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How does the agency determine sub-recipient risk?

The risk assessment takes into consideration the following financial and programmatic factors:

  1. Total dollar amount of grant award
  2. Timeliness of financial reporting to DCJS
  3. Results of a Single-Audit
  4. Date of most recent site visit
  5. Timeliness of programmatic progress reporting to DCJS
  6. Turnover of DCJS-funded key staff
  7. Duration of sub-grantee’s grant experience.
  8. Other issues of non-compliance and recurring or unresolved issues

A weighted numeric value is assigned to each factor, with higher numbers indicating higher risk.  Based on the total risk score, sub-grantees will be placed in the risk categories of high, moderate, or low.  A score of six or lower is low risk.  A score of seven to thirteen is medium risk.  A score of 14 or greater is high risk. A sub-grantee's risk level may be adjusted to a higher level based on additional information that DCJS is aware of, including results of other grant monitoring from partner agencies, financial instability, results from previous site visits, recurring or unresolved issues, concerns about internal controls, and financial management issues.  These concerns should be documented on the Grant Monitoring Risk Assessment Tool.  A completed copy of the risk assessment will be kept in the sub-grantee’s file.