Performance Outcome 1.1

Maintain knowledge of law enforcement work.

Training Objective Related to 1.1.

1. Given a written exercise, identify reasons why a law enforcement officer should maintain knowledge of law enforcement work, and resources available to assist with this.

Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:

1.1.1. Three reasons to maintain knowledge of law enforcement work. 

1.1.2. Three resources and materials which a law enforcement officer could utilize to maintain knowledge of law enforcement work.

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Reasons to maintain knowledge of law enforcement work:

a. Current information may impact on legality of arrests

b. New methods and technologies may offer improvements to procedures

c. Desire and dedication to doing a job well requires current knowledge

d. Professionalism comes through to the public from a knowledgeable officer

e. Current knowledge impacts the ability to move for career development 

f. Knowledge of new techniques and procedures may enhance the ability to assist prosecutors in obtaining convictions

2. Resources and materials which a law enforcement officer could utilize to maintain knowledge of law enforcement work:

a. Code of Virginia

b. Periodicals

c. Attorney General opinions

d. Federal, state Supreme Court decisions

e. Networking with other officers

f. FBI law enforcement bulletin

g. Magistrates Handbook (code index)

h. Gould book

i. Bureau of National Affairs law enforcement officer pocket manual

j. Department library/counsel/publications/policies and procedures

k. Legislative updates/selected acts

l. Virginia Supreme Court summaries of case decisions

m. In-service schools 

n. Local ordinances 

o. National Criminal Justice Reference Service 

p. Department of Criminal Justice Services 

q. Others as may be identified

Performance Outcome 1. 2.

Maintain a professional appearance with respect to clothing, grooming, and equipment.

Training Objectives Related to 1. 2.

1. Given a practical exercise, the trainee will be inspected to meet academy standards for clothing, grooming, and equipment.

Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:

1.2.1. Professional appearance for a law enforcement officer regarding clothing and grooming.

1.2.2. Professional appearance for a law enforcement officer regarding personal equipment.

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Professional appearance for a law enforcement officer regarding clothing and grooming.

2. Professional appearance for a law enforcement officer regarding personal equipment.

3. The importance to public perception of professionalism by presenting a well-groomed appearance for clothing and equipment.

4. The importance of establishing departmental esprit de corps by presenting a well-groomed appearance.

Performance Outcome 1.3.

Attend briefings or roll calls.

Training Objectives Related to 1.3.

1. Given a written exercise, identify the purpose for conducting briefings or roll calls.

Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:

1.3.1. Reasons for attendance at briefings or roll calls: Communication exchanges between shifts as preparation for patrol Duty assignments and/or changes Current information covered Opportunity for questions/clarification Others as may be identified.

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Reasons for attendance at briefings or roll calls:

a. Communication exchanges between shifts as preparation for patrol

b. Duty assignments and/or changes

c. Current information covered

d. Opportunity for questions/clarification

e. Others as may be identified.

Performance Outcome 1. 4.

Maintain a courteous relationship with the public to foster a positive community relationship.

Training Objectives Related to 1. 4.

1. Given a written exercise, identify the impact that common courtesy may have regarding the relationship between law enforcement and the community.

Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:

1.4.1. Reasons to foster a positive relationship between law enforcement and the public.

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Reasons to foster a positive relationship between law enforcement and the public:

a. Develop and maintain open communications between law enforcement and the community

b. Reduce fear and mistrust by some members of the public, especially recent immigrants whose experience with law enforcement in other countries has been negative 

c. Enhance the officer’s ability to function as effectively as possible in carrying out daily duties 

d. Others, as may be identified.

2. Consequences that may result from a failure of common courtesy:

a. Lack of respect on the part of the officer toward a member of the public has a ripple effect beyond the immediate situation, i.e., the public may fail to call for assistance for an officer in trouble or ignore reporting crime

b. Negative attitudes toward law enforcement in general may develop from the actions of one officer

c. The officer’s ability to function effectively in carrying out daily duties will diminish should the officer become known as lacking in common courtesy

d. Others, as may be identified.

Performance Outcome 1. 5.

Behave in a fair and positive manner to develop and maintain a trust relationship with the citizenry.

Training Objectives Related to 1. 5.

Given a written exercise:

1. Identify the requirements for professionalism in law enforcement that impact the officer’s knowledge, skill, and ability to behave in a fair and positive manner.

