Changes to the current Fingerprinting process

This notice is in regards to:

Changes to the current Fingerprinting process


DCJS will be partnering with Fieldprint, Inc.

As you know, DCJS has joined other agencies across the Commonwealth in their partnership with Fieldprint, Inc. to provide a statewide livescan fingerprint solution. This partnership will make the application process with DCJS faster and more efficient.

What will change?

Starting May 1, 2018 applicants will begin utilizing Fieldprint, Inc. for fingerprinting services.

Applicants will no longer be submitting the fingerprint package to DCJS as it is currently required. Instead, when an applicant submits an application in which they have to be fingerprinted they will follow a two-step process:

Step 1: Submit the applicable DCJS application(s) and fees (manually or online), Criminal History Processing Form and fee ($25.00) to the Department.
·  The fingerprint processing fee paid to the Department will be amended from $50.00 to $25.00 as applicants will pay Fieldprint, Inc. $25.00 directly for the FBI and Virginia State Police criminal history record searches.
·  Towing applicants will not utilize the Criminal History Form. The fee on the Tow Truck Driver Registration application will be amended from $137.00 to $112.00, since the Tow Truck Driver Registration applicants will pay Fieldprint, Inc. $25.00 directly for the FBI and Virginia State Police criminal history searches.
·  All applicants will also have to pay Fieldprint, Inc $8.72 directly for scanning for their fingerprints.

Step 2: Schedule an appointment with Fieldprint, be fingerprinted. Appointments can be made online at or by calling 877-614-4364. Fees for fingerprinting will be paid at the time of appointment. DCJS will automatically be notified of updates related to this process. For applicants located outside of Virginia, when you schedule your appointment with Fieldprint, Inc., you will be notified on the nearest Fieldprint location where you can complete the fingerprint submittal process.


Is this optional?

Participation of applicants for licensure, registration and certification in this new process will not be optional. DCJS understands the need an adjustment period. Therefore, we will continue to manually process fingerprint cards that are received until June 1, 2018. After this date we will no longer be able to manually process fingerprint cards. If a fingerprint card is received, it will be returned to the applicant and they will be directed to the Fieldprint Virginia website.

Can my business set up to be billed for employees being fingerprinted?

Absolutely! If you would like to pay for your employees to use this service, you may contact Fieldprint at 888-472-8918 or for additional information.


Once an applicant’s fingerprints have been collected and submitted by Fieldprint, Inc., DCJS may be notified in as little as 24 hours if the applicant does not have any prior criminal history.

If an applicant has a criminal history, the actual results may not be available for 30 days or more, dependent on the FBI and/or Virginia State Police (VSP). Once DCJS receives these results additional processing time is required as they are thoroughly reviewed by the Department.

Fingerprints collected utilizing livescan technologies have a much greater success rate of being classifiable. Therefore, once this process is implemented, we should experience far less situations where applicants must resubmit their fingerprints because they were unclassifiable.

About Fieldprint:

Fieldprint is the exclusive vendor for the Commonwealth of Virginia and is a nationally recognized service provider.

Fieldprint provides 24/7/365 fingerprint scheduling through their web-based portal and answering questions through their call center.

  • Schedule your fingerprint appointment online at Fieldprint. Fieldprint’s web portal will include details for creating your secure account and steps for entering the required information so that your appointment may be scheduled at your convenience.
  • Please remember to retain your DCJS Fieldprint Code to complete your fingerprint scheduling registration.
  • Contact the Fieldprint call center for questions.

Other News:

  • Phase 3 of the online registration portal will be available very soon! This new phase will allow businesses and compliance agents to submit applications electronically. This phase will also allow individual registrants to submit an additional firearm endorsement application.
  • ​You spoke and we listened! We are working on making our website easier to understand and navigate.
  • ​DCJS is going green! Within the coming months we will be going paperless. This means that applicants will be utilizing the online registration system for all of their needs. DCJS wants the application processes to be as fast, easy and convenient as possible to get you and your business to work! Stay tuned for additional information and resources.


Should you have any additional questions, please contact a customer service representative at 804-786-4700.