In-Line Budget Adjustments allow grantees to move money within one budget category. In-line adjustments can be reviewed anytime during the year but must be approved by your grant monitor prior to the end of the fiscal year and prior to funds being obligated or expended. There is no limit on the number of in-line adjustments per award period. All proposed changes must include a description, itemization (basis of computation), itemization (unit cost of each item) and appropriate justification explaining how the request is allowable and essential to the project. Please double check all figures and ensure that the narrative aligns with the proposed budget amendment. Be sure to round to the nearest dollar. The total amount of the request cannot exceed the total amount awarded. Verify the total award against the Statement of Grant Award (SOGA). If additional space is needed, upload a narrative, quotes, or invoices to support the request. To submit a request for an in-line adjustment, please submit the request in OGMS by selecting the Contract Amendments component. For guidance on how to adequately itemize and justify a request, go to the Victims Services Grant Management Resources page: For instructions on how to submit a contract amendment, go to the OGMS Training & Resources page:
What is an in-line budget adjustment?
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