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Will grants currently in progress start in the new system?

FAQ Organization

For the first phase of implementation, we are transitioning a select number of DCJS grants:

  • CCCA/PSA-Community Corrections & Pretrial Services Expansion Grants – Start Date 1/1/2021
  • PAPIS Pre-Release and Post-Incarceration Services Expansion Grants – Start Date 1/1/2021
  •  VSTOP-Violence Against Women Grants – Start Date 1/1/2021
  •  SASP-Sexual Assault Services Program Grants – Start Date 1/1/2021

Please contact your grant monitor for the timeline of when your specific grant program will start using OGMS. New grant solicitations/ funding opportunities are planned to start in the new system.  There may be exceptions so continue to check the DCJS website for all funding opportunities and guidelines.