Performance Outcome 2.1.
Utilize effective interpersonal verbal and non-verbal communication skills consistently.
Training Objectives Relating to 2.1.
1. Given a written, audio-visual, or practical exercise, identify:
a. Effective interpersonal verbal and non-verbal communication skills
b. One-minute interchange
Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:
2.1.1. Identify effective and non-effective interpersonal verbal and non-verbal communications skills.
2.1.2. Demonstration of verbal interchange of one-minute.
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills.
2. Demonstrate one-minute interchange.
Performance Outcome 2.2.
Demonstrate reporting and documentation procedures relating to an incident(s).
Training Objectives Relating to 2.2.
1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify factors to consider when obtaining and/or providing information relating to an incident(s) involving an inmate(s).
Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:
2.2.1. Identify procedures to obtain and/or provide information.
2.2.2. Identify reporting and documentation procedures.
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify and demonstrate how to obtain and/or provide information relating to an incident(s):
a. Who
b. What
c. Where
d. When
e. Why
f. How
g. Timely notification
h. Notify chain of command
2. Identify reporting and documentation procedures.
Performance Outcome 2.5.
Communicate with inmate(s), staff, and visitors while maintaining awareness of possible differences in their levels of understanding.
Training Objectives Relating to 2.5.
1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify:
a. Different levels of understanding
b. Effective communication skills
c. Safety and security procedures
Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:
2.5.1. Identify and demonstrate communication skills.
2.5.2. Identify different levels of understanding.
2.5.3. Identify safety and security procedures.
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify and demonstrate possible situations where communication style adjustments may be needed or required:
a. Voice tone
b. Language use/simplification
c. Body stances/gestures
d. Cultural awareness
e. Facial expressions
f. Eye contact
2. Identify an understanding of the inmate’s behavior.
3. Identify methods of safe approach and procedures.
4. Identify inmate audience (e.g. age, education level, cultural diversity, etc.)
5. Identify potential reasons for communication challenges (e.g. hearing impaired, intellectual disability etc.)
6. Identify safety and security procedures.
Performance Outcome 2.6.
Identify conflict resolution skills.
Training Objectives Relating to 2.6.
1. Given a written or practical exercise, define negotiation, mediation, and arbitration.
2. Given a written exercise, identify the steps of each conflict management technique.
3. Given a practical exercise, negotiate, mediate, or arbitrate a conflict and/or crisis situation.
4. Given a written exercise, identify procedures for evidenced based supervision strategies.
5. Given a written exercise, identify causes of inmate’s behavior (i.e. physical and/or mental health.)
Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:
2.6.1. Define negotiation, mediation, and arbitration.
2.6.2. Identify steps involved in conflict management techniques: Negotiation Mediation Arbitration
2.6.3. Identify safety and security precautions.
2.6.4. Identify evidence based supervision strategies.
2.6.5. Identify causes of inmate’s behavior (i.e. physical and/or mental health.)
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Define negotiation, mediation, and arbitration.
2. Identify steps involved in conflict management techniques.
3. Identify and evaluate the conflict or crisis scene.
4. Identify officer security and safety procedures.
5. Identify causes of inmate’s behavior (i.e. physical and/or mental health)
Performance Outcome 2.8.
Identify and recognize hostage and/or barricaded incidents.
Training Objectives Relating to 2.8.
1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify a hostage and/or barricaded incident.
Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:
2.8.1. Identification and recognition of a hostage and/or barricaded incident.
2.8.2. Identify officer communication skills.
2.8.3. Identify how to notify and request assistance.
2.8.4. Identify security and safety procedures.
2.8.5. Identify documentation and reporting procedures.
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify a hostage and/or barricaded incident:
a. Procedures
b. Containment
c. Coordination
d. Evacuation
e. Contact:
1. Barricaded subject's needs
2. Barricaded subject's wants
f. Method(s) for surrender
g. Armed inmate(s)
h. Suicidal subject(s)
2. Identify reporting and documentation requirements.
3. Identify security and safety procedures.
4. Identify reporting and documentation procedures.
Performance Outcome 2.9.
Detect and report facility environmental changes and the associated impact on the facility.
Training Objective Relating to 2.9.
1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify, detect, and report nature or human made environmental changes.
Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:
2.9.1. Identify environmental changes and the associated impact.
2.9.2. Identify safety and security procedures.
2.9.3. Identify reporting and documentation procedures.
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify environmental changes and the associated impact.
2. Identify security and safety procedures.
3. Identify reporting and documentation.
Performance Outcome 2.12.
Identify radio, telephone communications, and Statewide Agencies Radio System (STARS) equipment and demonstrate proficiency in communicating effectively through mechanical media.
Training Objectives Related to 2.12.
1. Given a practical exercise, demonstrate:
a. Proficiency in relaying verbal messages
b. Proper and effective use of portable or mobile radio, squelch, volume and proper channel selection
c. Plain talk or 10 codes
Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:
2.12.1. Demonstration of verbal and written communiqués and/or messaging: Radio and telephone equipment STARS Serious Incident Reports (SIRS). Plain talk and/or 10 codes.
Lesson Plan Guide:
1. Demonstrate types of verbal and written communiqués and/or messaging.
2. Demonstrate use of telephone, portable and/or mobile radio use and controls.
3. Identify STARs equipment use and procedures.
4. Identify SIRS procedures.