Manual Revision Topic |
Date of Revision |
Explanation of Revision |
Revision of the Entire Manual |
9/1/2012 |
The revised training manual is now online and no printed versions will be distributed. The most current version available is the online version via DCJS Website. |
Driver Instructor |
9/17/2012 |
Page 71 (F-2) under Driver Instructor Requirements, replaced the words "Defensive Tactics" with "Drivers Training", no further changes were made to this section. KBA 09/17/2012 |
Instructor Certification/Re-Certification |
9/17/2012 |
Page 69 under the Instructor Cert/Recert, the numbering sequence has number 2 written twice and it was corrected. No further changes to this section. KBA 09/17/2012 |
Law Enforcement Performance Outcomes, Category 9 |
10/1/2012 |
The word "Optional" was added to the table of contents for Category 9 (Physical Training) for Law Enforcement Officers. It matches the language in 6VAC20-20-21 of the administrative code. KBA 10/01/2012 |
SFST Instructor Certification |
10/17/2012 |
Page 540 within the SFST Instructor Certification, paragraph 5, following "Testing" added the word "Basic", changed "Course" to "Courses." KBA 10/17/2012 |
DCJS Form D-1 for Dispatchers |
10/17/2012 |
Performance Outcome 5.71 was removed from the D-1 form as it did not exist. No other changes were made to the form. KBA 10/17/2012 |
DCJS Form J-1 (FTO) for Jailors |
11/6/2012 |
J-1 form had 9.63 listed twice instead of 9.62 before it. Corrected, no further changes made to the form. KBA 11/06/2012 |
Speed Measurement Policy |
1/29/2013 |
Chapter 6, This revision includes the elimination of minimum training hours required except FTO which remains at 8 hours, no operator retraining is required if the exam is passed during recertification, RADAR and LIDAR training may be conducted independently and only a single FTO is required if the latter are done consecutively. No performance outcomes were deleted with the revision of the Speed Measurement Policy. KBA 01/29/2013 |
Speed Measurement Policy |
1/30/2013 |
Chapter 6, In Section II of Lidar-Basic Speed Measurement Operator Training Requirements, 1B, Performance Outcomes lettering changed from "A" through "I" to "A" through "H." In Section II of Lidar-Basic Speed Measurement Operator Training Requirements 2, change the word radar in sentence 2 and 4 to LIDAR. No performance outcomes were deleted from this policy. KBA 01/30/2013 |
Courtroom Security (Use of Force) |
2/25/2013 |
No Use of Force performance outcomes for Court Room Security 6.6 (Chapter 5) have been changed. Performance Outcome 7.7 was renumbered and moved under 6.6 to maintain consistency with other related functions of Jail and Civil Process. KBA 02/25/2013 |
Auxiliary Officer Policy |
05/06/2013 |
Newly drafted Auxiliary Officer Policy and forms added per KBA. rla |
Certification/Decertification of Law Enforcement Officers and Jail Officers | 07/01/2013 |
Policy updated to reflect changes to the Code of Virginia per KBA. rla |
Instructor Certification/Re-certification Standardized Field Sobriety Test (SFST) Instructor |
09/02/2013 | There are now seven categories for instructor certification. The additional instructor certification is “Standardized Field Sobriety Test (SFST ) Instructor.” Certification and/Re-certification requirements can be located in Chapter 6 of this manual. KBA 09/02/2013 |
DCJS Form 21 | 09/23/2013 | The Initial Appointment Form 21 title has changed to Initial Employment Form 21. KBA 09/23/2013 |
DCJS-Criminal Justice Training Reference Manual | 10/04/2013 | The Department of Criminal Justice Services announces the new look and features of the Criminal Justice Training Reference Manual. DCJS encourages the review of the added navigation tools to better assist our constituents. KBA 10/04/2013 |
DCJS PIC-1 Form | 10/11/2013 |
Upon completion of Part "A" on the PIC-1 Form, you must now submit an hour by hour breakdown and instructor for each subject. No further changes were made to the procedures. Forms can be found in Chapter 7 of this manual. KBA 10/11/2013 |
DCJS IC-1 Form | 01/03/2014 | The Application for Instructor Certification Form (Form IC-1) has been revised with the addition of the Senior-Standardized Field Sobriety Test (SFST) Instructor. KBA 01/03/2014 |
Law Enforcement (Defensive Tactics/Use of Force) | 02/28/2014 | In Chapter 5 (Defensive Tactics/Use of Force) the law enforcement criterion for 6.13.6 – Demonstration of stabilization in prone position for cuffing procedures in Category 6 was inadvertently deleted from the current on-line Training Reference Manual. It remained listed in the Lesson Plan Guide, but not in the criterion. 6.13.6 has been placed back into its original location. KBA 02/28/2014 |
Jail Officers (Professionialism) | 03/13/2014 |
In Chapter 5 (Jail Officers-Professionalism) the performance outcomes language for 1.2.7, 1.2.8 and 1.2.9 were listed in the current on-line Training Reference Manual without the numbering. The numbers were placed back in their original location after and there were no changes to any current training objectives for jail officers. KBA 03/13/2014 |
Law Enforcement
(Patrol) |
03/21/2014 | In accordance with the recommendation of the Law Enforcement Curriculum Review Committee and subsequent approval of the CJSB Committee on Training, Training Objective 4.19 has been modified by the addition of criterion 4.19.12. " Identify resources available to assist in the investigation of suspicious activity". The corresponding Lesson Plan Guide has also been revised with the addition of # 11, "Identify resources available to assist in the investigation of suspicious activity", a. Terrorist Screening Center, b. Virginia Fusion Center. There were no further changes to 4.19. KBA 03/21/2014 |
