal rights)

d. Foreign Terrorist Organizations (al Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram)

4. Identify types of organizations and individuals engaging in acts of terrorism:

a. Background information:

         1.  International

         2.  Domestic (Intra-national)

b.  Strategies/current trends:                           

      1. Propaganda

      2. Internet resources

                 3. Complex coordinated attacks intended to overwhelm the local jurisdiction and initiate a regional /statewide response:

 a. Three or more attackers

 b. Simultaneous attack of two or more sites

 c.  Primary objectives

 d. Potential targets

Performance Outcome 4.7.

Identify common precursors associated with the production of hazardous devices accessible through legal and illegal means.

Training Objective Related to 4.7.

1. Given a  written or practical exercise, identify common precursors associated with the production of hazardous devices and related equipment using legal and illegal resources:

a. Chemical agents

b. Bbiological agents

c. Radiological devices

d. Explosive devices

e.  Weapons of mass destruction

2. Given a written or practical exercise, identify the responsibilities of the first officer on the scene of an act of terrorism.

Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:

4.7.1. Identify common precursors associated with the production of hazardous devices and related equipment using legal and illegal resources: Chemical agents biological agents radiological devices explosive devices weapons of mass destruction

4.7.2. Recognize and evaluate the situation.

4.7.3. Avoid and isolate the area.

4.7.4. Notify appropriate agencies and request assistance.

4.7.5. If and when determined, proceed to evacuate/shelter in place.

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify common precursors associated with the production of hazardous devices and related equipment using legal and illegal resources:

a. Chemical agents

b. Biological agents

c. Radiological devices

d. Explosive devices

e.  Weapons of mass destruction

2. Recognize and evaluate the situation.

3. Avoid and isolate the area.

4. Notify appropriate agencies and request assistance.

5. If and when determined, proceed to evacuate/shelter in place.

Performance Outcome 4.8.

Identify the impact of social media on today’s terrorism activities.

Training Objective Related to 4.8.

1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify the impact various forms of social media have on today’s terrorist activity.

Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:

4.8.1 Identify the impact of social media on terrorist activities. Monitor social media during the event, as applicable. Utilizing social media for distribution of information.

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify the impact of social media on terrorist activities.

a. Monitor social media during the event, as applicable.

b. Utilizing social media for distribution of information.

Performance Outcome 4.9.

Identify behavior(s) and indicators of suspicious non-criminal and criminal activity that may alert law enforcement to acts of terrorism and identify resources capable of providing assistance.

Training Objectives Related to 4.9.

1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify behavior(s) and indicators of suspicious non-criminal and criminal terrorist activity.

2. Given a written or practical exercise identify federal, state, and local resources.

Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following: 

4.9.1. Identify behaviors and indicators of suspicious non-criminal and criminal activities.

4.9.2. Identify federal, state, and local resources.


               Joint Terrorism Task Force Terrorist Screening Center (TSC) National Joint Terrorism Task Force

   State Police – Fusion Center 

   Local resources

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify behavior(s) and indicators

a. Suspicious non-criminAL

b. Criminal

2. Identify federal, state, and local resources.

a. Federal:

1.  Joint Terrorism Task Force

2. Terrorist Screening Center (TSC)

3. National Joint Terrorism Task Force

b. State Police – Fusion Center  

1. Local resources 

Conflict and Crisis Management

Performance Outcome 5.4.

Identify conflict management and crisis intervention procedures.

Training Objective Related to 5.4.

1. Given a written exercise, identify the importance of conflict management and crisis intervention.

2. Given a written exercise, identify the factors that contribute to a conflict and/or crisis.

3. Given audio/visual practical scenario, describe actions that could reduce tension and reduce the probability of conflict/crisis situations.

4. Given a practical exercise, identify conflict management and crisis intervention skills in role-play exercises.

5. Given a written exercise, identify available resources within the institution for inmate assistance.

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

5.4.1. Identify conflict management and crisis intervention.

5.4.2. Identify use of physical force requirements and/or procedures.

5.4.3. Demonstrate techniques to reduce tensions.      

5.4.4. Identify prevention and intervention procedures.

5.4.5. Identify safety precautions.

5.4.6. Identify referral services and assistance.

5.4.7. Identify reporting and documentation.   

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify and explain the importance of conflict management and crisis intervention.

2. Identify and describe the factors that contribute to a conflict and/or crisis.

3. Identify verbal and non-verbal interactions between the noncustodial employee and inmate(s); and description of actions that would reduce tension and the probability of conflict/crisis situations.

