Performance Outcome 1.1.
Identify counting, inspections, security and search procedures.
Training Objective Related to 1.1.
1. Given a practical exercise, identify:
a. Counting and discrepancies procedures
b. Security procedures
c. Search and check procedures
d. Entry and inspection procedures
e. Inmate releases and transfers procedures
f. Perimeter security procedures
g. Inmate movement procedures
h. Entrance and/or exit of vehicles procedures
i. Gate and/or door movement procedures
j. Supervision procedures
k. Enforcement and disciplinary rules and regulations
l. Documentation and reporting
Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:
1.1.1. Identify and demonstrate counting and discrepancies procedures.
1.1.2. Identify and demonstrate security procedures.
1.1.3. Identify and demonstrate search and check procedures.
1.1.4. Identify and demonstrate entry and inspection procedures.
1.1.5. Identify procedures when releasing and/or transferring inmate(s).
1.1.6. Identify procedures to detect and correct actual or potential security breaches.
1.1.7. Identify and demonstrate procedures to control movement in and out of the facility.
1.1.8. Identify procedures for admitting and releasing vehicles from the facility.
1.1.9. Identify and demonstrate techniques and proper procedures control of movement through a gate and/or door.
1.1.10. Identify and demonstrate group movement procedures.
1.1.11. Identify and demonstrate documentation and reporting procedures.
1.1.12. Identify rules and procedures.
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify and demonstrate counting and discrepancies procedures.
a. Facility/unit/institution/pod/room/living/common/work areas
1. Roster
2. Time frames
3. Discrepancies
4. Locations
5. Log books
6. All clear
7. Reporting
8. Verification
2. Identify and demonstrate security checks and actions to be taken regarding any escapes or absences without permission.
a. Areas
1. Pods/dormitories/facility/unit/room/living/common/work areas
2. Fixtures
3. Locks
4. Windows
5. Doors
6. Verify locations
7. Mail
8. Reporting and documentation
3. Identify and demonstrate procedures to search inmates, staff, and visitors.
a. Security and supervision
1. Illegal activities
2. Authorized and unauthorized searches
3. Weapons (homemade, improvised, etc.)
4. Drug contraband
5. Types of searches
a. Metal detectors
b. Frisk
c. Strip
d. Body cavity
6. Reporting and documentation
7. Sight supervision
4. Identify and demonstrate inspection procedures.
a. Personal and/or state property
b. Containers
c. Special inspections
d. Reporting and documentation
e. Inmate refusal/lack of cooperation
f. All contraband, including drugs, weapons and others as identified
5. Identify procedures when releasing and/or transferring inmate(s) to another facility and/or to law enforcement personnel.
a. Movement
1. Requirements
2. Reporting and documentation
6. Identify rules and procedures for inmates, disciplinary actions, monitoring and security procedures, visitation, escorting, and supervision of inmates.
a. Enforcing rules and procedures
b. Disciplinary actions
c. Inmate activities
1. Directing
2. Controlling
3. Hygiene
4. Recreation
5. Work detail
6. On and/or off site
7. Documentation
d. Inmate movement
1. Security procedures
a. Shakedown
b. Cell entry
c. Extrications
e. Mandatory incident reporting and documentation
1. Accurate
2. Timely
3. Legible, clear, concise
4. Follows chain of command
f. Supervision of
1. Inmate’s activities
2. Staff
3. Sight
4. Opposite sex
g. Monitoring
1. Control of activity
2. Intervention alerts
h. Security precautions and/or awareness
i. Post orders and/or shift duties
7. Identify and demonstrate proper procedures to maintain security of the perimeter by detecting and correcting actual and/or potential security breaches.
8. Identify and demonstrate control movement techniques in and/or out of the facility.
9. Identify procedures for admitting and releasing vehicles from the facility in order to prevent escapes and/or passage of contraband.
