Performance Outcome 4.1
Identify major disturbances, incidents, and/or riot procedures.
Training Objective Related to 4.1.
1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify:
a. Agency procedures to be implemented during and after major disturbances, riots, and/or incidents
b. Causes of major disturbances, riots, and/or incidents, and preventive techniques
c. How to determine whether to isolate, move, and/or evacuate groups of residents
Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:
4.1.1 Identify response procedures to major disturbances, incidents, riots and how to react and respond accordingly
4.1.2. Identify notification and request for assistance procedures
4.1.3. Identify documentation and reporting procedures
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify agency procedures to be implemented during and after major disturbances, riots and/or incidents.
2. Identify causes of major disturbances, riots, and/or incidents, and identify preventive techniques.
3. Identify procedures needed to isolate, move, and/or evacuate resident and/or groups of residents.
Performance Outcome 4.2.
Identify emergencies
Training Objective Related to 4.2.
1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify:
a. Nature and human made emergencies
b. Security and safety measures
c. Isolation
d. Containment
e. Prevention
f. Structural damage and/or failure
g. Work stoppage and/or shortage
h. Incident management.
Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:
4.2.1. Identify nature and human made indicators and levels of severity
4.2.2. Identify response and management procedures
4.2.3. Identify containment procedures
4.2.4. Identify group movement
4.2.5. Identify safety procedures
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify nature and/or human made emergencies;
a. Indicators
b. Levels of severity
2. Identify hazmat incident(s), bomb(s), and/or improvised explosive device(s) or bomb threat(s).
3. Identify safety procedures and measures to protect residents, staff and visitors.
4. Identify procedures in the control of a fire(s).
5. Identify procedures to be employed during power failure, loss of heat, loss of water, structural failure, etc.
Performance Outcome 4.3.
Identify hostage situations.
Training Objective Related to 4.3.
1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify:
a. Hostage situation(s)
b. Principles of survival
c. Security and safety procedures and techniques
d. Response procedures
Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:
4.3.1. Identify psychological parameters of the hostage situation(s)
4.3.2. Identify survival principles
4.3.3. Identify security and safety procedures and techniques
4.3.4. Identify response procedures
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify psychological parameters of hostage situation(s).
2. Identify procedures in hostage situations(s).
3. Identify principles of survival for a hostage(s), residents, and/or staff.
4. Identify actions by hostage(s), residents, and/or staff which contribute to their safety and survival.
Performance Outcome 4. 4.
Monitoring and using emergency equipment and conducting and participating in emergency drills and exercises.
Training Objective Related to 4.4.
1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify:
a. Procedures for monitoring and using emergency equipment appropriately
b. Procedures for participating in emergency drills and exercises
Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:
4.4.1. Identify procedures for monitoring and using emergency equipment
4.4.2. Participate in emergency drills and exercises.
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify how to monitor and use emergency equipment.
2. Identify how to participate in and conduct emergency drills and exercises.
Performance Outcome 4. 5.
Identify and demonstrate first aid and CPR.
Training Objective Related to 4.5.
1. Given a written test and practical exercises, successfully:
a. Complete a first aid course
b. Complete a CPR course
Criteria: The trainee shall be tested and assessed on the following:
4.5.1. Demonstrate first aid techniques
4.5.2. Demonstrate CPR techniques
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Demonstrate first aid techniques.
2. Demonstrate CPR techniques.
Performance Outcome 4. 6
Identify Emergency and Evacuation Procedures 6VAC35-71-460
Training Objective Related to 4.6.
1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify:
a. Proper techniques for operating and maintaining emergency equipment
b. Process to alert emergency personnel and implement evacuation procedures
Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:
4.6.1. Use, operation and the maintenance of emergency equipment
4.6.2. Identify procedures for the following; Emergencies Alarms Alerting emergency personnel, staff and supervisor(s) Implementing evacuation procedures Measures to be taken during an emergency.
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Demonstrate use and maintenance of emergency equipment.
2. Identify procedures for the following;
a. Emergencies
b. Alarms
c. Alerting emergency personnel, staff, and supervisor(s)
d. Implementing evacuation procedures
e. Measures to be taken during an emergency
Performance Outcome 4.7.
Complete a Terrorism Awareness training course.
Training Objective Related to 4.7.
1. Given a written or practical exercise, complete
a. Terrorism Awareness training course
b. FEMA IS-700 National Incident Management System (NIMS) Introductory training
c. ICS 100 Introductory training
Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:
4.7.1. Identify indicators and effect of incidents to include CBRN (E) – chemical, radiological, nuclear, and explosive devices or weapons—on individuals and property
4.7.2. Identify signs and symptoms common to initial victims of a CBRN (E) incident
4.7.3. Identify and complete IS-700 NIMS Introductory training course
4.7.4. Identify and complete ICS 100 Introductory training course
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify and complete a terrorism awareness training course.
2. Complete IS-700 NIMS Introductory training course.
3. Complete ICS 100 Introductory training course.