4. Identify an inmate’s verbal and non-verbal communication and how it may prevent or reduce the number and intensity of conflict/crisis situations.

5. Identify conflict management and crisis intervention skills in role-play exercises.

6. Identify available resources and referral services within the institution for inmate assistance and state the limitations of each.

7. Identify the requirements for use of physical force according to procedures.

Performance Outcome 5.5.

Recognize inmate abnormal and/or unusual behavior.

Training Objective Related to 5.5.

1. Given a written exercise, identify information which is of critical interest to other officers’ areas of responsibility and factors that determine the degree of urgency.

2. Given a written exercise, identify how stress affects the emotional intensity of the situation.

3. Given a written exercise, identify non-verbal indicators of a stressful or emotionally intense situation.

4. Given a written exercise, identify a synopsis of events that may occur during a shift and how to effectively communicate key information.

5. Given a written exercise, identify safety procedures.         

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

5.5.1. Identify abnormal and/or unusual behavior procedures.

5.5.2. Identify the factors affecting abnormal and/or unusual behavior.

5.5.3. Identify the degree of urgency.

5.5.4. Identify effective communication skills and demonstrate the ability to relay key information to other staff/supervisor.

5.5.5. Identify safety procedures.                    

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify information that is of critical interest to other officers’ areas of responsibility.

2. Identify how stress affects the emotional intensity of the situation.

3. Identify non-verbal indicators of a stressful or emotionally intense situation.

4. Identify key events that may occur during a shift and how to effectively communicate information.

5. Identify safety procedures.

6. Identify the degree of urgency.

Performance Outcome 5.6.

Use discipline in a consistent, positive and effective manner.

Training Objective Related to 5.6.

1. Given written and practical exercises, list the elements of positive discipline and progressive discipline.

2. Given a practical exercise, role-play situations, incidents or conflicts, determine facts, attempt resolution, and identify appropriate charges, if any.   

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

5.6.1. Identify discipline skills: Consistent Positive Effective manner

5.6.2. Identify resolution skills.

5.6.3. Identify discipline procedures. 

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify the elements of positive discipline and progressive discipline.

2. Identify the skills necessary to use discipline in a consistent, positive, and effective manner by enforcing rules and procedures.

Law and Legal Issues

Performance Outcome 6.1.

Identify causes and prevention of negligence and thereby reduce the incidents of violations resulting in criminal or civil liability in the course of performing one’s duties.

Training Objective Related to 6.1.

1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify the requirements of Title 42, United State Code § 1983, Title 18 United States Code §§ 241 and 242 and tort law related to personal agency liability.

2. Given a written exercise, identify how the above mentioned laws apply to corrections officers and noncustodial employees in order to perform required duties and minimize liability.

3. Given a written exercise, identify negligence related to tort and § 1983 lawsuit.

4. Given a written exercise, identify the difference between Title 18 U. S. Code § 241 and Title 18 U.S. Code § 242.

5. Given a written exercise, identify how the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act (CRIPA) applies to corrections officers and noncustodial employees.

6. Given a written exercise, identify confidentiality laws (HIPAA, FOIA, etc).

7. Given a written exercise, identify the Bill of Rights and Amendments: First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Eight.

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

6.1.1. Identify elements that must be present for a person to file a § 1983 lawsuit.

6.1.2. Identify common legal defenses against a § 1983 lawsuit.

6.1.3. Identify levels of negligence related to tort and § 1983 lawsuit.

6.1.4. Identify the difference between Title 18 U. S. Code § 241 and Title 18 U.S. Code § 242.

6.1.5. Identify how the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act (CRIPA) applies .

6.1.6. Identify confidentiality laws (HIPPA, FOIA, etc).

6.1.7. Identify the Bill of Rights and Amendments: First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Eight.

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify requirements of Title 42, United State Code § 1983, Title 18 United States Code §§ 241 and 242 and tort law related to personal agency liability civil and criminal liability.

2. Identify how the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act (CRIPA) applies to a correctional trainee.

3. Identify levels of negligence related to tort and § 1983 lawsuit.

4. Identify the difference between Title 18 U. S. Code § 241 and Title 18 U.S. Code § 242.

5. Identify how the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act (CRIPA) applies.

6. Identify confidentiality laws (HIPA, FOIA, etc).

7. Identify the Bill of Rights and Amendments: First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Eight.

Performance Outcome 6.2.

