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Employment Reporting Requirements

Prior to Employment

The chief of police and all police officers of any locality, all deputy sheriffs and jail officers in this Commonwealth, and all law-enforcement officers as defined in § 9.1-101 who enter upon the duties of such office after July 1, 1994, are required to meet the minimum qualifications for office. § 15.2-1705. Minimum qualifications; waiver

Application for Waiver of Minimum Qualifications must be submitted to DCJS on Form W-1

Upon Employment

Newly hired personnel must be reported to DCJS within 10 days and entered into the TRACER.   Agencies not using TRACER are encouraged to download the Confidential Information Agreement Form and User Guide in the previous link, and send to DCJS.  Staff at DCJS are available for assistance (See contact information within link).

DCJS Form 21 can be submitted to DCJS to report newly hired personnel, but should only be used if you do not have an account or awaiting authorization to use T-REX.  

  • All personnel hired with secondary job functions must be reported to DCJS.

Ending Employment

Personnel who have ended employment with your organization must be reported to DCJS within 10 days and entered into TRACER.  The employment page in TRACER must have the end date entered and the reason (See tab for choice selections).

DCJS Form 31 can be submitted to DCJS to report the ending of employment for your personnel, but should only be used if you do not have an account or awaiting authorization to use T-REX.  

  • All agencies should contact their academy of record when hiring new personnel and when personnel have ended employment.