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ALERRT Active Shooter Response Level 1

ALERRT Active Shooter Response Level 1

Fort Gregg-Adams, VA -
Fredericksburg, VA -
Mechanicsville, VA -


The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services is pleased to announce the delivery of the ALERRT Active Shooter Response Level 1 course in our statewide initiative promoting national standard levels of training, specifically within the area of active attacks. Virginia has taken the position to lead the way as a model in providing active attack instruction for our law enforcement/public safety members in the continued efforts of building resiliency and continuity when faced with mitigation of these events. This dynamic course of instruction is designed to prepare the first responder to isolate, distract, and neutralize an active shooter. This course will cover shooting and moving, threshold evaluation, concepts and principles of team movement, setting up for and room entry techniques, approach and breaching the crisis site, secondary responder tactics, improvised explosive devices, and post engagement priorities of work. The course will culminate with dynamic force‑on‑force scenarios.


16 hours/2 days

Registration begins at 7:30 am. Course will run from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Class Size

24, from multiple agencies


Sworn law enforcement officer (preferred: experience in tactical, firearms, and/or law enforcement training)

Credentials will be required for admittance.

Required Equipment

Good attitude, open mind, pen and paper, duty gear, body armor, groin protection, and appropriate clothing for "force-on-force" training (i.e. long sleeve shirt, gloves, etc.) Head, eye, and throat protection will be provided by ALERRT. 

Partial In-Service Credit

Law enforcement officers will receive partial in-service credit for attending this training.

Cost and Registration

There is no registration fee for this course. Pre-registration is required.

Please note that the DCJS registration system does not have the capacity to sort eligible from ineligible registrants. Therefore, anyone who registers will receive a confirmation. All registrants will be notified whether or not they have been accepted via the email address provided during registration.


For More Information, Contact:

Adam Keene, Active Attack Program Manager
Email Adam