Separate Waiting Areas Available: indicate if there are designated places for victims to wait during court proceedings to afford them privacy and protection from intimidation (this includes a witness room, the victim/witness program office, etc.). This is a requirement for all grant-funded victim/witness programs.

Directory of Services Developed: indicate whether the victim/witness program has a compilation of social services and community resources available to crime victims. The directory must be current (updated within the last two years). This is a requirement for all grant-funded victim/witness programs.

Continuance Notification Process Established: indicate whether the program maintains a system that is used to assist victims in minimizing unnecessary trips to court (e.g., a 24-hour docket line, procedures that encourage victims to call the day before trial, or criminal justice professionals who notify victims personally). This is a requirement of all grant-funded victim/witness programs.

Percentage of Grant-Funded Staff Hours Devoted to the Provision of Services to Witnesses: state the percentage. Grant-funded programs must keep this figure under five percent.

Campus Sexual Assault Services: provide the service provision number of hours to primary, secondary, college or university students, faculty, and or staff.

Client Feedback Surveys: provide the number of formal client surveys distributed and completed.

Note: If “No” is marked for any of the first three categories, describe in the narrative, under “Plans For Next

Quarter,” the steps the program will take to meet the requirement.