Performance Outcome 5.1

Identify resident culture, environment, and background; and how it impacts behavior, resident/officer/staff relationships, and their environment.

Training Objective Related to 5.1.

1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify:

a. Components of the residential environment;

1. Community

2. Culture

             b. Behavioral styles in;            

1. Normal, everyday situations

2. Stressful or emotional situations

Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:

             5.1.1. Identify elements of the residential environment

             5.1.2. Identify residents with alternative lifestyles and varying cultural backgrounds and languages

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify the residential lifestyles, cultures, and social interactions.

2. Identify behavioral styles in normal, everyday situations, and behavioral styles in a stressful or emotional situation.

3. Identify residents with alternative lifestyles and varying cultural backgrounds and languages;

             a. Cultural diversity

             b. Common resident slang        

Performance Outcome 5.2

Identify high risk behavior including self-injurious tendencies and behavior.

Training Objectives Related to 5.2.

1.  Given a written or practical exercise, identify:

a. High risk behavior characteristics to include self-injurious tendencies

b. Procedures taken when presented with non-coping or high risk behavior

c. Documentation and reporting process

d. Psychiatric treatment

e. Need for treatment

f. Medical treatment

1. Resident

2. Staff

3. Civilian     

Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:

             5.2.1. Identify indicators and characteristics of high risk behavior;

                 Self-injurious tendencies and behavior   

                 Intervention and prevention techniques

             5.2.2. Identify mental and/or medical procedures for; 

                 General medical treatment

                 Psychiatric treatment

                 Treatment after use of force

                 Treatment after resident confrontation and/or fight

             5.2.3. Identify reporting and documentation procedures

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify characteristics and signs that a resident is displaying non-coping behaviors which may result in high risk behavior and/or self injurious behavior.

2. Identify signs of possible self-injurious tendencies and behavior

3. Identify procedures related to residents displaying high risk or self injurious behavior.

4. Identify provisions and/or referrals for intervention and medical and mental health treatment.

5. Identify documentation and reporting procedures.

Performance Outcome 5.3.

Identify suicide prevention and intervention procedures, 6VAC35-71-805

Training Objectives Relating to 5.3

1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify:

a. Strategies to use when communicating with a resident who threatens to commit or exhibits suicidal tendencies

b. Suicidal behavior risk factors

c. Alert levels, threats, and watches

d. Prevention and intervention procedures

e. Indicators, high risk periods and ideation or intent

f. Reporting and documentation procedures

g. Notification procedures

h. Process for requesting appropriate assistance and resources

i. Emergency response procedures

Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:

5.3.1. Identify prevention and intervention program according to 6VAC35-71-805

5.3.2. Identify strategies used when communicating with a resident who threatens to commit or exhibits suicidal tendencies

5.3.3. Identify behavior risk factors

5.3.4. Identify alerts, threats, and watches

5.3.5. Identify suicide indicators, high risk periods and ideation or intent

5.3.6. Identify prevention and intervention procedures

5.3.7. Identify documentation and reporting procedures

5.3.8. Identify notification procedures

5.3.9. Identify process for requesting assistance and resources

5.3.10. Identify emergency response procedures

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify strategies to use when communicating with a resident who threatens to commit or exhibits suicidal tendencies.

2. Identify suicide indicators, risk factors, high risk periods and ideation or intent

3. Describe process for notification of supervisors.

4. Describe the procedures for requesting appropriate assistance and resources.

5. Identify suicide alerts, threats, and watches.

6. Identify prevention and intervention guidelines.

7. Identify suicide precautions and safety procedures.

8. Identify reporting and documentation requirements and procedures.

9. Describe emergency response procedures.

Performance Outcome 5.4.

Identify conflict management and crisis intervention.

Training Objective Related to 5.4.

1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify:

a. Conflict management and crisis intervention.

b. Factors that contribute to a conflict and/or crisis.

c. Actions that could reduce tension and reduce the probability of conflict/crisis situations.

d. Available resources and referral services

e. Requirements for use of physical force and the facts of the incident.

Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:

5.4.1. Identify conflict management and crisis intervention procedures

5.4.2. Use of physical force techniques and procedures

5.4.3. Demonstrate techniques to reduce tensions         

5.4.4. Identify prevention and intervention procedures

5.4.5. Identify safety precautions

5.4.6. Identify referral services and assistance

5.4.7. Identify reporting and documentation                  

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify conflict management and crisis intervention.

