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In Harm’s Way: Law Enforcement Suicide Awareness and Prevention-Train the Trainer


The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) is pleased to offer three opportunities to attend In Harm’s Way: Law Enforcement Suicide and Prevention – Train the Trainer, presented by the Virginia Law Enforcement Assistance Program (VALEAP). 

According to Blue H.E.L.P., in the year 2019, 229 law enforcement officers died as a result of suicide. This figure is higher than the number of officers who were killed in the line of duty. This course will serve to further the conversation of officer wellness. Officers who attend this course will be able to understand the stress, pressures and culture in law enforcement that can lead to suicidal ideation. They will be able to identify behaviors and communication that should not be ignored. This course will stress the importance of establishing department policy, protocol and procedures. 


This course is being offered to a very limited number of attendees and will require a great deal of commitment. After completing this 16-hour course, attendees will be required to attend at least two future 8-hour class for observation. These courses will be facilitated by DCJS and taught by VALEAP instructor, Ken Blank throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia (dates and locations TBD). This will allow prospective trainers to take notes and work on refining their presentation.  

After attending the 8-hour classes, the students will then be required to attend another 16-hour class where attendees will be required to present a portion of their presentation. Only after everything is completed will the students be certified to instruct this course. The location of these events will be held at the same locations as the previous train the trainer course (dates TBD). Students will be given advanced notice of these dates so that they can coordinate their availability. 

Again, this training will require a great deal of commitment. It is recommended that prior to registering, potential students check with their agencies and supervision to ensure that they will be given the opportunity to complete the necessary requirements.  

Topics to be addressed

  • Introduction to Suicide Awareness

  • Suicide Statistics and Interventions

  • Suicide in Law Enforcement

  • Law Enforcement Culture

  • Transforming Public Safety

  • The Realities of Depression and Alcohol

  • Warning Signs

  • Alternate Methods and Materials

  • Suicide Statistics Research

  • Making Practical Useful and Interesting

Who should attend?

This training is only intended for sworn law enforcement officers and certified members of law enforcement agency peer support groups.  

Partial In-service Credit

Partial In-service Credit (PIC) for Virginia law enforcement officers will be available. 


There is no cost to attend this training, however pre-registration is required.  

Travel, Lodging and Meals

Participants are responsible for their transportation and lodging arrangements and expenses.

Training Time and Details

  • Check in will begin at 7:30 a.m. and course will be held from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m  


Pre-registration is required via DCJS’ online registration system.

  • Please note that the DCJS registration system does not have the capacity to sort eligible from ineligible registrants. Therefore, anyone who registers will receive a confirmation. It is the responsibility of the DCJS assigned course director to review the roster and make a final determination on acceptance into the course. Registrants not accepted will be notified via the email address provided during registration.