Project Highlights

Committee on Training Approved Training Standards | PowerPoint Presentation | Recorded Presentation Committee on Training Meeting Information



Training Standards Review Process

  • In 2017, DCJS began the process of updating the Compulsory Minimum Training Standards for Entry Level Law-Enforcement Officers pursuant to a requirement in the state budget. The review began with a contractor driven Job Task Analysis (JTA), which consisted of a survey of over 1,500 law enforcement officers across the Commonwealth to determine the tasks deemed essential for a new officer.
  • DCJS staff have been facilitating monthly meetings with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and the Law Enforcement Curriculum Review Committee (CRC) to revise current standards, remove outdated standards, and create new standards.


Highlights of the Revision Project

Academy: A few of the areas where the training standards have been enhanced:


Law Enforcement Revision Project


Field Training: Significantly increases the number of demonstration-based tasks that the recruit will perform with the supervision of a field-training officer, such as: demonstrate appropriate standards of conduct/professionalism, demonstrate effective communication with citizens/public, demonstrate conflict management techniques, increases field training hours from 100 to 240, and more.