DCJS FTO/OJT Form | 04/11/2014 | The Field Training/On the Job Training Completion Form (FTO/OJT) has been revised with the addition of a date of completion line next to each of the five functions. No further changes were made to this form. KBA 04/11/2014 |
Category 7 - Weapons
06/12/2014 |
In accordance with the recommendation of the Law Enforcement Curriculum Review Committee and subsequent approval of the CJSB Committee on Training, Performance Outcome 7.4. has been modified with the addition of three courses of fire for weapons qualification (7.4.3.) and removing the requirement for the Virginia Modified Double Action course as a mandated course of fire for weapons qualification (7.4. A). Additional training criterions are “Virginia Tactical Qualification Course III” (See Appendix H), “Virginia Tactical Qualification Course IV” (See Appendix I), “Virginia Tactical Qualification Course V” (See Appendix J). There are now a total of ten approved courses of fire for weapons qualification and any two can be chosen. Training Objective 7.4.2. was modified by the addition of criterion, "Using proper marksmanship and reloading fundamentals". The final modification to this training objective removed the equipment identifier "Leather Equipment" and replaced it with "Duty Belt and Holster". No further changes. KBA 06/12/2014 |
Courtroom Security
(Defensive Tactics/Use of
Force) |
09/03/2014 |
In Chapter 5 (Defensive Tactics/Use of Force) the court security criterion for 6.13.1. had an extra number inadvertently added to the training objectives and it has been modified to reflect that change. The original criterion had 5 areas for the trainee to meet and should have only reflected 4. The original stated, “Subject is appropriate” and this was removed and added back to the sentence/description of 6.13.1.( Identification of factors to consider when assessing to disarm subject is appropriate). 6.13.1. now reflects four areas: distance/cover, type of weapon, obstacles, will the attempt jeopardize life or personal safety. There were no further changes made to Performance Outcome 6.13. KBA 09/03/2014 |
Pre-Employment Requirements | 10/20/2014 | In Chapter 4 (Pre-Employment Requirements) Section 3-C (Individual Applicant Requirements) has been modified in reference to the evidence a pre-employment applicant must provide to the certified criminal justice academy. The original criterion for Section 3-C, "Must present a high school diploma or general equivalency diploma (GED)" has been modified. Section 3-C now states, "Pre-employment applicant must have a high school education or have passed a high school equivalency examination approved by the Board of Education. The modified language reflects §15.2-1705, Code of Virginia, 2014, as amended. KBA 10/20/2014 |
DCJS Form-FTO/OJT | 01/28/2015 | The FTO/OJT Form has been revised. The form can now be e-mailed to DCJS at The FAX number has also been added to the top of the form as an additional channel to submit the form to DCJS. Also included in this revision, are the instructions for agencies to retain the auxiliary police A-2 and A-3 forms, and only submit the FTO/OJT completion form to DCJS. No further changes. KBA 01/28/2015 |
Law Enforcement
(Legal) |
02/19/2015 | See Revision made on 04/03/2015 Law Enforcement (Legal). Original criterion replaced and noted as repealed. |
DCJS Forms- IC-1 & IC-2 | 02/19/2015 |
DCJS instructor forms IC-1 (Application for Instructor Certification) & IC-2 (Application for Instructor Reinstatement) have been revised. The revisions to both forms applied specifically to Speed Measurement Instructorships. The revised instructor forms now identify and reflect: Speed Measurement-RADAR, Speed Measurement-LIDAR/RADAR, Speed Measurement-LIDAR. No further changes were made to these forms. KBA 02/19/2015 |
Law Enforcement (Legal) |
04/03/2015 | In Chapter 5, Legal 2.19., (Apply knowledge of the law relating to prostitution and sex offenses) the criterion for (Lewd and lascivious cohabitation) §18.2-345 has been repealed and is now noted under the performance outcomes for Legal 2.19. The identical criterion language for the Lesson Plan Guide (b. Lewd and lascivious cohabitation §18.2-345) also reflects being repealed. No further changes made to Performance Outcome 2.19. KBA 04/03/2015 |
DCJS Form- W-1 | 06/02/2015 | The W-1 form has been revised with an additional block; Not Convicted of a Misdemeanor Offense involving moral turpitude; sex offense or domestic assault. KBA 06/02/2015 |
Instructor Certification and Recertification Requirements |
06/11/2015 | The Instructor Certification and Recertification Requirements for Criminal Justice Instructors have been revised and we strongly encourage our constituents to read the revised policy in its entirety. Questions reference the revisions should be directed to Sharon Gray of DCJS, 757-567-5690. 06/09/2015 KBA |
Compulsory Minimum Training Standards for Undercover Investigative Officers |
06/30/2015 |
This section on Page 5 of the manual has been Repealed as of July, 1, 2015. Eliminated the requirement that the Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) establish compulsory training courses for law-enforcement officers who have not completed the compulsory minimum training standards prior to assigning any such officer to undercover investigation work. KBA 06/30/2015 |
Disclosure of Information Policy | 08/28/2015 |
Partial In-Service Credit Requirements | 09/11/2015 | Under the Partial In-Service Credit Requirements Policy, Paragraph 1.C.2, the word "Program was replaced with the word "Session." No further changes were made to this policy. KBA 09/11/2015 |
Administer Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Basic First Aid | 10/02/2015 |
