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Animal Cruelty Investigations and the 4th Amendment Webinar


The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services in partnership with The Humane Society of the United States is pleased to announce this virtual training titled, “Animal Cruelty Investigations and the 4th Amendment”.

“Fruit if the poisonous tree” is a legal metaphor for a concept with significant implications for animal services and law enforcement officers

Topics to be covered: 

  • Critical evidence identification for animal cruelty cases (including best practices for writing reports)
  • How to document that evidence in accordance with the 4th Amendment
  • Tips for assessing exigency and urgency
  • Considerations for deciding the best course of action for a successful case outcome.

Who should attend?

This training is open to sworn law enforcement officers.

Partial In-service Credit

Partial In-service Credit for law enforcement officers is available (1.5 legal, .5 career development). You must be present for the duration of the course to receive credit.


There is no fee to attend this training.

For More Information, Contact:

Chris Scuderi