2. Identify the requirements that will assist in developing and maintaining a trust relationship with the citizenry.

Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:

1.5.1. Principles that define a profession.

1.5.2. Historical evolution of law enforcement in the United States.

1.5.3. Three elements of the criminal justice system.

1.5.4. The place of law enforcement and criminal justice in the structure of government.

1.5.5. The role of ethics in law enforcement: General principles of ethics Law Enforcement Code of Ethics: Officer behavior Officer dedication Career development.

1.5.6. Methods of handling violations of professional, ethical, or legal standards of conduct on the part of fellow officers.

1.5.7. Positive and negative aspects of discretionary enforcement of laws.

1.5.8. Positive and negative influences of a law enforcement career on an officer’s personal life.

Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:

1. Identify principles that define a profession.

2. Identify the historical evolution of law enforcement in the United States:

a. Establishment of police force

b. Oath of office

c. Constitution and Bill of Rights.

3. Identify the three elements of the criminal justice system:

a. Courts:

1.  Federal system:

a. U. S. District Court 

b. U. S. Court of Appeals for the # Circuit (example: U. S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit – Virginia is in this circuit)

c. U.S. Supreme Court

2.  State system:

a. Magistrates

b.  General District Courts

c. Circuit Courts 

d. Virginia Court of Appeals

e. Virginia Supreme Court

b.  Law Enforcement:

1.  Federal officers (in general)

2.  Sheriffs

3.  Police (local and state)

4. Other law enforcement agents

c.  Corrections:

1. Local corrections (jails, detention facilities)

2. State corrections.

4. Identify the place of law enforcement and criminal justice in the structure of government.

5. Define the role of ethics in law enforcement:

a. Identify two general principles of ethics that may assist an officer in making ethical judgments. 

b. Review the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics and its impact on the following:

1. Officer behavior on duty:

a. Reverence for the law

b.  Crime prevention

c.  Respect for the public

d.  Impartial law enforcement

e.  Attempt to use minimum force necessary to effect an arrest

f. Report only the truth

g. Testify only the truth

h. Never use public office for private gain

i. Strive to perform at maximum efficiency

j.  Never misuse police resources or confidential information.

2.  Officer behavior off-duty:

a.  Practice good citizenship, i.e., youth volunteer work, assist neighbors, be active in schools, etc. 

b. Maintain self-control, fair play and discipline in such areas as avoiding disputes, excessive use of alcohol, prejudicial conduct or interaction with people of different ethnic, religious, sexual and similar preferences, illegal gambling and others that may be identified.

3.  Officer dedication:

a.  Self (taking care of you will help you care for others)

b. Family

c.  Office

d.  Community

e.  State

f.  Country

4.  Career development:

a.  In-service training

b.  Resources for individual efforts:

1. Reading

2. Seeking out other law enforcement training

3. Using educational resources such as college courses

4. Others that may be identified.

6. Identify methods of handling violations of professional, ethical, or legal standards of conduct on the part of fellow officers.

7. Identify the positive and negative aspects of discretionary enforcement of laws.

a. Positive aspect: Give consideration to the violation and the violator, i.e., an elderly citizen on a fixed income may inadvertently run a red light and will benefit from a verbal warning rather than a ticket.

b. Negative aspect: Citizens watching an officer may conceive his enforcement of traffic laws is unfair when the officer allows a prominent citizen driving under the influence to simply park his vehicle and take a cab rather than arresting the violator.

8. Identify positive and negative influences of a law enforcement career on an officer’s personal life: 

a. Positive influences include, but are not limited to: 

1. Providing a role model to citizens, especially children 

2.  Saving lives 

3.  Preventing crime

4.  Safeguarding the principles of our nation as noted in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights 

5.  Others as may be identified.

b. Negative influences include, but are not limited to: 

1.  Constantly facing the possibility of death or serious injury 

2.  Divorce or strains on family relationships 

3.  Alcoholism 

4.  Mental health problems ranging from chronic stress to depression with the possibility of suicide 

5.  Others, as may be identified.

c. Bias:

1.  Define bias

2. Define discrimination

3.  Identify consequences of bias based policing

4.  Identify consequences of impartial law enforcement 

5.  Identify methods that an officer may use to prevent bias from determining a law enforcement intervention.