Under the Instructor Notes for entities approved to provide instruction for First Aid and CPR, the American Safety & Health Institute has been added to the existing approved list for Law Enforcement (Performance Outcome 4.54.), Jail Officers (4.7.), Civil Process (4.8.) and Courtroom Security (4.6.). No further changes have been made to any of the Performance Outcomes listed in this revision. KBA 10/02/2015 |
Compulsory Minimum Training Standards for Juvenile Corrections Officer and Basic Corrections Officers | 12/11/2015 | The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services announces the publication of the Compulsory Minimum Training Standards for Juvenile Corrections Officer and Basic Corrections Officers on this date, 12/11/2015. KBA 12/11/2015 |
Disclosure of Information Policy | 03/01/2016 | There are two changes to the Disclosure of Information Policy, # 2. which stated:. Employment and training records contained in the DCJS database may be released in writing solely to criminal justice agencies and only by written request expressing a valid need accompanied by a signed release from the subject officer. Records may also be provided to the subject officer upon submission of proof of identity(2. has been revised). The revised policy now states: 2. Employment and training records contained in the DCJS database are personnel records exempt from disclosure pursuant to Virginia Code § 2.2-3705.1(1) (Virginia Freedom of Information Act). Records will only be released to the officer concerned upon submission of proof of identity or to a third party, upon receipt of a signed release by the officer concerned. #3 has been removed from the policy, which stated: Officer certification status contained in the DCJS database is releasable to the public. Responses to certification queries will include only whether or not a person is a certified law enforcement officer or jail officer. Training records will not be released, except as described above, due to privacy concerns related to officer safety. KBA 03/01/2016 |
Law Enforcement (Patrol) | 05/19/2016 |
In Chapter 5, Patrol, 4.2., (Assess need to evacuate buildings and surrounding areas endangered by threat of explosion or by toxic gases, liquids or other hazardous spilled materials) has been revised. The Special Note Section (Completion of the four-hour Public Safety Response to Terrorism – Awareness Level training will accomplish the goals of number 6 and 7 in this lesson plan guide and prepare a trainee to be tested on this topic) has been removed and is no longer applicable to Performance Outcome 4.2. No further revisions made. KBA 05/19/2016 |
Jail Officers (Field Training) | 05/19/2016 |
In Chapter 5, Field Training, revisions have been made to Performance Outcomes 9.67., 9.68., and 9.69 (Public Safety Response to Terrorism). Performance Outcome 9.67. (Complete an approved IC 700 NIMS Introductory training course and provide certificate of completion to supervisor) has been revised to: Complete IS-700 NIMS Introductory training course and provide certificate of completion to supervisor. Performance Outcome 9.68. (Complete an approved ICS 100 Introductory training course and provide certificate of completion to supervisor) has been revised to: Complete ICS 100 Introductory training course and provide certificate of completion to supervisor. Performance Outcome 9.69. (Complete an approved AWR-160 Terrorism Awareness Course for First Responders and provide certificate of completion to supervisor) has been revised to: Complete AWR-160 Terrorism Awareness for Emergency First Responders and provide certificate of completion to supervisor. No further revisions made. KBA 05/19/2016 |
Civil Process Officers (Field Training) | 05/19/2016 |
In Chapter 5, Field Training, revisions have been made to Performance Outcomes 9.7., 9.8., 9.9., and to the Special Note Section. Performance Outcome 9.7. (Complete an approved Public Safety Response to a Terrorism – Awareness Level Course and provide certificate of completion to supervisor) has been revised to: Complete a Terrorism – Awareness Course and provide certificate of completion to supervisor. Performance Outcome 9.8. (Complete an approved ICS 700 NIMS Introductory training course and provide certificate of completion to supervisor) has been revised to: Complete IS 700 NIMS Introductory training course and provide certificate of completion to supervisor. Performance Outcome 9.9.(Complete an approved ICS 100 Introductory training course and provide certificate of completion to supervisor) has been revised to: Complete ICS 100 Introductory training course and provide certificate of completion to supervisor. The Special Note Section (Completion of the four-hour Public Safety Response to Terrorism – Awareness Level training will accomplish the goals of 9.7. Courses are offered through the Virginia Department of Emergency Management, Virginia Department of Fire Programs, Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services, and various training academies. Completion of an approved IC 700 NIMS Introductory course through FEMA online training will accomplish 9.8. Completion of an approved ICS 100. Introductory course through FEMA online training will accomplish 9.9. ) has been revised to: Completion of IS-700 NIMS Introductory course through FEMA online training will accomplish 9.8. Completion of ICS 100 Introductory course through FEMA online training will accomplish 9.9. No further revisions made. KBA 05/19/2016 |
Courtroom Security Officers (Field Training) | 05/19/2016 |
