The Code of Virginia (§ 9.1-165, et seq.) provides for financial assistance to localities with police departments through the "599" program. Currently, 175 cities, counties, and towns receive "599" funds. The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) administers the program.
Eligibility for 599 Funds
To be eligible for "599" funds, a locality must have a police department as defined in § 9.1-165, and all of the police department's law enforcement personnel must meet the state's minimum training requirements. Prior to the start of each fiscal year, the participating jurisdictions must certify to DCJS in writing that they meet those criteria. DCJS uses its training records database to verify that each locality’s officers are in compliance with the minimum training requirements. Each locality must also certify that it will use the “599” funds to supplement, not supplant, local funds provided for public safety services.
Jurisdictions which received "599" funds during the 1980-82 biennium are considered eligible to receive funding as long as their departments remain in operation. Other localities seeking to establish police departments and become eligible must meet more stringent criteria.
Any town eligible for "599" funds during the 1986-88 biennium may, instead of maintaining its own police department, elect to have its police services provided by the sheriff of the county in which it is located under an agreement pursuant to § 15.2-1726, and still retain its eligibility.
Crime Reporting and Sex Offender Registration
To maintain their eligibility for “599” funds, localities must submit accurate, up-to-date crime reports to the State Police in accord with their requirements and schedule. They must also register sex offenders as required by the Code of Virginia and notify the State Police that they have done so. DCJS is authorized to withhold payment of “599” funds when we receive notification from State Police that a locality has not complied with these requirements.
Calculation and Distribution of "599" Amounts
Although the Code of Virginia sets out a distribution formula for calculating the amounts for eligible localities, in recent years the General Assembly has instead specified in the Appropriations Act that localities’ allocations in a given fiscal year are to be based on a standard, across-the-board percentage increase or decrease from the previous fiscal year’s allocations. The distribution formula has, in effect, been superseded during those years by the instructions in the Appropriations Act. Funds are distributed to eligible localities in quarterly payments via electronic funds transfers.
For further information, contact Michelle Miles at 804.225.1846, or by e-mail.