Identify due process and legal protections afforded an inmate when he violates institutional rules and procedures.

Training Objectives Related to 6.2.

1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify due process and legal protections.

2. Given a written exercise, identify case law Landman vs. Royster 1971 (354 F.Supp.621).

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

6.2.1. Identify due process.

6.2.2. Identify legal protections.

6.2.3. Identify case law Landman vs. Royster 1971.                

Lesson Plan Guide:  The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify due process:

            a. Examples

            b. Non-examples

2. Identify legal protections:

            a. Physical force

            b. Consequences

            c. Constitution

            d. Statutes:

                       1. Federal

                        2. State

            e. Negligence:

                        1. Types

2. Occurrence

            f. Confidentiality

            g. Inmate and staff rights

            h. Liability violation

            i. Discrimination

            j. Non-discrimination

            k. Sanctions:

1. Moderate

2. Major

            l. Behaviors:

                        1. Moderate offense

                        2. Major offense

m. Detain:

                       1. Authority

                       2. Due process to detain

                       3. Probable cause

                       4. Good faith

3. Identify case law Landman vs. Royster 1971.

Performance Outcome 6.3.

Secure and safeguard a crime scene and preserve and protect forensic evidence.

Training Objectives Relating to 6.3.

1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify the procedures and techniques to secure and safeguard a crime scene and to preserve and protect forensic evidence.

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

6.3.1. Identify procedures for preserving a crime scene and protecting forensic evidence.

6.3.2. Identify chain of evidence and why it must be maintained.

6.3.3. Identify items associated with an alleged crime and those items that constitute evidence.

6.3.4. Identify procedures for marking, preserving, and transferring evidence.

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify techniques and procedures of preserving a crime scene and protecting forensic evidence.

2. Identify chain of evidence and why it must be maintained.

3. Identify items associated with an alleged crime and those items that constitute evidence.

4. Identify procedures for marking and preserving evidence.

5. Identify procedures for transferring evidence to:

a. Proper authorities

b. Evidence custodian

Performance Outcome 6.4.

Understand the justification, authority, and limitations of the law as constituted by federal and state code and reporting of criminal activity in accordance with policy and procedures.

Training Objectives Relating to 6.4.

1. Given a written exercise, compare and contrast state and federal rights of inmates, staff, and citizens.

2. Given a written exercise, identify the primary function, jurisdiction and areas of potential mutual criminal justice agencies assistance.

3. Given a written exercise, identify reporting requirements for criminal activity.

Criteria: The officer shall be tested on the following:

6.4.1. Compare and contrast federal and state rights of inmates, staff, and citizens.

6.4.2. Identify the primary function, jurisdiction and areas of potential mutual criminal justice agencies assistance.

6.4.3. Identify how to report criminal activity in accordance with policy and procedures.

6.4.4. Reporting procedures.    

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan guide shall include the following:

1. Identification, comparison and contrasting state and federal rights of inmates, staff and citizens.

2. Identify the primary function, jurisdiction and areas of potential mutual criminal justice agencies assistance of the following:

            a. Federal

            b. State

            c. Local

3. Identify the reporting criminal activity procedures.

Performance Outcome 6.5.

Demonstrate effective court testimony.

Training Objectives Relating to 6.5.

1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify:

a. Communication elements of presenting effective and accurate testimony

b. Role play testimony and the ability to listen

c. Importance of professional appearance and demeanor

Criteria:  The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

6.5.1. Identify effective and accurate testimony

6.5.2. Identify professional appearance and demeanor

6.5.3. Identify court preparation

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan guide shall include the following:

1. Identify communication elements required when presenting effective and accurate testimony.

2. Identify the importance of being able to listen well while exerting emotional control when responding accurately and concisely to questions

3. Identify professional appearance and demeanor needed when presenting/giving testimonial evidence.

Duty Assignments and Responsibilities

Performance Outcome 7.5.

Identify different levels of understanding and language barriers.

Training Objectives Relating to 7.5.

1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify communication skills with awareness of the different levels of understanding, language barriers, and conveyance.

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

7.5.1. Identify procedures and techniques to communicate with inmates with different levels of understanding and language barriers.

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify verbal communication skills with an awareness of the different levels of understanding and language barriers.

Performance Outcome 7.7.

Identify emergency care procedures.

Training Objectives Relating to 7.7.