In Chapter 5, Field Training, revisions have been made to Performance Outcomes 9.10., 9.11., 9.12., and to the Special Note Section. Performance Outcome 9.10. (Complete an approved Public Safety Response to a Terrorism – Awareness Level Course and provide certificate of completion to supervisor) has been revised to: Complete a Terrorism – Awareness Course and provide certificate of completion to supervisor. Performance Outcome 9.11. (Complete an approved ICS 700 NIMS Introductory training course and provide certificate of completion to supervisor) has been revised to: Complete IS- 700 NIMS Introductory training course and provide certificate of completion to supervisor. Performance Outcome 9.12.(Complete an approved ICS 100 Introductory training course and provide certificate of completion to supervisor) has been revised to: Complete ICS 100 Introductory training course and provide certificate of completion to supervisor. The Special Note Section (Completion of the four-hour Public Safety Response to Terrorism – Awareness Level training will accomplish the goals of 9.10. Courses are offered through the Virginia Department of Emergency Management, Virginia Department of Fire Programs, Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services, and various training academies. Completion of an approved IC-700 NIMS Introductory course through FEMA online training will accomplish 9.11. Completion of an approved ICS 100. Introductory course through FEMA online training will accomplish 9.12.) has been revised to: Completion of IS-700 NIMS Introductory course through FEMA online training will accomplish 9.11. Completion of ICS 100 Introductory course through FEMA online training will accomplish 9.12. No further revisions made. KBA 05/19/2016 |
Juvenile Corrections Officer (Emergency Response) | 05/19/2016 |
In Chapter 5, Emergency Response, revisions have been made to Performance Outcomes 4.7., 4.7.2., 4.7.3., 4.7.4., the Lesson Plan Guide under Performance Outcome 4.7. (Identify Public Safety Response to Terrorism Awareness level training course), the Training Objectives Related to 4.5., and to the Criteria that the trainees will be tested on. Performance Outcome 4.7. (Identify Public Safety Response to Terrorism Awareness level training course) has been revised to:Complete a Terrorism Awareness training course. Training Objective Related to 4.7. (1. Approved Public Safety Response to Terrorism Awareness training course ) has been revised to: Terrorism Awareness training course, (2. Approved Incident Command System (ICS) 700 National Incident Management System (NIMS) Introductory training) has been revised to: FEMA IS-700 National Incident Management System (NIMS) Introductory training and (3. Approved ICS 100 Introductory training) has been revised to: ICS 100 Introductory training. Criteria that the trainees will be tested on: Performance Outcome 4.7.2. (Identify signs and symptoms common to initial victims of a CBRNE (E) incident) has been revised to: Identify signs and symptoms common to initial victims of a CBRN (E) incident. Performance Outcome 4.7.3.(Identify and complete an approved ICS 700 NIMS Introductory training course) has been revised to: Identify and complete IS-700 NIMS Introductory training course. Performance Outcome 4.7.4. (Identify and complete an approved ICS 100 Introductory training course) has been revised to: Identify and complete ICS 100 Introductory training course. Lesson Plan Guide (1. Identify and complete an approved terrorism awareness training course) has been revised to: 1. Identify and complete a terrorism awareness training course, (2. Complete an approved ICS 700 NIMS Introductory training course) has been revised to: Complete IS-700 NIMS Introductory training course, and (3. Complete an approved ICS 100 Introductory training course) has been revised to: Complete ICS 100 Introductory training course. No further revisions made. KBA 05/19/2016 |
Basic Corrections Officer (Emergency Response) | 05/19/2016 |
In Chapter 5, Emergency Response, revisions have been made to Performance Outcomes 4.5., 4.5.2., 4.5.3., 4.5.4., the Lesson Plan Guide under Performance Outcome 4.5. (Identify Public Safety Response to Terrorism Awareness level training courses), the Training Objectives Related to 4.5., and to the Criteria that the trainees will be tested on. Performance Outcome 4.5. (Identify Public Safety Response to Terrorism Awareness level training course) has been revised to: Complete a Terrorism Awareness training course.Training Objective Related to 4.5. (1. Approved Terrorism Awareness training course) has been revised to: Terrorism Awareness training course, (2. Approved Incident Command System (ICS) 700 National Incident Management System (NIMS) Introductory training) has been revised to: FEMA IS-700 National Incident Management System (NIMS) Introductory training and (3. Approved ICS 100 Introductory training) has been revised to: ICS 100 Introductory training. Criteria that the trainees will be tested on: Performance Outcome 4.5.2. (Identify signs and symptoms common to initial victims of a CBRNE (E) incident) has been revised to: Identify signs and symptoms common to initial victims of a CBRN (E) incident. Performance Outcome 4.5.3. (Identify and complete an approved ICS 700 NIMS Introductory training course) has been revised to: Identify and complete IS-700 NIMS Introductory training course. Performance Outcome 4.5.4. (Identify and complete an approved ICS 100 Introductory training course) has been revised to: Identify and complete ICS 100 Introductory training course. Lesson Plan Guide (1. Identify and complete an approved terrorism awareness training course) has been revised to: 1. Identify and complete a terrorism awareness training course, (2. Complete an approved ICS 700 NIMS Introductory training course) has been revised to: Complete IS-700 NIMS Introductory training course, and (3. Complete an approved ICS 100 Introductory training course) has been revised to: Complete ICS 100 Introductory training course. No further revisions made. KBA 05/19/2016 |