10. Identify and demonstrate movement procedures in and/or out of the visiting room.
a. Monitor
b. Maintain security
c. Identification verification
d. Limitations
1. Visitors
2. Inmates
e. Situations
1. Suspicious and/or improper activities
2. Actions to be taken
f. Recognize behavioral and/or psychological situations
11. Identify and demonstrate procedures required to maintain security through control of movement through a gate and/or door.
a. Duties
b. Responsibilities
c. Log
12. Identify and demonstrate group movement procedures within the facility.
a. Escorting
b. Monitoring/observations
c. Criteria
d. Security
e. Control room
f. Log books
g. Reporting of incidents
h. Emergencies
i. Special considerations
13. Identify rules and procedures.
Performance Outcome 1.2.
Identify established federal, state, and local standards for the prevention, detection and response of sexual abuse, sexual assault and/or prison rape and comply with § 63.2-1509 Code of Virginia requirements and the agency’s written procedures.
Training Objectives Related to 1.2.
1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify:
a. Federal and state statutes
b. Reporting requirements for any case of suspected abuse
c. Prevention and detection procedures
d. Vulnerable populations
e. Medical and mental health services and programs
Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:
1.2.1. Identify the Code of Virginia and the Prison Rape Elimination Act 28 C.F.R Part 115
1.2.2. Identify the procedures for reporting cases of suspected abuse
1.2.3. Identify prevention and detection procedures
1.2.4. Identify vulnerable populations
1.2.5. Identify medical and mental health care programs
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify federal and state statutes and agency procedures.
2. Identify detection and prevention procedures.
a. Observation
b. Notifying/reporting inmate(s) activity(ies)
c. Responsive planning
d. Disciplinary actions
e. Medical and mental health care
f. Grievances
g. Audits
3. Identify vulnerable populations.
a. Lesbian
b. Gay
c. Bisexual
d. Transgender
e. Intersex
f. Gender nonconforming inmates
g. With disabilities
h. Limited English proficient
4. Identify inmate and staff sexual abuse.
5. Identify inmate and inmate sexual abuse.
6. Identify physical assault and potential injuries.
7. Identify therapeutic interventions.
8. Identify victim characteristics.
9. Identify physical victimization through.
a. Personal attacks and/or bullying/hazing
b. Property damage
c. Use of weapon(s)
d. Confinement–no escape
e. Intimidation
f. Retaliation
10. Identify psychological consequences.
Performance Outcome 1.3.
Identify inmates with different social cultural lifestyles.
Training Objectives Related to 1.3.
1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify:
a. Safety precautions
b. Different social cultural lifestyles of inmates
c. Appropriate security levels
d. Services available to inmates
Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:
1.3.1. Identify social cultural lifestyle differences in a prison setting
1.3.2. Identify diverse population security precautions and procedures
1.3.3. Identify and demonstrate safety and security techniques and procedures
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify social cultural lifestyle differences.
2. Identify and demonstrate safety and security techniques and procedures.
3. Identify vulnerable populations.
a. Small in stature
b. Limited English proficiency
c. Young inmate
d. Peer pressure
e. Self-injurious
f. History of being bullied
g. Sexual orientation
4. Describe appropriate security levels and services for inmates.
Performance Outcome 1.4.
Enforce structured daily routine and maintain continuous supervision of inmates.
Training Objectives Related to 1.4.
1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify a comprehensive, planned, and structured daily routine including appropriate supervision, designed to;
a. Meet the inmate’s physical and emotional requirements
b. Provide protection and guidance
c. Ensure delivery of programs and/or services
d. Protect inmates’ rights
1. Inmate opportunities to participate in programming, as applicable, upon admission
Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:
1.4.1. Identify components of a comprehensive, planned, and structured daily routine
1.4.2. Identify inmate opportunities upon admission, as applicable
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify components of a comprehensive, planned, and structured daily routine including appropriate supervision,designed to:
a. Meet inmate’s physical and emotional requirements;
b. Provide protection, guidance, and supervision;
c. Ensure delivery of program and/or services; and
d. Ensure protection of inmates’ rights.
2. Identify inmate opportunities to participate in programming, as applicable, upon admission.
Performance Outcome 1.5.
Identify components of an approved research based behavior management program, and the principles, and methods employed to help and/or assist an inmate to adopt positive pro-social behaviors and to address and correct an inmate’s behavior.