1. Given a written exercise, identify first responder procedures for providing emergency care.

2. Given a written exercise, identify procedures transporting inmate.

3. Given a written exercise, identify reporting and documentation procedures.

4. Given a written exercise, identify personal protective equipment and measures.

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

7.7.1. Identify emergency care procedures.

7.7.2. Identify escorting and transporting procedures.

7.7.3. Identify and demonstrate personal protective equipment and measures.

7.7.4. Identify reporting and documentation procedures.

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify first responder procedures for providing emergency care.

2. Identify procedures for transporting and escorting inmate.

3. Identify procedures for personal protective equipment use and biohazard counter measures.

4. Demonstrate reporting and documentation procedures.


Performance Outcome 8.1.

Maintain a professional appearance with respect to clothing, hygiene, grooming, and equipment

Training Objectives Related to 8.1.

1. Given a practical exercise, the noncustodial employee will be inspected daily to meet academy standards for clothing, hygiene, grooming, and equipment.

Criteria: The noncustodial employee will be tested on the following:

8.1.1. Identify professional appearance, clothing, hygiene, and grooming.

8.1.2. Identify professional appearance for a noncustodial employee’s personal equipment.

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify the importance of maintaining a professional appearance:

a. Clothing:

1. Authorized

2. Unauthorized

b. Hygiene

c. Grooming

d. Public perception

2. Identify requirements for the care and maintenance of authorized issued equipment.

Performance Outcome 8.2.

Behave in a fair and positive manner to develop and maintain a trust while interacting with the staff, inmates, community, and visitors.

Training Objectives Related to 8.2.

1. Given a written exercise, identify the impact that common courtesy may have regarding the relationship between a noncustodial employee and the community.

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

8.2.1. Identify reasons to foster a positive relationship between the prison environment and the public.

8.2.2. Identify principles that define a profession.

8.2.3. Identify historical evolution of penal system in the United States.

8.2.4. Identify three elements of the criminal justice system.

8.2.5. Identify the place of correctional facilities and criminal justice in the structure of government.

8.2.6. Identify general principles of ethics:

               Code of ethics: dedication

               Code of ethics: behavior

               Code of ethics: career development

8.2.7. Identify methods of handling violation of professional, ethical, or legal standards of conduct on the part of fellow noncustodial employees, officers, or staff.

            8.2.8. Identify positive and negative aspects of discretionary enforcement policies and procedures.

8.2.9. Identify positive and negative influences of a criminal justice career on a noncustodial employee's/officer’s personal life.

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify principles that define a profession.

2. Identify the historical evolution of the penal system in the United States.

3. Identify the three elements of the criminal justice system:

 a. Law Enforcement

 b. Courts

 c. Corrections

4. Identify the place of the penal system and criminal justice in the structure of government.

5. Identify and define the role of ethics and/or integrity:

a. Two general principles of ethics and/or integrity that may assist a noncustodial employee in making ethical judgments

b. Code of conduct and its impact on the following:

1. Behavior on duty:

a. Reverence and obedience for the rules and regulations of the agency

b. Crime prevention

c. Respect for the staff, inmate, community and visitors

d. Impartial enforcement of agency rules and regulations

e. Use minimum force necessary to effect resolution to an incident

f. Report only the truth

g. Testify truthfully

h. Never use inmates, staff, or position for personal gain

i. Strive to perform at maximum efficiency

j. Never misuse correctional resources or confidential information

k. Encourage and reinforce positive behavior

2. Behavior off duty:

a. Practice good citizenship (e.g., youth volunteer work, assist neighbors, be active in schools, etc)  

b. Maintain self-control and discipline avoiding disputes, excessive use of alcohol, illegal gambling, predicial conduct people of  different  ethnic, religious, and sexual preferences etc.

3. Dedication:

a. Self (taking care of you will help you care for others)

b. Family

c. Agency

d. Community

e. State

f. Country

4. Career development:


b. Resources for individual efforts (e.g. reading, seeking out additional correctional officer training.

c. Using educational resources such as college courses.

6. Identify three positive and negative influences on a noncustodial employee’s personal life:

a. Positive influences include, but are not limited to:

1. Being a role model to family and community.

2. Honor and respect family, community, and its citizens.

3. Obey laws, rules and regulations.

4. Safeguarding the principles of our nation and state.

b. Negative influences include, but are not limited to:

                        1. Mental and physical stress.

            2. Divorce or strains on family interactions.

            3.  Alcoholism and/or drug abuse.

4. Mental health problems ranging from chronic stress to depression with the possibility of suicide.

5. Illegal gambling.

c. Bias:

1. Define bias.

2. Define discrimination.

3. Consequences of bias based supervision.

Firearms Training

Performance Outcome 9.1

Inspect and clean handgun.