Academy Information | 12/20/2016 |
In Chapter 3, Academy Information, #5-Changing Academy Status and Appendices A through K have been revised. #5-Changing Academy Status (All local political subdivisions whose personnel are subjected to mandated training shall be assigned to a designated training region or served by an independent training academy. Changes in academy status are subject to the following applicable procedures:) Has been revised to: All local political subdivisions whose personnel are subjected to mandated training shall be assigned to a regional training academy or served by an independent training academy. Changes in academy status are subject to the following applicable procedures as well as the requirements of § 15.2-1747 and § 15.2-1300:, The Appendices A through K were removed. There were no further revisions made to Chapter 3. KBA 12/20/2016 |
DCJS Policies and Requirements |
03/02/2017 | In Chapter 6, Requirements for Certification/Decertification of Law Enforcement Officers and Jail Officers has been revised. #1. Certification, B. To obtain such certification, all entry level law-enforcement officers seeking certification shall successfully complete statewide certification examinations developed and administered by the Department of Criminal Justice Services has been revised to: B. To obtain such certification, all entry level law-enforcement officers seeking certification shall successfully complete statewide certification examinations developed and administered by the Department of Criminal Justice Services. Successful completion of the examination requires a minimum score of 70% determined by comparing the number of total correct examination answers to the total number of questions. No further revisions made. KBA 03/02/2017 |
DCJS Policies and Requirements | 07/25/2017 | In Chapter 6, Auxiliary Police and Part Time Law Enforcement Officer, # 6 (Training, Records Maintenance and Reporting Requirements for Auxiliary Officers A-H) has been revised with the addition of letter “I”, (Instructorships for Auxiliary Law Enforcement Officers), DCJS Instructorships will only be considered for Level 1 Auxiliary Law Enforcement Officers and only on a case-by-case basis following a review of the officer’s law enforcement experience and training. Levels 2 and 3 Auxiliary Officers are not eligible for DCJS certified instructorships. Criminal Justice Academies may establish auxiliary law enforcement officers as “subject matter experts” upon prior training and experience. Documentation of this status must be kept on file at the academy and available for inspection. No further revisions made to the Auxiliary Police and Part Time Law Enforcement Officer section in Chapter 6. KBA 07/25/2017 |
DCJS Policies and Requirements | 07/25/2017 |
In Chapter 6, Requirements for Certification/Decertification of Law Enforcement Officers and Jail Officers have been updated in accordance with the 2017 Legislative updates §15.2-1707. No further changes have been made to this chapter. KBA 07/25/2017 |
Law Enforcement
(Investigations) |
07/25/2017 |
In Chapter 5, Performance Outcome 5.15., Conduct preliminary investigation of weapons/firearms, and follow-up investigation when assigned has been revised. Performance Outcome 5.15.7. Complete necessary reports (including Firearms Clearing House Form 187 to be sent to state police) has been revised to: 5.15.7. Complete necessary reports and comply with U.S. Department of Justice and State Police (§52-25.1) reporting requirements. No further changes have been made to Performance outcome 5.15. KBA 07/25/2017 |
Law Enforcement
(Investigations) |
07/25/2017 |
In Chapter 5, Performance Outcome 5.8., Conduct preliminary investigation of a rape or sexual offense, and follow-up investigation when assigned has been revised. Performance Outcome 5.8.10. has been added in accordance with §19.2-11.11., “ Provide the appropriate notifications in accordance with §19.2-11.11.” The Lesson Plan Guide has also been revised with the addition of #10, “Provide the appropriate notifications in accordance with §19.2-11.11.” No further changes have been made to Performance Outcome 5.8. KBA 07/25/2017 |
Law Enforcement
(Patrol) |
07/25/2017 |
In Chapter 5, Respond to and conduct preliminary or follow-up investigation of Driving Under the Influence -- Intoxicants/ Drugs, Revisions have been made to Performance Outcomes 4.46.8., the Lesson Plan Guide and the Instructor Notes. Performance Outcome 4.46.8. (If driver has been arrested and refuses the breath or blood test) has been revised to: If driver has been arrested and refuses the breath or blood test (Birchfield v. North Dakota, 136 S. Ct. 2160 (2016)): Performance Outcome 4.46.8. a,b.c.d (a. Advise of implied consent rights b. Arresting officer shall advise DUI arrestee from a form provided by the Office of the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court and that the arresting officer shall acknowledge on such form that he has read the form to the arrestee. c. Complete documentation for administrative license suspension. d. Take the arrestee to the magistrate and obtain warrant. Give the magistrate the executed advisement form to attach to the warrant or summons) has been revised to: a. Refusal of breath: 1st refusal civil offense. Subsequent refusals within 10 years criminal offense - Class 1 misdemeanor, b. Refusal of blood: Always a civil offense, c. Advise of implied consent rights, d. Arresting officer shall advise DUI arrestee from a form provided by the Office of the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court and that the arresting officer shall