Please Note: We have moved to Benchmark Learning Management System for this training. To register, create your account or log in here then either search for your desired training, or come back here and click "Register" to be taken directly to the event page. For more information or help, please refer to this user guide.
General Description
The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services is pleased to announce the School Resource Officer and School Administrator Basic Course. This course focuses on working with youth, school safety, school law, and in particular, the functions of School Resource Officers and School Administrators in a PreK-12 school environment. This course is required for all law enforcement officers assigned as SROs to a Virginia public school and includes the following content mandated by the Code of Virginia:
(i) relevant state and federal laws;
(ii) school and personal liability issues;
(iii) security awareness in the school environment;
(iv) mediation and conflict resolution, including de-escalation techniques;
(v) disaster and emergency response;
(vi) awareness of systemic and individual racism, cultural diversity, and implicit bias;
(vii) working with students with disabilities, mental health needs, substance use disorders, or past traumatic experiences; and
(viii) student behavioral dynamics, including current child and adolescent development and brain research
Intended Audience
This training is intended for:
- Current and future School Resource Officers (SROs). Must be a certified law enforcement officer. SROs will attend Monday-Thursday. This course is required by law for all law enforcement officers assigned as SROs.
- School Administrators who seek an understanding of these essential personnel roles and components of a safe school environment. A certificate of participation will be provided. Must be currently employed in a public or private school. School Administrators will attend Monday-Tuesday, but priority will be given to SROs if there is a waitlist.
NOTE: Individuals employed as School Security Officers will need to complete the 2-day SSO class to meet their certification requirements. For more information, please visit the School Security Officer (SSO) Certification Program page.
Partial In-service Credit
Certified law enforcement officers will receive 28 hours of (PIC) in-service training credit. (This includes 22 hours of career development, 4 hours of legal, and 2 hours of cultural diversity )
Travel, Lodging and Meals
Transportation, lodging, and meals are the responsibility of the participant.
Registration begins at 7:30 am.
Training will be from 8:00 am - 4:30 pm.
Cost and Registration
There is no fee associated with this training. Pre-registration is required.
Please note that the DCJS registration system does not have the capacity to sort eligible from ineligible registrants. Therefore, anyone who registers will receive a confirmation. It is the responsibility of the DCJS assigned course director to review the roster and make a final determination on acceptance into the course. Registrants not accepted will be notified via the email address provided during registration.
For More Information, Contact:
Derrick Mathis, School Resource Officer Training and Program Coordinator
Email Derrick
David Weaver, School Resource Officer Program Support Specialist
Email David