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Legal Considerations for Community-Based Threat Assessment Teams


The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) is pleased to announce “Legal Considerations for Community-Based Threat Assessment and Management.” Funding for this training is provided through the Department of Homeland Security’s Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Grant. 

The growing use of Threat Assessment Teams presents legal hazards that should be recognized and mitigated. In the aftermath of a violent incident, the work of threat assessment teams may be criticized or second-guessed and may even be examined in the context of litigation.   

This one-day workshop will: 

  1. Help participants understand the legal environment within which threat assessment teams operate. 

  1. Familiarize participants with the legal hurdles to the public sharing of information with threat assessment teams. 

  1. Familiarize participants with state and federal legal restraints on information sharing among threat assessment team members.

  1. Assist in developing defensive strategies to minimize legal exposures associated with the work of threat assessment teams. 

  1. Familiarize participants with best practices for communication, investigation, decision making, and recordkeeping for threat assessment teams. 

The training will enhance participants abilities to support existing threat management processes in schools, campuses, and workplaces/organizations within their community, and to build foundations for broader, community-based, approaches to prevent violence.  

The session will be presented by John L. More, J.D. 

Who should attend?

This training will benefit local government administrators, public health officials, law enforcement, educators and school administrators, mental health and counseling professionals, business leaders, and other interested community stakeholders, and especially persons working with threat assessment teams.  

Partial In-service Credit

Law enforcement will receive partial in-service credit hours for this training.


There is no registration fee for this course.

Transportation, Lodging, Meals

Participants are responsible for their transportation, lodging, and meal expenses. 

Training Times and Details

Registration begins at 7:30 AM
Training runs from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM each day 


For More Information, Contact:

Marc Dawkins
Law Enforcement and Public Safety Training Manager
Email Marc

Steve Witmer
Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Grant Program Coordinator
Email Steve