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Victims Crisis Assistance and Response Team (VCART)



Victims Crisis Assistance and Response Team (VCART)

The Victims Crisis Assistance and Response Team (VCART) program provides a victim-centered response that is coordinated by the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) to assist victims following criminal events. The Code of Virginia requires DCJS and the Virginia Victims Fund to be the lead coordinating agencies for crime victims during critical incidents and mass casualty events that trigger emergency management plans. These plans have been developed by school boards, institutions of higher education, the Board of Health, the State Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board, the Department of Emergency Management, and political subdivisions.

The VCART program works closely with the Virginia Department of Emergency Management, the Virginia Victims Fund, the Virginia Department of Social Services, and others in the development of the State Family Assistance Center Plan and as a part of the Virginia Emergency Support Team (VEST). The VCART program identifies and coordinates the availability of trained, experienced team members to provide crisis intervention, grief counseling, and other services to primary and secondary victims, witnesses, and community members, and at a Family Assistance Center (FAC).

Report a Critical Incident or Emergency

Codified Responsibilities for Localities and Organizations:

Information on the Victims Crisis Assistance and Response Team (VCART):

To update your contact information, please contact Andrew Kinch
For more information on becoming a member of the VCART, email Andrew Kinch
To request an orientation or training on the VCART program, email Dawn Bush

Becoming a member of VCART:

Effects of Trauma: 

Vicarious Trauma Resources:

Upcoming Trainings


Virginia VCART Information Sheet (flyer)

Office for Victims of Crime Victim Response Checklist

Office for Victims of Crime Victim Recovery Checklist

Resources and Research from other Critical Incidents

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network

Online Psychological First Aid training


To learn more about becoming a VCART member, please contact Andrew Kinch at

To request a training on the VCART program, please contact Dawn Bush at


VCART is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of its services on the basis of race, color, or national origin, as protected by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  For additional information on the nondiscrimination policies and procedures of DCJS or to file a complaint, please contact Kassandra Bullock at (804) 786-4011 or