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K-12 Title IX Decision-Maker Course


The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) is pleased to partner with ATIXA, to offer an opportunity to attend a one-day training titled K-12 Title IX Decision-Maker Course. K-12 Title IX Decision-Maker is a one-day course focused on helping K-12 Decision-makers understand the scope of their expanded role, apply policy with analytical precision, recognize and overcome bias that may impact their decision-making, and to be sure that their determination is reliably based on the evidence. This training is designed to shore up decision-making skills so that decisions are sound, supportable, and more difficult to challenge in court. Plus, participants will explore many of the new regulatory requirements to ensure their formal resolution process is compliant. This course is appropriate for single or panel Decision-makers, appeal Decision-makers, as well as administrators who oversee Decision-makers and is designed to meet the needs of the various decision-making structures operating within schools and districts. 

Learning Outcomes: 

Participants will be able to… 

  • Identify the steps of a Title IX grievance process that occur leading up to and prior to a responsibility determination

  • Understand the role of due process in Title IX decision-making, including the role of neutral and impartial Decision-makers

  • Distinguish between relevant and directly related evidence

  • Develop questions for parties and witnesses that seek relevant evidence

  • Assess the credibility of parties, witnesses, and presented evidence

  • Analyze relevant evidence regarding issues of consent in sexual misconduct cases

  • Understand the role and responsibilities of an appeal Decision-maker

The training agenda will include the following:

  • Title IX Basics 

  • Decision-Maker Mission/Role

  • Bias, Conflicts of Interest, and Recusal

  • Due Process

  • Overview of the “Title IX Process”

  • Getting Prepared to Make a Decision

  • Policy Definitions

  • ATIXA Consent Construct

  • Questioning by Decision-Maker

  • Understanding Evidence

  • Making a Decision

  • Appeals

  • Record Keeping and Documentation

Who Should Attend?

This training is being offered to individuals who are currently serving as a K-12 public school Title IX decision-maker at the school or district level, or whose duties otherwise are assisting in the Title IX process in their school or district. 

Partial In-service Credit

There are no partial in-service credit hours offered for this training.

Training Time and Details

Check-in begins at 8:30 a.m. 

Training begins at 9:00 a.m. and concludes at 4:00 p.m.

Travel, Lodging, and Meals

Participants are responsible for their transportation, meals, and lodging arrangements and related expenses.  

Cost and Registration

There is no registration fee to attend this training. Pre-registration is required. 

Please note that the DCJS registration system does not have the capacity to sort eligible from ineligible registrants. Therefore, anyone who registers will receive a confirmation. Please use a valid work email address (not personal email address) to register. It is the responsibility of the DCJS assigned course director to review the roster and make a final determination on acceptance into the course. Registrants not accepted will be notified via the email address provided during registration.