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Regional Family Assistance Center Workshop

Victims Crisis Assistance and Response Team

The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS), the Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM), the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS), invite you to a regional Family Assistance Center workshop on June 24, 2024. The workshop will be held at the Liberty University EOC located at 4550 Mayflower Dr. Lynchburg, VA. This workshop will be both a learning and networking opportunity for those agencies in region 3, to include Lynchburg and surrounding areas, who are called upon to respond in the aftermath of a mass casualty incident (MCI) and/or the establishment of an FAC. Your agency will have the opportunity to identify and discuss resource availability and gaps with agencies that you would be working with in a real-world MCI. We have invited representation from state police, local law enforcement, victim advocates, Commonwealth Attorney's, Community Services Boards, the Red Cross, the Medical Reserve Corps, emergency management, social services, City Attorney’s Offices, and faith-based leaders from your region to take part in this learning and engagement opportunity.

Please RSVP by June 20, 2024.  We ask that if you are unable to attend, you select a designee to attend on your behalf. The individual at your agency who would generally serve as the main point of contact for such events and have knowledge of the agency emergency operations plan should attend this workshop. We ask that each agency limit the RSVP to one or two people from your agency due to limited space.

Please contact Dawn Bush at with any questions.

DCJS Page Contact

Dawn Bush
VCART Outreach & Training Specialist
Victims Services
(804) 659-1031
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