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Local Law Enforcement Block ("LOLE") Grant Program


The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (“DCJS”) is pleased to announce the availability of funds through the Local Law Enforcement Block (“LOLE”) Grant Program.  The Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program (“JAG”) makes federal funds available to localities to help support their efforts to support public safety or crime prevention efforts.  DCJS has been designated to administer a portion of the JAG funds reserved for Virginia and to make those funds available to local units of government. DCJS has designated this program the Local Law Enforcement Block, LOLE, Grant Program.

Eligibility for LOLE Funds

The LOLE grant program is a formula based grant opportunity.  Eligible localities have reported violent crime data at least three (3) years of the past ten (10) calendar years, to the Federal Bureau of Investigations Uniform Crime Report (URC) Part 1.  If a locality has not reported at least three (3) years of UCR Part 1 violent crime data in the past ten calendar years, they are ineligible to receive an award.  Localities wishing to accept the LOLE funds allocated for their jurisdiction will need to complete an “eligibility application” on DJCS’s Online Grant Management System (“OGMS”) to ensure eligibility.  

Funding Focused Areas

  • Law Enforcement to include- hiring, overtime, and equipment
  • Prosecution and Courts
  • Prevention and Education efforts
  • Corrections and Community Corrections
  • Drug Treatment
  • Planning, Education and Technology Improvement

Prohibition on Use of Funds

Funds through this grant program are not to be used to purchase, lease, rent, or acquire tanks or armored vehicles, fixed-wing aircraft, limousines, real estate, yachts, consultants, or any vehicle not used primarily for law enforcement. In addition, federal funds cannot be used to supplant State or local funds, but instead to increase the amount of funds that would be available otherwise from State and local sources.

Match Requirement

There is no match requirement for this program.

Technical Assistance

Please contact the following DCJS staff for questions regarding your Local Law Enforcement Block, “LOLE”, Grant program: