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K-12 Resources and Curriculum


K-12 CurriculumAnchor

School-Law Enforcement Partnership Curriculum

SLEP Training Instructor Guide

Module I: School-Law Enforcement Partnership Memorandum of Understanding and Partner Roles

PowerPoint: Module I

Module II: Legal Issues

PowerPoint: Module II

Module III: Working with Adolescents

PowerPoint: Module III

Module IV: SRO Strategies for Success

PowerPoint: Module IV


AnchorK-12 Publications and ResourcesAnchor

School Safety Audit Program

Virginia School Safety Audit Infographic

School Safety Audit Timeline Checklist

1. School Safety Audit Survey

2. School Division Safety Audit Surveys

3. Crisis Management Plan Certification

5. School Safety Inspection Checklist and Certification

6. School Safety Audit Review

4th Amendment for School Administrators 2022

Critical Incident Response Video

Critical Incident Response for School Faculty and Staff

Standard Response Protocol and Standard Reunification Method Materials *Updated June 2024*

Guidance on Emergency Manager Designee

Guidance for School Systems in the Event Victims Arise from an Emergency 2018

The Virginia Educator's Guide for Planning and Conducting School Emergency Drills

Guidance on Required Evacuation/Fire and Lockdown Drills (update pending)

Virginia Safety Planning Guide for Individuals with Special Needs

Virginia Schools Bus Driver and Monitor Safety and Security Manual

Virginia Schools Bus Driver and Monitor Video

Student Injury Report Form - pdf

Student Injury Report Form- MSWord

SIMEX 20-6 After Action Report: School Security (December 2020)

DHS-DOJ Bomb Threat Guidance

Academic Community Exercise Starter Kit

CDC - Helping Children Cope with Emergencies

CISA-K-12 School Security Guide Assessment Tool

REMS – School EOPs in Depth Series

REMS - Steps for Developing a School Emergency Management Plan

REMS - Practical Information on Crisis Planning Guide

REMS - Emergency Exercises: An Effective Way to Validate School Safety Plans

REMS - Creating Emergency Management Plans

REMS - Components of Comprehensive School and School District Emergency Management Plans


School Resource Officers

School-Law Enforcement Partnership Guide

School-Law Enforcement Partnership Model Memorandum of Understanding - pdf (Revised 11/2023)

Information Sharing Guide for K-12 Public Schools

WEBINAR: Leveraging Positive Partnerships Between SROs and School Administration: “Working Together to Make Our Schools Safer” (recorded on June 11, 2020)


Threat Assessment

Threat Assessment and Management in Virginia Public Schools: Model Policies, Procedures and Guidelines - pdf

Essential Elements: School Threat Assessment and Management Model Policies and Procedures

K-12 Threat Assessment in Virginia: A Prevention Overview for School Staff, Parents, and Community Members

K-12 Threat Assessment Video

K-12 Threat Assessment Form - Fillable pdf 

K-12 Threat Assessment Form - Fillable MSWord 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About K-12 Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management

Technical Assistance for Threat Assessment and Management Teams for Virginia Schools and Institutions of Higher Education 

PSA - Ok2Speakout - Self 

PSA - OK2Speakout - Others 

PSA - YouTube video 

Enhancing School Safety Using a Threat Assessment Model: An Operational Guide for Preventing Targeted School Violence (July 2018 - National Threat Assessment Center)

Averting Targeted School Violence: A U.S. Secret Service Analysis of Plots Against Schools - 2021

Mass Attacks in Public Spaces - 2019 (National Threat Assessment Center)

Echoes of Columbine Documentary

US DOJ School Tip Line Toolkit: A Blueprint for Implementation and Sustainability

Plan for Implementation of a Statewide School Safety Mobile Application

A Toolkit for Strengthening K-12 Reporting Programs (U.S. Department of Homeland Security) 


Bullying and School Climate

School Climate, Student Engagement and Academic Achievement 

Preventing Teen Dating Violence: Interactive Guide on Informing Policy

US DOE School Climate and Discipline Packet

Suicide and bullying: Issue brief (SPRC)

Bullying: The Relationship Between Bullying and Suicide: What We Know and What it Means for Schools

Model Policy to Address Bullying in Virginia Schools (DOE)

Preventing Youth Suicide - National Association of School Psychologists


Additional K-12 Resources

Legislative Summary for Schools

Media Literacy & Critical Thinking Online: Tools and Resources (U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Office for Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention)

School Security and Preparedness Packet: Emerging Threats and Trends - November 2019

U.S. Department of Education Acts on School Safety Report Recommendation to Improve Understanding of Student Privacy Law

Human Trafficking - Webinar Resource List: Integrating Human Trafficking With School Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs)

FBI's Guide to Preventing Violent Extremism in Schools

Mitigating Negative Impacts of Social Isolation to Prevent Violence: Information for Parents and Educators of School-Aged Children (U.S. Department of Homeland Security)

Cyber Threats to K-12 Remote Learning Education (Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency)

Stop Ransomware - K-12 Resources (Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency)

Putting Title IX into Play

Community Awareness Briefing Resource Links 

United States Secret Service Targeted Violence Publications

Five Facts About Mass Shootings in K-12 Schools (NIJ)

The American School Shooting Study (TASSS)

Safety Checklist for Parents - Snapchat