FAQ Organization
All school principals are required to complete the mandatory components of the school safety audit legislation as designated by the Virginia Center for School and Campus Safety. The requirements include:
- Completion of the School Safety Audit review for their school (template available).
- Completion of the School Safety Survey for their school.
- Completion of the School Safety Inspection Checklist for their school (every three years).
- Update the Crisis and Emergency Management Plan for their school.
- Completion of the Virginia School Survey of Climate and Working Conditions
All school superintendents are required to complete mandatory components of the school safety audit legislation as designated by the Virginia Center for School and Campus Safety. These requirements include (By August 31):
- Completion of the Division Safety Survey.
- Ensuring the division’s school listed within the Survey Manager are up to date and complete.
- Review of schools’ survey submissions, updated with any necessary modifications/corrections, and certification of accuracy of all completed surveys.
- Certification that every school's crisis and emergency response plan has been reviewed and updated by the locality’s school board (annually), that the division-wide audit committee has reviewed all school safety audits and made recommendations to the School Board as needed (annually), and that all schools in the division have completed the school safety inspection checklist (every three years).