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What are the required forms to submit a budget amendment request?

All requests for budget amendments or in-line budget adjustments must be made in OGMS via the contract amendment component.  The budget amendment process requires the completion of a budget revision summary and an itemized budget grid with a narrative for the justification.  The budget revision summary requires the subgrantee to enter the current approved budget and the proposed budget.  In addition, the request form will require the grantee to indicate the increased/decreased budget categories, itemization of the request and to justify the request.  If additional space is needed, subgrantees can attach a copy of a narrative, quote or other documentation to support the request. 

Example Justification: Grant funds are requested to cover virtual training registration fees for four direct service staff to attend the National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA) Evidence-based Coordinated Community Response Protocols training conducted within the current award period. The target audience includes law enforcement, medical forensic staff, victim advocates, school personnel, licensed counselors, and other agency partners to develop and enhance responses to victims of crime to ensure safety and a sense of stability after victimization. (4 registrations @ $350 / participant=$1400).