FAQ Organization
When material risk is identified in a sub-recipient’s organization or project, 2 CFR 200.331 requires pass-through entities to implement risk management tools to ensure proper accountability, compliance with program requirements, and achievement of performance goals. Examples of available risk management tools include:
- Providing sub-recipients with training and technical assistance on program related matters.
- More frequent monitoring of programmatic aims or invoices.
- More frequent communication with PI.
- On-site review of the sub-recipient’s program operations.
- Stringent review of audits and prompt action when instances of non-compliance are identified.
- Enforcement action for non-compliance, including temporary withholding of payments, disallowing a cost when all or part of the cost is non-compliant, wholly or partially suspending or terminating the sub-award, withholding further funds from the project, or any other legally available remedies.