2. Describe factors that contribute to a conflict and/or crisis.

3. Identify how the correct interpretation of a resident’s verbal and non-verbal communication may prevent or reduce the number and intensity of conflict/crisis situations.

4. Demonstrate conflict management and crisis intervention skills in role-play exercises.

5. Identify available resources and referral services within the institution for resident assistance and the limitations of each.

6. Identify use of physical force procedures.

Performance Outcome 5.5.

Recognize resident abnormal and/or unusual behavior.

Training Objective Related to 5.5.

1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify:

a. Information critical to officers’ areas of responsibility

b. How stress affects the emotional intensity of the situation

c. Non-verbal indicators of a stressful or emotionally intense situation

d. Synopsis of events and how to effectively communicate key information

e. Safety procedures  

Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:

5.5.1. Identify abnormal and/or unusual behavior

5.5.2. Identify factors affecting abnormal and/or unusual behavior          

5.5.3. Identify degree of urgency

5.5.4. Identify effective communication skills and ability to relay key information to other staff/supervisor

5.5.5. Identify safety procedures

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify information that is of critical interest to officers’ areas of responsibility.

2. Identify how stress affects the emotional intensity of the situation.

3. Describe non-verbal indicators of a stressful or emotionally intense situation.

4. Describe key events that may occur during a shift and how to effectively communicate key information.

5. Identify safety procedures.

Performance Outcome 5.6.

Relay clear and concise information to supervisor and/or other authority.

Training Objective Related to 5.6.

1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify:

a. Procedures when relaying information to a supervisor

b. Degree of urgency

c. Situations that should be communicated

d. Procedures to ensure that critical/key information is conveyed accurately      

Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:

5.6.1. Demonstrate ability to relay objective, clear and concise information in an efficient and timely manner.

5.6.2. Identify degree of urgency

5.6.3. Identify reporting and documentation procedures 

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify procedures for and the importance of relaying information to a supervisor and the factors that determine the degree of urgency.

2. Describe situation(s) that should be communicated to a supervisor and/or other authority.

3. Describe key/critical information that must be conveyed to ensure effective communication.

4. Describe steps to ensure that critical information is conveyed accurately.

5. Identify situations where a verbal prompt/correction would be a better response to minor misbehavior than “writing-up” an offense. 

6. Identify situations, incidents or conflicts, to determine facts, attempt resolution, and identify charges, if any.

Performance Outcome 5.7.

Identify and demonstrate documentation procedures for resident misbehavior.

Training Objective Related to 5.7.

1. Given a written exercise, identify appropriate forms to document resident conduct

Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:

5.7.1. Recognize resident misbehavior procedures

5.7.2. Identify reporting and documenting procedures.

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify resident misbehavior.

2. Identify reporting and documentation procedures.

Performance Outcome 5.8.

Identify discrimination and harassment.

Training Objective Related to 5.8.

1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify:

a. Sexual harassment procedures

bQuid pro quo sexual harassment and hostile work environments

c. Avenues of support

d. Supervisor’s responsibilities when an employee reports offensive or discriminatory behavior

e. Alternatives that a victim may choose in response to an offensive behavior  

Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:

5.8.1. Define sexual harassment

5.8.2. Identify procedures for prevention of sexual harassment and enforcement of violations

5.8.3. Identify sexual harassment procedures

5.8.4. Identify avenues of support

5.8.5. Identify alternatives to offensive behavior

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify agency’s sexual harassment policy and procedure.

2. Identify and differentiate between quid pro quo sexual harassment and hostile work environments.

3. Identify and document sexual harassment by staff and supervisors.

4. Identify responses to offensive behavior.

5. Identify officer’s and supervisor’s responsibilities for prevention of discrimination and harassment.

Performance Outcome 5.9.

Identify adolescent development and behavior.

Training Objective Related to 5.9.

1. Given a written exercise, identify:

a. Adolescent behavior

1. Resident development and impacts

2. Cognitive development

3. Social/emotional development

4. Social/sexual development

b. Strategies for responding to these developmental differences          

Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:

5.9.1. Definition of adolescence

5.9.2. Identify characteristics of: Cognitive development Social/emotional development Social/physical/sexual development              

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Define adolescence.

2. Describe the basics of adolescent development;

a. Cognitive development

b. Social/emotional development

c. Social/sexual development

d. Impacts

e. Best practices

f. Issues as identified

3. Identify the impact that the adolescent developmental stages have on resident behavior and the need for appropriate responses to these developmental differences.