Performance Outcome 6.1.
Identify causes and prevention of negligence and thereby reduce the incidents of violations resulting in criminal or civil liability in the course of performing one’s duties.
Training Objective Related to 6.1.
1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify the requirements of Title 42, United State Code § 1983, Title 18 United States Code §§ 241 and 242 and tort law related to personal agency liability.
2. Given a written exercise, identify how the above mentioned laws apply to corrections officers and noncustodial employees in order to perform required duties and minimize liability.
3. Given a written exercise, identify negligence related to tort and § 1983 lawsuit.
4. Given a written exercise, identify the difference between Title 18 U. S. Code § 241 and Title 18 U.S. Code § 242.
5. Given a written exercise, identify how the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act (CRIPA) applies to corrections officers and noncustodial employees.
6. Given a written exercise, identify confidentiality laws (HIPAA, FOIA, etc).
7. Given a written exercise, identify the Bill of Rights and Amendments: First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Eight.
Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:
6.1.1. Identify elements that must be present for a person to file a § 1983 lawsuit.
6.1.2. Identify common legal defenses against a § 1983 lawsuit.
6.1.3. Identify levels of negligence related to tort and § 1983 lawsuit.
6.1.4. Identify the difference between Title 18 U. S. Code § 241 and Title 18 U.S. Code § 242.
6.1.5. Identify how the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act (CRIPA) applies .
6.1.6. Identify confidentiality laws (HIPPA, FOIA, etc).
6.1.7. Identify the Bill of Rights and Amendments: First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Eight.
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify requirements of Title 42, United State Code § 1983, Title 18 United States Code §§ 241 and 242 and tort law related to personal agency liability civil and criminal liability.
2. Identify how the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act (CRIPA) applies to a correctional trainee.
3. Identify levels of negligence related to tort and § 1983 lawsuit.
4. Identify the difference between Title 18 U. S. Code § 241 and Title 18 U.S. Code § 242.
5. Identify how the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act (CRIPA) applies.
6. Identify confidentiality laws (HIPA, FOIA, etc).
7. Identify the Bill of Rights and Amendments: First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Eight.
Performance Outcome 6.2.
Identify due process and legal protections afforded an inmate when he violates institutional rules and procedures.
Training Objectives Related to 6.2.
1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify due process and legal protections.
2. Given a written exercise, identify case law Landman vs. Royster 1971 (354 F.Supp.621).
Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:
6.2.1. Identify due process.
6.2.2. Identify legal protections.
6.2.3. Identify case law Landman vs. Royster 1971.
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify due process:
a. Examples
b. Non-examples
2. Identify legal protections:
a. Physical force
b. Consequences
c. Constitution
d. Statutes:
1. Federal
2. State
e. Negligence:
1. Types
2. Occurrence
f. Confidentiality
g. Inmate and staff rights
h. Liability violation
i. Discrimination
j. Non-discrimination
k. Sanctions:
1. Moderate
2. Major
l. Behaviors:
1. Moderate offense
2. Major offense
m. Detain:
1. Authority
2. Due process to detain
3. Probable cause
4. Good faith
3. Identify case law Landman vs. Royster 1971.
Performance Outcome 6.3.
Secure and safeguard a crime scene and preserve and protect forensic evidence.
Training Objectives Relating to 6.3.
1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify the procedures and techniques to secure and safeguard a crime scene and to preserve and protect forensic evidence.
Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:
6.3.1. Identify procedures for preserving a crime scene and protecting forensic evidence.
6.3.2. Identify chain of evidence and why it must be maintained.
6.3.3. Identify items associated with an alleged crime and those items that constitute evidence.
6.3.4. Identify procedures for marking, preserving, and transferring evidence.
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify techniques and procedures of preserving a crime scene and protecting forensic evidence.
2. Identify chain of evidence and why it must be maintained.
3. Identify items associated with an alleged crime and those items that constitute evidence.
4. Identify procedures for marking and preserving evidence.
5. Identify procedures for transferring evidence to:
a. Proper authorities
b. Evidence custodian
Performance Outcome 6.4.
Understand the justification, authority, and limitations of the law as constituted by federal and state code and reporting of criminal activity in accordance with policy and procedures.
Training Objectives Relating to 6.4.
1. Given a written exercise, compare and contrast state and federal rights of inmates, staff, and citizens.
2. Given a written exercise, identify the primary function, jurisdiction and areas of potential mutual criminal justice agencies assistance.
3. Given a written exercise, identify reporting requirements for criminal activity.
Criteria: The officer shall be tested on the following:
6.4.1. Compare and contrast federal and state rights of inmates, staff, and citizens.
6.4.2. Identify the primary function, jurisdiction and areas of potential mutual criminal justice agencies assistance.
6.4.3. Identify how to report criminal activity in accordance with policy and procedures.
6.4.4. Reporting procedures.
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan guide shall include the following:
1. Identification, comparison and contrasting state and federal rights of inmates, staff and citizens.
2. Identify the primary function, jurisdiction and areas of potential mutual criminal justice agencies assistance of the following:
a. Federal
b. State
c. Local
3. Identify the reporting criminal activity procedures.
Performance Outcome 6.5.
Demonstrate effective court testimony.
Training Objectives Relating to 6.5.
1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify:
a. Communication elements of presenting effective and accurate testimony
b. Role play testimony and the ability to listen
c. Importance of professional appearance and demeanor
Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:
6.5.1. Identify effective and accurate testimony
6.5.2. Identify professional appearance and demeanor
6.5.3. Identify court preparation
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan guide shall include the following:
1. Identify communication elements required when presenting effective and accurate testimony.
2. Identify the importance of being able to listen well while exerting emotional control when responding accurately and concisely to questions
3. Identify professional appearance and demeanor needed when presenting/giving testimonial evidence.