Training Objective Related to 9.1

1. Given written exercises, identify nomenclature of weapon (handgun).

2. Given a practical exercise, demonstrate prescribed procedure for cleaning weapon (handgun).    

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

9.1.1. Identify the correct terms to identify weapons and parts of weapon (handgun).

9.1.2. Demonstrate prescribed procedure to prepare weapon for cleaning: Remove magazine or empty cylinder. Remove round from chamber. Double check weapon to make sure it is empty.

9.1.3. Identify weapon cleaning equipment (handgun).

9.1.4. Demonstrate the use of weapon cleaning equipment (handgun):    Field strip weapon Clean components Inspect for damage and imperfections Lubricate Reassemble Safely test for proper function

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify the correct terms to identify weapon and nomenclature of weapon (handgun).

2. Demonstrate the prescribed procedures to prepare weapon for cleaning (handgun):

a. Remove magazine or empty cylinder

b. Remove round from cylinder

c. Double check weapon to make sure it is empty

d. Safety precautions                    

3. Identify weapon cleaning equipment (handgun):

a. Field strip weapon

b. Cleaning components

c. Inspect for damage and imperfections

d. Lubricate

e. Disassemble

f. Reassemble                   

Performance Outcome 9.2.

Using proper hand grip and prescribed drawing techniques using the noncustodial employee’s approved handgun and holster.

Training Objectives Related to 9.2.

1. Given a practical exercises, use a good and consistent combat grip with a safe and efficient draw from the holster following prescribed drawing techniques using the noncustodial employee’s approved handgun and holster.

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

9.2.1. Draw and fire.

9.2.2. Draw to a ready position.

9.2.3. Draw to a “cover mode” simulating the covering of an offender/suspect together with the issuance of the verbal order.

9.2.4. Use standing position.

9.2.5. Use of covering and concealment while maintaining visual contact with the threat.

9.2.6. Demonstrate reloading while concentrated on the threat and not the weapon.

9.2.7. Demonstrate clearing handgun.

9.2.8. Reholster/secure weapon.

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Draw and fire.

2. Draw to a ready position.

3. Draw to a “cover mode” simulating the covering of an offender and/or suspect together with the issuance of the verbal order.

4. Using standing position. 

5. Use of covering and concealment while maintaining visual contact with the threat.

6. Reloading techniques while concentrated on the threat and not the weapon.

7. Clear handgun stoppages.

a. Definitions:

1. Gripping: using sufficient strength to hold a weapon on a plane so that the projectile will travel on a line to the target.

2. Lifting: having adequate strength to lift the weapon to eye level while maintaining safe control.  

3. Range of vision: should be such that a person can focus on one object (sights) and still see an image of the target.

4. Strength: overall strength should be a minimum of being able to perform normal task without fatiguing quickly.  

5. Breathing: holding breath for a minimal time in order to complete the task of firing the weapon.

6. Cover mode: finger outside the trigger guard until you are on target and have decided to fire.

8. Identify reholster/secure weapon procedures.

Performance Outcome 9.3.

Identify basic knowledge and use of handgun.

Training Objectives 9.3.

1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify:

a. Historical evolution and use

b. Cycle of operation

c.  hooting fundamentals

d. Maximum effective range

e. Proficiency

f. Marksmanship

g. Lethality

h. Statutes § 53.1-29 Code of Virginia

 Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

9.3.1. Identify historical evolution and use of handgun.  

9.3.2. Identify cycle of operation

9.3.3. Demonstrate shooting positions using handgun, rifle, shotgun, crowd control gun, and impact weapon 

9.3.4. Identify maximum effective range

9.3.5. Demonstrate tower and ground techniques

9.3.6. Demonstrate handling and safety measures: Authorized weapon(s) Authorized ammunition Authorized impact ammunition Loading Unloading Cleaning and maintenance

9.3.7. Demonstrate shooting fundamentals:

9.3.8. Demonstrate securing weapons before, during and/or after training and/or emergency incidents.

Lesson Plan Guide:  The lesson plan shall include the following:

1.  Identify the basic knowledge and use of hand gun.

2.  Identify cycle of operation.

3.  Identify and demonstrate shooting positions using handgun.

4. Demonstrate tower and ground techniques.

5. Demonstrate handling and safety measures:

a. Authorized weapon(s) and accessories

b. Authorized ammunition

c. Authorized impact ammunition:

1. Loading

2. Unloading

3. Cleaning and maintenance

4. Accountability

5. Storage

6. Range safety

6. Demonstrate shooting fundamentals.

7. Identify use of force and/or firearms procedures.

Performance Outcome 9.4.

