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Body-Worn Camera Grant Solicitation

The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) is pleased to announce the availability of $6.4 million in state general funds to support the use of body-worn cameras in law enforcement. DCJS is soliciting applications from law enforcement agencies within the Commonwealth of Virginia that have primary law enforcement duties within their jurisdiction to make one-time grants for the purchasing, operating and maintaining of body-worn camera systems.

During the 2020 General Assembly regular session, Virginia Code Section 15.2-1723.1 was enacted, defining a body-worn camera system as “an electronic system for creating, generating, sending, receiving, storing, and processing audiovisual recordings, including cameras or other devices capable of creating such recording, that may be worn about the person.”


This grant announcement is restricted to law enforcement agencies within the Commonwealth of Virginia that have primary law enforcement duties within their jurisdiction. Eligible agency types include: state and local law enforcement agencies, as well as, colleges and universities employing certified law enforcement officers.

Grant awards may be prioritized for localities making their first body-worn camera purchase and those that do not currently have a body-worn camera program.

Localities with an existing body-worn camera program are eligible and encouraged to apply. However, the need for additional equipment should be sufficiently documented.

Funds available through this grant solicitation can be used to support one-time cost associated with:

  • Purchases of body-worn camera equipment;
  • Data storage;
  • Operations; and
  • Equipment maintenance.

Twelve (12) months is the maximum length of time that grant funds will be awarded to support a body-worn camera program in a locality.

To be eligible the applicants must include:

  • Clear documented evidence of the need;
  • The applicant’s written policy governing the use of the body-worn cameras and storage of the data they produce;
  • Plan for data storage and retention;
  • Plan for equipment maintenance and replacement.