Training Objectives Related to 1.5.
1. Given a written exercise, identify:
a. Components of an approved research based behavior management program
b. Principles and methods used to help and/or assist an inmate to adopt pro-social positive behavior
c. Techniques and procedures to address and correct an inmate’s behavior
Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:
1.5.1. Identify approved behavior management programs
1.5.2. Identify techniques and procedures employed to help and/or assist pro-social positive behavior
1.5.3. Identify procedures and techniques to address and correct behavior
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify components of an approved behavior management program, and the principles and methods employed to help/assist an inmate to adopt pro-social positive behavior and to address and correct an inmate’s behavior.
Performance Outcome 1.6.
Manage an inmate’s misbehavior when he/she violates rules of conduct.
Training Objectives Related to 1.6.
1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify:
a. Procedures for handling inmate misbehavior using a graduated sanctions process
b. Violation of rules of conduct procedures.
c. Disciplinary report
d. Process to resolve rule violations
Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:
1.6.1. Identify misbehavior and violation of rules of conduct procedures
1.6.2. Demonstrate writing disciplinary report detailing the alleged rule violation
1.6.3. Identify procedures to resolving rule violation(s)
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify procedures for handling inmate’s misbehavior when he/she violates rules of conduct.
2. Identify a disciplinary report detailing the alleged rule violation.
3. Identify requirements for documentation.
4. Identify procedures to resolve rule violation(s).
a. Confinement
1. Protection
2. Safety
b. Documentation and reporting
Performance Outcome 1.7.
Reduce or eliminate inmate’s inappropriate or problematic behavior and removal to a specific location for a predetermined period of time.
Training Objectives Related to 1.7.
1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify:
a. Means designed to reduce or eliminate inappropriate or problematic behavior.
b. Removal techniques
Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:
1.7.1. Identify procedures to reduce or eliminate inappropriate or problematic behavior
1.7.2. Identify removal procedures and Identify assigned location
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify procedures designed to reduce or eliminate inappropriate or problematic behavior and removal to a specific and/or assigned location for a predetermined period of time or until the problem behavior has subsided:
a. Isolation, restriction, and condition
b. Segregation, restrictions, and conditions
c. Detention, restrictions, and conditions
d. Documentation and reporting procedures
Performance Outcome 1.8.
Identify gangs, definitions, statutes, statistics, and related gang management procedures.
Training Objectives Related to 1.8.
1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify indicators of inmate gang activities and gang management procedures.
Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:
1.8.1. Identify indicators of inmate gangs and gang activities
1.8.2. Identify state gang statutes
1.8.3. Identify prohibited behavior (gambling, soliciting, recruiting, tattooing, etc.)
1.8.4. Identify documentation and reporting procedures
1.8.5. Identify gang management procedures
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify inmate gangs and gang indicators.
. a. Awareness
b. Activity
2. Identify statutes and procedures.
a. Gang identification
b. Documentation
c. Code of Virginia § 18.2-46.1
1. Definitions
2. Statutes
3. Statistics
a. National
b. State
c. Local
4. Acts of Violence § 18.2-46.1
5. Prohibited criminal street gang participation § 18.2-46.2
6. Role of the gang management unit
3. Identify inmate prohibited behaviors;
a. Evidence
1. Collect
2. Preserve
3. Prosecute
4. Document.
5. Secure scene
b. Photographs
4. Identify mandatory reporting and documentation procedures.
Performance Outcome 1.9.
Identify security and supervision procedures employed for inmates who are identified with special needs and/or classifications.
Training Objectives Related to 1.9.
1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify procedures designed to protect inmates identified special needs status and/or classifications.
Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:
1.9.1. Identify procedures to safeguard and protect inmates with special needs status and/or classifications
1.9.2. Identify inmates with special needs and/or classification status
1.9.3. Identify medical and/or mental health program availability
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify special needs status and/or classifications.
a. Security risks
b. Activity restrictions
c. Medical
d. Psychological
e. Educational
2. Identify safeguards.
a. Special housing, facilities and/or units
b. Procedures
3. Identify medical and/or mental health programs available to inmates.