Demonstrate clearing stoppages and safety procedures (handgun).

Training Objectives Related to 9.4.

1. Given practical exercises, demonstrate:

a. Clearing stoppages procedures

b. Safety procedures for weapons on and off the range and while on duty

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

9.4.1. Demonstrate clearing stoppages.

9.4.2. Identify safety and injury prevention procedures.         

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following for handgun:

1. Identify clearing stoppages procedures.

2. Identify drills and techniques for when the trigger is pulled and the weapon does not fire.

3. Identify safe handling procedures while on the range.

4. Identify the safety procedures of weapons while on duty.

Performance Outcome 9.5.

Fire a handgun using issued equipment, authorized ammunition and accessories.

Training Objectives Related to 9.5.

1. Fire issued/approved handgun, loading device and accessories during daytime and reduced light range exercises using approved/issued holster with 70% accuracy on two of the approved courses of fire.

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

9.5.1. Demonstrate dry firing and basic shooting principles.

9.5.2. Fire a minimum of 200 rounds with issued ammunition in daylight conditions using issued/ approved handgun and ammunition prior to qualification.

9.5.3. Qualify on one of the below selected courses with approved targets under daylight conditions using issued ammunition, weapon, duty belt and holster: DOC Double Action Course I for Semi-automatic Pistols, 60 rounds, 25, 15, 7         yards shooting.  (See Appendix A) DOC Combat Course I for Semi-automatic Pistols, 60 rounds, 25, 15, 7, 5, 3            yards shooting (See Appendix B) DOC Qualification Course I for Semi-automatic Pistols, 60 rounds, 25, 15, 10, 7,     5, 3 yards shooting.  (See Appendix C)   

9.5.4. Fire a minimum of 25 rounds in reduced light on a reduced light qualification course with a 70% qualification score on each course.

9.5.5. Reduced light practice and qualification courses with time limitations and distances will be established by the training academy.

   Fire from point shoulder positions.

   Fire using strong and weak hand as appropriate (standing).

   Correct any malfunctions that may occur.

Performance Outcome 9.6.

Apply the general principles of personal safety and security along with physical and mental awareness before, during, after an active shooter incident.

Training Objectives Related to 9.6.

1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify personal safety and security precautions along with physical and mental awareness before, during, and after an active shooter incident, have knowledge of basic first aid, and recognize signs and systems of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

9.6.1. Identify use of force: § 53.1-10, § 53.1-29, Code of Virginia

9.6.2. Identify potential threats.

9.6.3. Identify personal risks.

9.6.4. Identify positive images.

9.6.5. Identify physical and mental preparation.

9.6.6. Identify behavioral health issues.

9.6.7. Identify response techniques.

Lesson Plan Guide:  The lesson plan guide will include the following:

1. Identify active shooter incident(s) and possible mental and physical related issues.

2. Identify dangerous incidents involving and/or requiring lethal use of force options.

3. Identify staff’s personal risk(s).

4. Identify officer’s attitude, demeanor, and purpose before, during, and/or after active shooter incident.

5. Identify physical and mental awareness.

6. Identify behavioral health issues pre and post to an active shooter incident.

7. Identify potential life threatening dangers to staff during a potential use of force incident.

8. Identify officer’s response techniques.

9. Identify officer’s emergency medical response techniques and first aid.

Performance Outcome 9.7.

Apply the principles of appropriate actions in situations that may include active shooters, barricade and/or hostage events, ambushes, or terrorist attacks.

Training Objectives Related to 9.7.