acknowledge on such form that he has read the form to the arrestee, e. Complete documentation for administrative license suspension, f. Take the arrestee to the magistrate. Give the magistrate the executed advisement form to attach to the warrant or summons. Lesson Plan Guide #10 (If driver has been arrested and refuses the breath or blood test, a. Advise of implied consent rights b. Arresting officer shall advise DUI arrestee from a form provided by the Office of the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court and that the arresting officer shall acknowledge on such form that he has read the form to the arrestee. c. Complete documentation for administrative license suspension. d. Take the arrestee to the magistrate and obtain warrant. Give the magistrate the executed advisement form to attach to the warrant or summons. e. If the driver has been taken to a medical facility for treatment or evaluation of his medical condition and refuses to take a blood or breath test, the arresting officer may issue a summons for the violation while on the premises of the facility) has been revised to: 10. If driver has been arrested and refuses the breath or blood test (Birchfield v. North Dakota, 136 S. Ct. 2160 (2016)): a. Refusal of breath: 1st refusal civil offense. Subsequent refusals within 10 years criminal offense - Class 1 misdemeanor, b. Refusal of blood: Always a civil offense, c. Advise of implied consent rights, d. Arresting officer shall advise DUI arrestee from a form provided by the Office of the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court and that the arresting officer shall acknowledge on such form that he has read the form to the arrestee, e. Complete documentation for administrative license suspension, f. Take the arrestee to the magistrate. Give the magistrate the executed advisement form to attach to the warrant or summons. |
Virginia Criminal Justice Services Training Manual and Compulsory Minimum Training Standards Full Manual | 12/4/2017 | The Virginia Criminal Justice Services Training Manual and Compulsory Minimum Training Standards Full Manual has been totally revised with new software and numerous changes in numbering and lettering. 12/04/2017 KBA |
Civil Process -(Civil Process) Terrorism Added | 12/4/2017 | In Chapter 5 -New Performance Outcomes 4.10., 4.11., 4.12. and 4.13.- Field Training Performance Outcome 9.7. (Repealed) Effective date for for this change is 01/01/2018-No Further Changes. 12/04/2017 KBA |
Court Security -(Court Security Operations) Terrorism Added | 12/4/2017 | In Chapter 5 -New Performance Outcomes 4.9., 4.10., 4.11. and 4.12.- Field Training Performance Outcome 9.10. (Repealed) Effective date for for this change is 01/01/2018-No Further Changes. 12/04/2017 KBA |
Jail Officers -(Jail Operations) Terrorism Added | 12/4/2017 | In Chapter 5 -New Performance Outcomes 4.8., 4.9., 4.10. and 4.11.- Field Training Performance Outcome 9.69. (Repealed) Effective date for for this change is 01/01/2018-No Further Changes. 12/04/2017 KBA |
Dispatchers -(Dispatcher Judgement) Active Shooter Added | 12/4/2017 | In Chapter 5 -New Performance Outcomes 2.4. Effective date for for this change is 01/01/2018-No Further Changes. 12/04/2017 KBA |
Law Enforcement -(Legal Issues) | 12/4/2017 | In Chapter 5 - Legal Issues, Performance Outcome 2.40. Lesson Plan Guide #7 & 8, there has been a code section and lettering adjustment. The reference to the Foote Case has been removed. Effective date for for this change is 01/01/2018-No Further Changes. 12/04/2017 KBA |
Law Enforcement -(Patrol) | 12/4/2017 | In Chapter 5 - Patrol, Performance Outcome 4.16., In Criteria substantial revisions and renumbering have been made to 4.16.3. - In the Lesson Plan Guide #2 Code Citations have been corrected and language has been added. In Performance Outcome 4.17., Criteria 4.17.2., Code references missing child, critically missing adults and the various Code Alert notifications have been made and "e" has been (Repealed). Criteria 4.17.6., State Police Alert notifications requirements have been added. Under 4.17. Lesson Plan Guide # 3 & 11 language has been amended to address the revised Criteria. In Performance Outcome 4.22., In Criteria 4.22.1., Code references missing child and the various Code Alert notifications have been made and "k" has been (Repealed). State Police Alert notifications requirements have been added and VCIN and NCIC requirements are noted. Lesson Plan Guide # 1 has been amended to address the revised Criteria. Effective date for for this change is 01/01/2018-No Further Changes. 12/04/2017 KBA |
Law Enforcement -(Patrol) Terrorism Added | 12/4/2017 | In Chapter 5 -New Performance Outcomes 4.57., 4.58., 4.59. & 4.60- Effective date for for this change is 01/01/2018-No Further Changes. 12/04/2017 KBA |
Civil Process -(Legal) | 12/4/2017 | Virginia Code Sections have been updated in the following Performance Outcomes (PO) 2.7. -Lesson Plan Guide #6 b&c, PO 2.8. -Criteria 2.8.3. (Title of Act Added), PO 2.12. -Lesson Plan Guide #8, Effective date for for this change is 01/01/2018-No Further Changes. 12/04/2017 KBA |
Court Security -(Legal) | 12/4/2017 | Virginia Code Sections have been updated in the following Performance Outcomes (PO) 2.7. -Lesson Plan Guide #6 b&c, PO 2.8. -Criteria 2.8.3. & 2.8.4. (Title of Act Added-Amended), -Lesson Plan Guide #4, PO 2.12., -Lesson Plan Guide #8. Effective date for for this change is 01/01/2018-No Further Changes. 12/04/2017 KBA |
Jail Officers -(Legal) | 12/4/2017 | Virginia Code Sections have been updated in the following Performance Outcomes (PO) 2.7. -Lesson Plan Guide #6 b&c, PO 2.8. -Criteria 2.8.4. (Title of Act Added), PO 2.12., -Lesson Plan Guide #8. Effective date for for this change is 01/01/2018-No Further Changes. 12/04/2017 KBA |
