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Mental Health Topics: Pathways for the Prevention of Violence Training Series


Please Note: We have moved to a new registration system (Benchmark Analytics) for this training. Create your account or log in here then either search for your desired training, or come back here and click "Register" to be taken directly to the event page. For more information or help, please refer to this user guide.


Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS), in collaboration with Safe & Sound Schools, is pleased to announce this two-day training across Virginia. Participants must register for each day individually.

Module Descriptions – Please note the dates topics are offered, also listed on Benchmark.

Introduction to Pathways for Prevention

Participants will review the constructs of Multi-tiered Systems of Support and explore the application of MTSS for the prevention of school violence. Through real-world illustrations and examples, participants will recognize MTSS as a model of prevention, intervention, and postvention. Through subsequent modules, participants will learn to identify and utilize systems of support within their school community to ensure student growth, wellness, and safety in identified areas of need.

Emotional Awareness and Management - December 6

Emotional awareness and management are critical social-emotional competencies that support student growth and can help prevent emotional, behavioral, and mental health crises. Through scenario-based examples and activities, these concepts will be defined, and participants will learn how schools can support their students’ growth in these areas in a multi-tiered system of support that focuses on social-emotional learning.    

Suicide Prevention and Intervention - November 8, December 6

Students experience a myriad of emotions as they progress through school. While most cope successfully with these feelings, many will harbor emotional pain so great that they have thoughts of suicide. In fact, approximately 50% of lifetime mental health conditions emerge by age 14 and 90% of deaths by suicide had an underlying mental illness. As mental health concerns increase, schools must be ready to address suicide prevention and intervention needs for all students.

Through scenario-based examples and activities, participants will learn how to identify risk and protective factors and warning signs of suicide. They will also learn how schools can support students at-risk for suicide through implementation of MTSS such as, conducting suicide risk assessments, safety planning, and reintegrating students back into school after hospitalization. Additionally, best practices in suicide postvention will be defined and reviewed. 

Identifying and Supporting Students with Trauma Experiences - November 8

Students experience various forms and degrees of trauma as a result of death, illness, crisis, and loss, often affecting behavioral, social-emotional and academic growth, which can lead to harmful behaviors if unrecognized and untreated.

Through scenario-based examples and activities, participants will learn how to identify traumatic events, experience, and effects. A trauma-informed approach within a multi-tiered system of support will be described, and specific examples and resources will be provided in order to apply the concepts learned.  

Positive Behavioral Supports - November 9

This training module explores the power of a positive approach to fostering a safe and welcoming school environment. Examining best practices in proactive, response, and management strategies across a multi-tiered systems approach, participants will gain practical tools for building a positive climate and supportive culture to increase positive student engagement, interaction, and growth, decreasing negative, harmful, and potentially violent behaviors in school. 

Bullying Prevention and Intervention - November 9, December 5

A longstanding challenge for school communities across the country and spanning decades of American public education, bullying behavior is harmful to victims, offenders, and school communities nationwide, as well as linked to long-term mental health impacts and violent behaviors. Participants will explore the myriad issues and presentations of bullying in this module, exploring their impact upon students’ learning and sense of safety in school today. Examining multi-tiered solutions, interventions, strategies, and supports, participants will learn to identify and combat these challenges through universal, targeted, and intensive interventions and resources.

Responding to Threatening Behaviors - December 5

Before and beyond threat assessment, this learning module explores a Multi-tiered Systems of Support approach to preventing, addressing, and managing potential school violence. From fostering a culture of care to assessing and managing an active threat, school communities may be better positioned to prevent school violence than they realize. Participants will explore universal violence prevention strategies, as well as targeted and intensive interventions for preventing and responding to violent behaviors to support a safe learning environment. 

Supporting Individuals and School Communities Through Grief Expressions - November 8, December 6

Grief experiences impact school communities and individuals within the community in various forms and degrees, affecting behavioral, social-emotional and academic growth, potentially lead to harmful behaviors if unrecognized and untreated. Through scenario-based examples and activities, participants will learn how to identify and support individual and shared grief experiences through a multi-tiered systems approach. 

Intended Audience

This training is intended for K-12 educators, school security personnel, prevention providers, law enforcement, probation officers, school administration, counselors, student conduct professionals, prosecutors, and other interested school personnel.

Partial In-service Credit

Partial In-service Credit (PIC) for law enforcement will be available. 


There is no fee to attend this training.

Training Times and Details

Training runs from 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM


Pre-registration is required.

Register for each day individually.


For More Information, Contact:

Betsy Bell
Email Betsy