1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify:

a. Historical basis for active shooter events

b. Differentiate between types of active shooter situations and/or events.

c. Appropriate responses

d. Need for continued continual active shooter training

e. Threat of terrorism and response

Criteria:  The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following: 

9.7.1. Identify concepts and principles.

9.7.2. Identify appropriate responses.

9.7.3. Identify communication techniques: Radio signal interference and overload Personnel without radios Noise Verbal and non-verbal Signals and/or link-up

9.7.4. Identify threats.

9.7.5. Identify officer safety procedures: Prevention Intervention Treatment Personal protective equipment

Lesson Plan Guide:

1. Identify communication problems. 

2. Identification and implementation of a proper and appropriate response to an active shooter situation/event.

3. Identify life threatening dangers to staff during an active shooter event/situation.

4. Identify specific medical care and rescue plans initiated during an active shooter event/situation.

5. Identify the historical basis for active shooter rapid response.        

Performance Outcome 9.8.

Identify and demonstrate the use of hearing protection; eye protection; hat; and other safety equipment.

Training Objectives Related to 9.8.

1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify:

a. Basic safety equipment while on the range

b. Consequences, hazards, injuries that may result from not using approved hearing, eye and head protection

c. Techniques to reduce personal risk and injuries

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

9.8.1 Identify and use of safety equipment while on range.

9.8.2. Identify consequences, hazards, injuries that may result from not using approved hearing, eye and head protection.

9.8.3. Identify techniques to reduce personal risk and injuries while on the range.

Lesson Plan Guide:

1. Identification and implementation of approved dual hearing protection while on the range.

2. Identify unapproved and inadequate stand alone ear plugs worn while on the range.

3. Demonstration and implementation of eye protection by officer while on the range:

4. Demonstration and implementation of hat with a brim to be worn on the range:

5. Identify range safety rules and regulations.

6. Identify injury prevention and safety precautions.

Performance Outcome 9.9.

Identify and demonstrate control techniques to maintain possession of agency assigned weapon and equipment.

Training Objectives to 9.9

1. Given a practical exercise, demonstrate ability to:

a. Apply techniques to maintain possession of weapon against physically attacking inmate(s).

b. Apply techniques to subdue an attacking inmate(s).

c. Back-up/call for assistance procedures.

d. Reporting procedures.

Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:

9.9.1. Techniques to maintain possession of assigned weapon against physically attacking  inmate(s)

9.9.2. Techniques how to subdue an attacking inmate(s)

9.9.3. Identify staff emergency/medical procedures for assistance.

9.9.4. Offensive active countermeasures techniques designed to disengage and/or neutralize aggressor for de-escalation

Lesson Plan Guide:

1. Identification of weapon consideration of aggressor and noncustodial employee.

2. Demonstration of weapon and equipment control by noncustodial employee.

3. Demonstration of offensive active countermeasures designed to neutralize aggressor for de-escalation of situation.

4. Demonstrate disengaging techniques.

5. Demonstration of techniques used in life and death struggle by:

a. Transition to weapon to cease aggression

b. Utilizing physical techniques to contain/control aggressor.








Targets- B-21, B-21E, B-21X, B-27, Q

60 ROUNDS, 7 - 25 YARDS


Qualification Score: 70%

Magazines shall be loaded to their full capacity. Range instructor shall determine when magazines will be changed.

Range Instructor to determine when to load.

PHASE 1 - 7 YARD LINE: Point shoulder position with support:  1. On command draw and fire 1 round in 2 seconds or fire 2 rounds in 3 seconds,  repeat until 6 rounds have been fired, scan and breathe.   2. On command fire 2 rounds in 3 seconds, repeat until 6 rounds have been fired, scan and breathe.  3. On command fire 6 rounds strong hand and 6 rounds weak hand in 25 seconds scan and breathe; make weapon safe and holster.

PHASE 2 -15 YARD LINE: Point Shoulder position with support:  1. On command draw and fire 1 round in 2 seconds or 2 rounds in 3 seconds, repeat until 6 rounds have been fired, scan and breathe.   2. On command fire 2 rounds in 3 seconds, repeat until 6 rounds have been fired, scan and breathe.  3. On command fire 6 rounds in 15 seconds, scan and breathe; make weapon safe and holster.

PHASE 3 - 25 YARD LINE: Point Shoulder position with support:  1. On command draw and fire 12 rounds standing strong hand, and 6 rounds standing weak hand, and until 18 rounds have been fired in 90 seconds , scan and breathe; make weapon safe and holster.  The order of position is optional with the instructor.

SCORING – B-21E-use indicated K value divided by 3 to obtain percent. B21, B21X targets - use indicated K value with a maximum 300 points divided by 3 to obtain percent. B27 target - 8,9,10,X rings = 5 points, 7 ring = 4 points, hits on silhouette = 3 points divided by 3 to obtain percent. Q target - 5 points inside the bottle, 3 points outside the bottle on the target. Divide by 3 to obtain percent.








