Personal Protection Specialist

A person who engages in the duties of providing close protection from bodily harm to any person. 

You must possess a valid registration in this category and a firearms endorsement if working in an armed capacity.

Yes. You must have a current registration in order to work in this registered category. 

Yes. You must have completed all required training and have a current registration in order to work in this registered category. 

60 - 90 hours -- 32E Personal protection specialist (60 hours) + (if armed) 07E entry-level handgun (16 hours) + 09Eadvanced handgun (14 hours)

8 hours -- 32I Personal protection specialist (8 hours) + 09 advanced handgun (8 hours) if applicable 

No. Persons who carry or have access to a firearm while on duty must have a firearm endorsement as described under 6 VAC 20-171-365 of the state regulations. If carrying a concealed handgun, the person must also have a valid concealed handgun permit, and the written permission of his employer pursuant to 18.2-308 of the Code of Virginia.