Law Enforcement -(Legal) | 12/4/2017 | Virginia Code Sections have been updated in the following Performance Outcomes (PO) 2.5. -Lesson Plan Guide #3, PO 2.6. -Lesson Plan Guide #5, PO 2.8. -Lesson Plan Guide #1 e. PO 2.13. -Lesson Plan Guide #1 (a) (1). PO 2.18. -Criteria 2.18.2, -Lesson Plan Guide #2. Effective date for for this change is 01/01/2018-No Further Changes. 12/04/2017 KBA |
Basic Corrections Officers-Dept. of Corrections (Emergency Response) | 12/4/2017 | In Chapter 5- Emergency Response Performance Outcome 4.5. Training Objective 1 a has been (Repealed). Criteria 4.5.1. and 4.5.2 addressing CBRN(E) has been moved to Performance Outcome 4.7. and the section has been renumbered. Lesson Plan Guide # 1 has been (Repealed). New Performance Outcomes 4.6., 4.7., 4.8., 4.9. Effective date for for this change is 01/01/2018-No Further Changes. 12/04/2017 KBA |
Noncustodial Officers-Dept. of Corrections | 12/4/2017 | A new section of the manual has been added to Chapter 5 consisting of new Performance Outcomes for Noncustodial Employees of the Department of Corrections. These Performance Outcomes were developed based on the existing Performance Outcomes for Basic Corrections Officers. Effective date for for this change is 01/01/2018-No Further Changes. 12/04/2017 KBA |
Academy Information/Instructor Certification/Re-Certification |
03/15/2018 |
In Chapter 3- Instructor Certification/Recertification Requirements, the Standardized Field Sobriety Instructorship, # 2 (G) Standardized Field Sobriety Test (SFST) has been removed as an instructorship. There are now six (6) categories of instructorship certifications. Revisions were also made to #3 (C) removing the Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Instructor as a specialty and #3 (H), which repealed the SFST Instructor Certification and Re-Certification process. A letter dated, March 1, 2018, from DCJS to all academies provided the information for the changes that are effective as of March 15, 2018. Contact your individual academy for further information and requirements for instructing SFST. No further changes made to this Chapter. KBA 03/15/2018 |
DCJS Policies and Requirements Standardized Field Sobriety Test Instructor Certification (SFST) |
03/15/2018 |
The DCJS policy for the Standardized Field Sobriety Test (SFST) Instructor Certification and the Senior SFST Instructor Certification has been removed. The following information and instructions have been added to the policy section for the SFST Instructor Certification: SFST basic courses may be taught only by DCJS certified general instructors who have successfully completed the NHTSA/IACP-Virginia Standard Field Sobriety Testing Basic Instructor course and a refresher training every 3 years. Academy directors are responsible for approving the instructors’ credentials. Academies may set additional standards for instructors that they deem appropriate. No further changes made to this policy section. KBA 03/15/2018 |
Forms | 03/15/2018 | The Standardized Field Sobriety Test (SFST) language has been removed from the following forms: IC-1, IC-2 , Request for Extension II and the Instructor Patch Order Form. No further changes have been made to the Form Section. KBA 03/15/2018 |
Law Enforcement (Legal) | 07/01/2018 | In Legal Issues, under the Criteria Section of Performance Outcomes (PO) 2.31., there have been revisions in reference to the return of search warrants requirements per Virginia Code effective 07/01/2018. |
Law Enforcement (Legal) | 07/01/2018 | Effective 07/01/2018, the Grand Larceny threshold (Felony) will change from $200.00 to $500.00 or more per Code update. In Legal Issues, Performance Outcome (PO) 2.13., Apply knowledge of the law related to larceny, motor vehicle theft, extortion and embezzlement has been revised. In the Lesson Plan Guide #3 (a) the value amount has been changed to $500.00 or greater for a felony. In the Lesson Plan Guide #3 (b) the value amount for a misdemeanor is now less than $500.00. In Legal Issues, Performance Outcome (PO) 2.34., Seize contraband, weapons, or stolen property from a suspect has been revised. In the Lesson Plan Guide #2 (a) (1) the value amount has been changed from $200.00 to $500.00 or more where autos are used to transport stolen goods. Unless stated otherwise, all new laws of the Code of Virginia will take effect 07/01/2018. No further changes. 07/01/2018 KBA |
Civil Process (Legal) | 07/01/2018 | In Legal Issues, under the Criteria Section of Performance Outcomes (PO) 2.12., there have been revisions in reference to the return of search warrants requirements per Virginia Code effective 07/01/2018. |
Court Security (Legal) | 07/01/2018 | In Legal Issues, under the Criteria Section of Performance Outcomes (PO) 2.12., there have been revisions in reference to the return of search warrants requirements per Virginia Code effective 07/01/2018. |
Jail Officer (Legal) | 07/01/2018 | In Legal Issues, under the Criteria Section of Performance Outcomes (PO) 2.12., there have been revisions in reference to the return of search warrants requirements per Virginia Code effective 07/01/2018. |
Civil Process (Civil Process) | 05/10/2021 | In Civil Process, under Performance Outcome 4.1, there is one change. Under Lesson Plan Guide #13. b., Code Reference § 55-237 was repealed effective 10-1-2019. This code was replaced by §8.01-130.13. LMK |
Law Enforcement (Legal Issues) | 05/11/2021 | In Legal Issues, under Performance Outcome 2.1, there are three changes. Under Lesson Plan Guide #1.b.1., the entire line has been struck through, as a third offense petit larceny is no loger a felony. Under Lesson Plan Guide #3. a. and b., the dollar amounts were changed from $500 to $1000, in both locations. LMK |