Targets - B21, B-21E, B21X, B27, Q

60 ROUNDS, 25 - 3 YARDS


Qualification Score 70%

Magazines shall be loaded to their full capacity. Range instructor shall determine when magazines will be changed.

Range Instructor to determine when to load.

PHASE 1 -  Point Shoulder position with support:  1. On command from the 25 YARD LINE draw and fire 6 rounds 10 seconds standing, using strong hand; scan and breathe; make weapon safe, holster.

PHASE 2 - Point Shoulder position with support:  1. On command at the 15 YARD LINE, draw and fire 12 rounds standing 25 seconds, strong hand; scan and breathe; make weapon safe, holster.

PHASE 3 - Point Shoulder position with support:  1. On command at the 7 YARD LINE, draw and fire 12 rounds strong hand 25 seconds and 6 rounds weak hand 15 seconds; scan and breathe; make weapon safe, holster. 

PHASE 4 - Point Shoulder position at the 5 Yard Line. On command draw and fire 12 rounds in any sequence, i.e. 1 round, 2 rounds, 3 rounds or staggered sequence (2 or 3 seconds); scan and breathe; make weapon safe, holster.

PHASE 5 - At the 3 Yard Line, two handed point shooting. On command draw and fire 12 rounds in any sequence, i.e. 1 round, 2 rounds, 3 rounds or staggered sequence (2 or 3 seconds); scan and breathe; make weapon safe, holster.

SCORING - B-21E-use indicated K value divided by 3 to obtain percent. B21, B21X targets-use indicated K value with a maximum 300 points divided by 3 to obtain percent. B27 targets - 8, 9, 10, X rings = 5 points, 7 ring = 4 points, hits on silhouette = 3 points divided by 3 to obtain percent. Q targets - 5 points inside the bottle, 3 points outside the bottle on the target. Divide by 3 to obtain percent.









 Targets-B21, B-21E, B21X, B27, Q



Qualification Score 70%

Magazines shall be loaded to their full capacity. Range instructor shall determine when magazines will be changed.

Range Instructor to determine when to load.

25 yard line phase calls for rounds fired standing for a total of 6 rounds. Close quarter/two handed point shooting portion can be run from three yards and in, utilizing close quarter shooting techniques.

PHASE 1- At the 25 Yard Line, for a total of 6 rounds.

1.   On command, draw and fire 6 rounds from standing position; scan and breathe; make weapon safe, holster.

PHASE 2- At the 15 Yard Line, for a total of 18 rounds.

1.  On command, draw and fire 2 rounds in 4 seconds (3x for total of 6 rounds) scan and breathe.

2.  On command fire 6 rounds, combat reload, then fire 6 more rounds in 25 seconds; scan and breathe; make weapon safe, holster.

PHASE 3- At the 10 Yard Line, for a total of 12 rounds.

1.   On command, draw and fire 2 rounds in 3 seconds (total of six rounds), scan and breathe.

2.  On command, fire 3 rounds in 4 seconds (total of six rounds) ; scan and breathe; make weapon safe, holster.

PHASE 4- At the 7 Yard Line, for a total of 12 rounds.

1.  On command, draw and fire 2 rounds in 3 seconds (total of six rounds); scan and breathe.

2. On command, draw and fire 3 rounds in 4 seconds (total of six rounds); scan and breathe; make weapon safe, holster.

PHASE 5- At the 5 Yard Line, for a total of 6 rounds.

1.  On command, draw and fire 3 rounds strong hand only, safely transfer to weak hand, then fire 3 more rounds weak hand in 15 seconds; scan and breathe; make weapon safe, holster.

PHASE 6- At the 3 Yard Line or Closer, for a total of 6 rounds.

1. On command, draw and fire using close quarter/two handed point shoot technique 2 rounds in 3 seconds; scan and breathe; make weapon safe, holster.

(Option, 1-2 steps to the rear after shooting).

SCORING-B-21E-use indicated K value divided by 3 to obtain percent. B21, B21x targets-use indicated K value with maximum 300 points divided by 3 to obtain percent. B27 target-8, 9, 10, X rings=5 points, 7 ring=4 points, hits on silhouette=3 points divided by 3 to obtain percent. Q target-5 points inside the bottle, 3 points outside the bottle on target, divide by 3 to get percent.