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44E - Bail Enforcement Agent

Course Time: 40 Hours

  1. Orientation: Ethics (2 hours)
    1. Ethics
      1. Professionalism
      2. Conflicts of Interest
      3. Code of Ethics
  2. Law: Code of Virginia and Regulations; Basic Law; Courts; and Bail Enforcement (12 hours + 1 practical exercise)
    1. Code of Virginia and Regulations
      1. Definitions
      2. Licensing Procedures and Requirements
      3. Compulsory Minimum Training Standards
      4. Standards of Practice and Prohibited Acts
      5. Administrative Requirements/Standards of Conduct
      6. Administrative Reviews, Complaints, Procedures
    2. Basic Law
      1. Legal Terminology and Definitions
      2. Purpose and Function of Law
      3. US Constitution
        1. Bill of Rights
        2. Amendments
      4. Code of Virginia
        1. Bail Bonding Laws
        2. Laws of Arrest
      5. Landmark Cases
        1. Taylor v. Taintor
        2. Old Fugitive Slave Laws
      6. Virginia Cases
      7. Limitations and Liabilities
    3. Courts
      1. Federal Court System
        1. Criminal
        2. Civil
      2. State Court System
        1. Criminal
        2. Civil
    4. Bail Enforcement
      1. Right to Arrest
      2. Search and Seizure
      3. Uniform Extradition Act
      4. Virginia Extradition Procedures
      5. Legal and Criminal Forms
  3. Fugitive Recovery: Investigative Techniques; Recovery Procedures; Agent Survival; and Apprehension of a Fugitive (24 Hours + 1 practical exercise)
    1. Investigative Techniques
      1. Surveillance
      2. Court Research
      3. Law Enforcement Coordination
      4. Interviewing
      5. Impersonation and Misrepresentation
      6. Reference Materials and Resource List
      7. Skip Tracing Techniques
      8. Fugutive Identification
    2. Recovery Procedures
      1. Pursuit
        1. Foot
        2. Vehicular
        3. Other
      2. Entry and Search
      3. Perimeter/Interior Room Control
    3. Agent Survival
      1. Confrontation Management
      2. Use of ForceDeadly Force
      3. Escalation of Force
      4. Emergency Procedures
    4. Apprehension of a Fugitive
      1. Compliant versus Non-compliant Procedures
      2. Search of Person
        1. Personal Items
        2. Seizure of Contraband
      3. Handcuffing Techniques
      4. Rights of the Accused
      5. Detainment and Transportation
      6. Interstate Transport
      7. False Arrest
  4. Remanding To Custody: Legal Detainment Facilities; Entering the Jail or Sally Port; Signing the Bailpiece/Return to Court; and Hospital Procedures for Injuries (2 hours + 1 practical exercise)
    1. Legal Detainment Facilities
    2. Entering the Jail or Sally Port
    3. Signing the Bailpiece/Return to Court
    4. Hospital Procedures for Injuries