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Medical Preparedness and Response for Bombing Incidents


The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services in partnership with the Virginia Department of Emergency Management is pleased to announce this two-day “Medical Preparedness & Response for Bombing Incidents” course presented by Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX). 

This course is intended for members of emergency response as well as other city and county services that become a part of a community response to a bombing incident. This interactive, Instructor facilitated program employs case studies, lessons learned, validated medical data, and potential threats to the communities we serve. Sessions will address planning considerations and concerns specific to medical responders, law enforcement, and emergency planners, with an intended outcome of integrating incidents of an explosive nature to existing plans. This will enhance community preparedness by identifying areas to address when attendees return to their jurisdiction.

Topics to be covered:

  • Terrorism Target Identification  

  • Types of Terrorism  

  • Explosive Characteristics and Behaviors  

  • Homemade Explosives

  • Pre-attack Indicators 

  • Blast Injury Pattern Recognition  

  • Explosive Incident Triage Considerations 

  • Pre- and Post-Detonation Response 

  • Planning and Command Considerations 

  • Understanding Local/State/Federal Resources

Who should attend?

This training is intended for sworn law enforcement officers, campus/school security officers, Emergency Medical Services (EMS), Fire Services, Communications (Dispatchers), Specialty Teams Members (SWAT, Tactical Medics, Bomb Team, Haz Mat),  Hospital Personnel, Medical Professionals, Emergency Management, City, County, State, Federal Stakeholders, Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) and Private Industry 

Partial In-service Credit

Partial In-service Credit (PIC) for sworn Virginia law enforcement officers and campus/school security officers is available for this course. PIC IS ONLY APPROVED FOR THE DCJS SPONSORED COURSES LISTED BELOW!!


There is no cost to attend this training, however pre-registration is required.  

Travel, Lodging and Meals

Participants are responsible for their transportation and lodging arrangements and expenses.

Training Time and Details

  • Check in will begin at 7:30 a.m. and course will be held from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m  

  • Please have photo ID on hand


Pre-registration is required via the TEEX online registration system. 


  1. Select your class dates and location and click on the “Register” link on the right. Choose the class location info, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Continue”. 

  1. New to the site? Create a username and password, or log in if you are a returning student.

  1. On the Class Registration overview page, you will see you have completed 3 steps. Select “Continue". There is no fee to attend, it will show a 0 balance throughout.

  1. Review your information, complete required fields, scroll to the bottom and select “Continue”.

  1. You will see a confirmation page with a bar code and your name with the class info below to include the class address, dates and time. You will also receive an e-mail confirming you are registered. There is often a system delay in allowing access to the pre-test after you register as the system refreshes.  

  1. Next steps are required for you to take the PRE-TEST: 

a. Login to your TEEX Student Portal Account at

b. On Dashboard, click “View Itinerary”.

c. Select “Start” in the pop-up window.

d. Ensure the “TEEX General Release Form” box is checked and select “Pre-Test”.

If you have any questions or problems accessing the TEEX site, please contact EMS/Public Health Customer Care at (979) 314-1120 or