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Physical Health and Fitness for First Responders

Please Note: We have moved to Benchmark Learning Management System for this training. To register, create your account or log in here then either search for your desired training, or come back here and click "Register" to be taken directly to the event page. For more information or help, please refer to this user guide.


The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services is pleased to offer “Physical Health and Fitness for First Responders.”  

This course is designed to empower first responders with a comprehensive understanding of their bodies and the profound impact of stress on their longevity. Through focused exploration of biology, nutrition, and fitness, participants will gain essential knowledge and practical strategies to effectively combat stress. By enhancing their understanding of nutrition and fitness, participants will be equipped to optimize their physical health and performance, ensuring they are prepared to meet the demands of their critical roles with resilience and longevity in mind.

Topics to be addressed:

  • Understanding the unique demands faced by first responders in maintaining fitness and nutrition goals
  • Fundamentals of nutrition
  • Meal planning and preparation strategies
  • Managing stress through nutrition and lifestyle
  • Rest, recovery, and injury prevention
  • Fitness training principles
  • Mental health awareness and stress management
  • Resources and support systems

Who should attend?

This training is open to all first responder groups, including, but not limited to, law enforcement, fire/EMS, EMTs, dispatchers, and corrections. Additionally, retired first responders, civilian peer support, and mental health clinicians who are culturally competent in first responder wellness, are encouraged to attend.

Partial In-service Credit

Partial In-service Credit (PIC) for Virginia law enforcement officers will be available.

Travel, Lodging and Meals

Participants are responsible for their transportation, lodging arrangements, and expenses.

Training Time and Details

Check-in will begin at 7:30 am and course will be held from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Participants should wear appropriate clothing suitable for physical activity. No shorts or uniforms, please

Cost and Registration

There is no cost to attend this training, however pre-registration is required.

Please note that the DCJS registration system does not have the capacity to sort eligible from ineligible registrants. Therefore, anyone who registers will receive a confirmation. It is the responsibility of the DCJS assigned course director to review the roster and make a final determination on acceptance into the course. Registrants not accepted will be notified via the email address provided during registration. 

For More Information, Contact:

Ron Coombs
Email Ron