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Compliance Agent

What must a business do upon termination of the sole remaining compliance agent?

The business must notify the department in writing within 10 calendar days and provide the name of the individual responsible for the licensee's adherence to applicable administrative requirements and standards of conduct during the period of replacement. A new certified compliance agent must be designated within 90 days following the sole compliance agent's termination.

I need to complete compliance agent training before my certification expires in 30 days. You do not have a training class in my area in that time. What can I do?

We try to schedule training all over Virginia. All of our training dates/locations are posted on the website about one year in advance. We try to accommodate everyone, but you will need to take training prior to your expiration date in order to remain current. Sometimes, that means attending a training in a location that is farther away than you would like. However, you now have the option of completing training online. Go to the Training Alternatives webpage for details. 

I applied for compliance agent in-service training and was scheduled for a class that is far from where I live. Do I have to attend?

Individuals are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. If the training you requested was already full, you were scheduled for the next available training date prior to your expiration date. Apply early to reserve the training you wish to attend. If it is prior to your expiration date, we will try to put you in a training that is closer to you. However, you now have the option of completing your training online. Go to the Training Alternatives webpage for details. 

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