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Financial Wellness for Public Safety

Please Note: We have moved to Benchmark Learning Management System for this training. To register, create your account or log in here then either search for your desired training, or come back here and click "Register" to be taken directly to the event page. For more information or help, please refer to this user guide.


Gain knowledge required to comprehend financial challenges, recognize the impact of finances on overall performance, understand essential financial terminology and concepts, and develop a practical plan for personal financial wellness. Learn to recognize the effects of financial burden on performance for both individuals and supervisors and gain valuable mitigation tactics to for self-help and peers. Funding for this training is provided through the Byrne/Justice Assistance Grant Training Program.

Explore in depth the financial wellness component of the Public Safety Wellness Ecosystem™ developed by 38 Seconds Coaching. Participants will gain an understanding of how financial wellness directly affects them, their peers, and their subordinates on the job. Additional Tips and tricks for passive savings, retirement planning, and simple investment options. 

Who Should Attend?

This training class is being offered to Virginia first responders, emergency communication operators, peer support members, campus law enforcement, campus security personnel, and other public safety professionals.

Partial In-service Credit

Partial In-service Credit for law enforcement is available.

Training Time and Details

Registration begins at 7:30 a.m.

Training begins at 8:00 a.m. and concludes at 5:00 p.m.

Travel, Lodging, and Meals

Participants are responsible for their transportation, meals, and lodging arrangements and related expenses.  

Cost and Registration

There is no registration fee to attend this training. 

Pre-registration is required.  


For More Information, Contact:

Carolyn Dellorso, First Responder Wellness Training Coordinator