Law Enforcement (Legal Issues) | 05/11/2021 | In Legal Issues, under Performance Outcome 2.19, there is one change. Under Criteria, §18.2-344 was repealed effective 7/1/2020 and has been marked accordingly. LMK |
Law Enforcement (Legal Issues) | 05/11/2021 | In Legal Issues, under Performance Outcome 2.29, there is one change. Under Lesson Plan Guide, under #1. a. Definitions Family Abuse is misspelled it currently reads "Fmily" abuse and was changed to reflect the correct spelling for Family. LMK |
Law Enforcement (Legal Issues) | 05/11/2021 | In Legal Issues, under Performance Outcome 2.40, there is one change. Under Lesson Plan Guide #8., changes made by the General Assembly in 1996 made §19.2 - 81 no longer relevant. This code was replaced by §19.2 – 78, which does contain accurate language. LMK |
Law Enforcement (Legal Issues) | 05/11/2021 | In Legal Issues, under Performance Outcome 2.44, there is one change. Under Lesson Plan Guide #1.a.3. the misspelling of photograph was changed to the correct spelling. LMK |
Law Enforcement (Communications) | 05/11/2021 | In Communications, under Performance Outcome 3.4, there are two changes. Under Lesson Plan Guide #1. §18.2-268.2 was inserted, as this is the implied consent statute. Under Lesson Plan Guide #2. §18.2-268.2 was struck through. LMK |
Basic Correctional Officer (Safety) | 05/12/2021 | In Safety, under Performance Outcome 3.1, there is one change. Under Lesson Plan Guide, 5.a., the word restrain is replaced by restraint: a. Primary medical dangers associated with the sudden |
Basic Correctional Officer (Professionalism) | 05/12/2021 | In Professionalism, under Performance Outcome 8.2, there are three changes. Under Lesson Plan Guide #3, Changed 1., 2., and 3. to read 1. Law Enforcement 2. Courts 3. Corrections LMK |
Non-Custodial Officer (Safety) | 05/12/2021 | In Safety, under Performance Outcome 3.1, there is one change. Under Lesson Plan Guide, 5.a., the word restrain is replaced by restraint: a. Primary medical dangers associated with the sudden |
Non-Custodial Officer (Professionalism) | 05/12/2021 | In Professionalism, under Performance Outcome 8.2, there are three changes. Under Lesson Plan Guide #3, Changed 1., 2., and 3. to read 1. Law Enforcement 2. Courts 3. Corrections LMK |
Juvenile Justice Officer (Professionalism) | 05/12/2021 |
In Professionalism, under Performance Outcome 8.2, there are three changes. Under Lesson Plan Guide #3, Changed 1., 2., and 3. to read 1. Law Enforcement 2. Courts 3. Corrections LMK |
Law Enforcement Officer (Patrol) | 07/22/2021 | In Patrol, under Performance Outcome 4.45, there are two changes. Under Criteria, the General Assembly repealed the Habitual Offender status in 2021, so it has been struck through. Under Lesson Plan Guide #2e, Habitual Offender has been struck through. LMK |
Law Enforcement Officer (Legal Issues) | 01/24/2022 | In Legal Issues, under Performance Outcome 2.1, there is one change. Under Lesson Plan Guide #1, the date listed for Commonwealth v. Webb, 27 Va. (6 Rand) 726 (1928) is incorrect. The date was modified to the correct date of (1828). LMK |
Law Enforcement Officer (Legal Issues) |
04/07/2022 | In Legal Issues, under Performance Outcome 2.8, there are two changes. Under Criteria and under the Lesson Plan Guide #1.a., the General Assembly replaced Capital Murder with Aggravated murder in §18.2-31, in 2021. Capital Murder was replaced with Aggravated Murder in both locations. LMK |
Law Enforcement Officer (Legal Issues) |
04/07/2022 | In Legal Issues, under Performance Outcome 2.28, there are two changes. Under Criteria and under the Lesson Plan Guide #1.a., the General Assembly replaced Capital Murder with Aggravated murder in §18.2-31, in 2021. Capital Murder was replaced with Aggravated Murder in both locations. LMK |
Law Enforcement Officer (Patrol) |
01/02/2024 |
In Patrol, under Performance Outcome 4.21, there are 12 changes. These changes reflect the current language for Definitions in §18.2-46.1. Under Criteria 4.21.1., the word “youth” has been deleted. Under and under Lesson Plan Guide #1 f., the phrases “one of whom is a juvenile” and “recurrent felonious” have been deleted. Under and under Lesson Plan Guide #1 f. 2., those entire entries have been deleted. Under Criteria 4.21.2., the word “youth” has been deleted. Under and Lesson Plan Guide #2 a., the word “youth” has been deleted. Under and under Lesson Plan Guide #2 a., the phrase “youth gang or” has been deleted. Under Criteria 4.21.4., that entire Criteria has been deleted. Under Lesson Plan Guide #4., the entire entry has been deleted. There are two numbering changes. Criteria 4.21.5. has been changed to 4.21.4. and Lesson Plan Guide #5 has been changed to #4. LMK |
Law Enforcement Officer (Legal Issues) |
10/01/2024 | In Legal Issues, under Performance Outcome 2.18, there are two changes. These changes reflect the current language in §18.2-53.1, Code of Virginia. Under and under lesson plan guide 1.e., the word "Possession" has been deleted and replaced with the phrase "Use or display". LMK |
Law Enforcement Officer (Defensive Tactics) |
02/03/2025 | In Defensive Tactics, under Performance Outcome 6.7, there are two changes. Under Criteria and Lesson Plan Guide #1 b, "disturbing the peace" was deleted because Virginia does not have a code that covers disturbing the peace. The numbering was also updated. LMK |
Law Enforcement Officer (Patrol) |
02/03/2025 | In Patrol, under Performance Outcome 4.10, there are two changes. Under Criteria 4.10.1. and Lesson Plan Guide #1, the word "disturbing" was deleted but added "the preservation of", to align those to §15.2-1700, Code of Virginia. The numbering was also updated. LMK |