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Campus Crime Prevention: What’s Happening and What Works


The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) is pleased to announce “Campus Crime Prevention: What’s Happening and What Works”. This 2-day course is designed to update campus crime prevention professionals on the ever-changing landscape of current campus crime trends and what strategies are most effective in preventing and mitigating those specific crimes. This interactive course will challenge new and seasoned crime prevention officers to re-think the traditional crime prevention strategies that have been employed in pre-COVID educational and programming efforts. The focus of this program is to identify crimes currently occurring on campuses and evidenced-based strategies are the most effective for campus crime prevention.   

Course Topics

  • The Evolution of Crime Prevention – From Peel to Precision Policing

  • U.S. and Campus Crime Trends

  • Situational Crime Prevention Strategies That Work

  • Crime and Place – Plotting your Campus Hot Spots

  • Finding the Balance – The Most Common Crimes vs. the Crimes with the Greatest Impact

  • Deploying the 4-D’s of Crime Prevention – Deny, Delay, Detect and Deter

  • Residence Hall Security and Crime Prevention Programing

  • The Lifestyles Routine Activities Theory – Combatting Distraction and Detachment

  • Assaults and Violence

  • Alcohol and Other Drugs

  • Sexual Assault and Harassment

  • The S.A.R.A. model of Problem Solving

  • The Basics of Conducting a Security Survey and a CPTED Review

  • Selling Your Program – The Value of Networking and Creating Partnerships

Who Should Attend?

This training is intended for campus law enforcement, campus security officers, municipal law enforcement with a connection to institutions of higher education, campus staff who lead and provide prevention services for students on their campuses, and crime prevention practitioners.

Partial In-service Credit

Partial In-service Credit for law enforcement and campus security officers is available.

Travel, Lodging, and Meals

Transportation, lodging and meals are the responsibility of the participant.

Training Times

Registration begins at 8:00 am.

Training begins at 8:30 am and concludes at 5:00 pm each day.

Cost and Registration

There is no registration fee to attend this training. Pre-registration is required. 

Please note that the DCJS registration system does not have the capacity to sort eligible from ineligible registrants. Therefore, anyone who registers will receive a confirmation. It is the responsibility of the DCJS assigned course director to review the roster and make a final determination on acceptance into the course. Registrants not accepted will be notified via the email address provided during registration.


Participants will be required to complete a Participant Screening and Waiver prior to attending the training. This will be emailed to registrants before the training and will also be available to complete at check-in on the day of the training.

PLEASE NOTE: DCJS is preparing and planning to continue holding training sessions and conferences after a resumption of normal activities. Every effort will be made to hold this scheduled training, however, due to the uncertainty of the progression of the COVID-19, this training may require rescheduling. You will be notified by email if this training is rescheduled. We appreciate your flexibility and understanding.

For More Information, Contact:

Marc Dawkins
(804) 380-9709

Kristina Fawcett
(804) 225-3948