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Primary Contact/Local Grant Approval

Our Project Administrator is changing next week, should the interim City Manager register and be associated with the grant or the current City Manager?

You will have to submit a contract amendment change form with the new City Manager’s information and make sure the new person registers in OGMS.  After the contract amendment is approved and the person has registered, you can associate them with the grant. For detailed instructions contact your grant monitor.

Will the project administrator sign hard copy documents or sign through the system? Usually city attorneys also need to see and approve the form.

Electronic signatures will be accepted in OGMS. However, initially, the statement of grant award process will remain the same and you will receive an emailed copy of the Statement of Grant Award (SOGA) for the Project Administrator to sign and email back to DCJS.

Is the Primary Contact considered to be the person who actually signs the grant applications?

Usually, the Primary Contact is the person with signature authority - The Project Administrator listed on the Statement of Grant Award (SOGA) has signatory authority on the grant.  For the CCCA/PSA grants, the primary contact is the person with the day-to-day responsibility for the grant, usually the Agency director. However, your City Manager or County Administrator must register in OGMS. If they are not registered, your application will not accepted.

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