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I have been out of Virginia LE employment for a few years, what do I need to do to become recertified?

FAQ Organization
  1. Law enforcement officer certification reinstatement:
    1. A fully certified law enforcement officer may reinstate his/her LE certification by returning to law enforcement employment within 24 months and completing 40 hours of law enforcement in-service training within 120 days of hire.  Jail officers must complete 24 hours jail in-service and court security/civil process officers must complete 16 hours in-service.
    2. Former Virginia certified law enforcement officers, jail officers, court security/civil process officers who have been out of such employment for more than 24 months may be eligible for a partial training waiver upon return to employment as a law enforcement officer:
      1. Applicant officer must have at least 5 years continuous previous experience as a certified law enforcement officer; and/or
      2. Applicant must be out of such employment for less than 5 years.
    3. The final decision on the waiver and details of the training requirements is based upon the reason and number of years since separation from law enforcement service. (6VAC20-20-30)
    4. This reinstatement procedure is only for former officers certified in Virginia.