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How do I determine the Modified Total Direct Cost (MTDC)?

FAQ Organization

To calculate indirect costs, you must first determine the Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC) amount of your budget. Indirect costs that can be requested are not based on the entire project budget, but on the MTDC amount. Use the MTDC Worksheet to calculate your MTDC amount. The Worksheet will also calculate the amount of indirect costs that you can request.  the MTDC Worksheet must be completed each quarter, based on actual expenses.  The actual MTDC amount will determine the amount of Indirect Costs to be reimbursed for that quarter. In other words, the amount of Indirect Costs reimbursed should/will vary from quarter to quarter. The amount of Indirect Costs requested for reimbursement each quarter cannot simply be the total for the year divided by four; the amount must be based on actual MTDC amounts.  The MTDC Worksheet should be emailed to each quarter.
