Performance Outcome 4.1.
Supervise inmates/arrestees in court and maintain security of inmates/arrestees.
Training Objective Related to 4.1.
1. Given a written and/or practical exercise, identify and demonstrate the steps for supervising inmates/arrestees in court.
2. Given a written and/or practical exercise, identify the requirements for maintaining security of inmates/arrestees.
3. Given a written exercise, identify the steps to take persons into custody for outstanding criminal charges.
Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:
4.1.1. Officer safety considerations when supervising inmates/arrestees in court: Examine physical condition of the inmate/arrestee to determine the need for medical attention. Identify high risk inmates/arrestees such as medical, mental, suicidal and violent/disruptive. Request assistance or provide assistance (backup) to control violent or unruly inmates/arrestees. Identify methods to secure the scene when a critical incident has occurred.
4.1.2. The requirements for maintaining security of inmates/arrestees who are not restrained.
4.1.3 Steps for taking persons into custody for outstanding criminal charges: Serve or execute return of service for any court document. Conduct a full search of an inmate/arrestee for weapons and contraband and document chain of custody for evidence. Summon medical staff for body cavity search if needed. Search and inventory any personal property and issue receipt.
4.1.4. Legal paperwork concerning jail commitments. Commitment Order Bond revocation/surety capias Sentencing Orders Release Order
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Officer safety considerations when supervising inmates/arrestees in court.
a. Communicate expectations of behavior to the inmate/arrestee in a clear and direct manner:
1. No sudden movements
2. No talking
3. Face forward
4. Inmate/arrestee to be in front of deputy at all times
5. Inmate/arrestee never to be allowed to lag behind
6. Allow for slow movement of inmates/arrestees in leg restraints
b. Deputy must not allow span of control to be broken.
c. Examine the physical condition of the prisoner to determine the need for medical attention.
d. Identify high risk inmates/arrestees such as medical, mental, suicidal and violent/disruptive.
e. Request assistance or provide assistance (backup) to control violent or unruly inmates/arrestees.
f. Identify methods to secure the scene when a critical incident has occurred.
2. Maintain security of inmates/arrestees that are not restrained:
a. Inmate/arrestee never permitted to have verbal or physical contact with anyone other than his attorney or court personnel.
b. Anticipate inmate/arrestee actions.
c. Sit behind inmate/arrestee in such a manner as to prevent escape or threat to judge or other court personnel.
d. Accompany inmate/arrestee to bench and/or witness box.
e. Remain alert.
f. Be prepared to subdue inmate/arrestee immediately prior to sentencing.
3. Take persons into custody for outstanding criminal charges:
a. Explain and execute warrant on person to be taken into custody.
b. Place subject in restraints.
c. Move subject immediately from courtroom to secure area.
d. Perform full search of inmate/arrestee for weapons and contraband and document chain of custody for evidence per department policy.
e. Summon medical staff for body cavity search, if needed.
f. Inventory personal property, issue receipt and secure property.
g. Examine forms to determine legal commitment to the jail.
1. Commitment Order
2. Bond revocation/surety capias
3. Sentencing Orders
4. Release Order
h. Place arrestee in holding cell or other designated secure area per department policy.
i. Notify appropriate staff to have arrestee transported to jail.
Instructor Note: Advise trainees that a recommendation may be made by the sheriff’s office regarding special security needs, i.e. restraints, extra staff, etc.
Performance Outcome 4.2.
Search courtrooms and court related areas for hidden weapons and contraband.
Training Objective Related to 4.2.
1. Given a written and/or practical exercise, identify and demonstrate the procedure for searching a courtroom and court related areas for hidden weapons and contraband.
Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:
4.2.1. Times to conduct searches.
4.2.2. Areas and articles to be searched.
4.2.3. Areas in a courtroom where weapons or contraband might be hidden: Demonstrate techniques for a holding cell search. Chain of custody concerns.
4.2.4. Key considerations for performing a courtroom search.
4.2.5. Chain of custody requirements.
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Times to conduct searches:
a. Prior to each session.
b. After each recess.
c. At adjournment at the end of the day.
d. Any time when alerted that there is a possibility of a weapon in the courtroom.
e. After a search, the courtroom must remain securely locked or kept under direct surveillance by the court security deputy.
2. Areas and articles to be searched:
a. Exterior:
1. Parking lot
2. Landscaping
3. Trash receptacles
4. Exterior of building by walking around it.
b. Interior - Public areas:
1. Trash receptacles
2. Chairs (including behind and bottom)
3. Public restrooms:
a. Towel dispensers
b. Under sinks
c. Trash receptacles
4. Dropped ceilings
5. Others as instructor may identify
c. Interior - Courtroom:
1. Gallery area including benches and chairs (behind and bottom)
2. Attorney table (top and underneath)
3. Court reporter area
4. Clerks desk
5. Judge’s bench
6. Inmate/arrestee corridors
7. Jury deliberation rooms
8. Dropped ceilings
9. Others as instructor may identify
d. Holding cells or holding areas.
1. 360 degree search.
2. Bend over/kneel to search under stationary objects. (bed, behind toilets, etc.)
3. Grid search of areas. (dividing areas into grids to search every inch)
4. Use of mechanical devices available in your agency to assist with searches.
5. Demonstrate ability to extend arm to reach and search tight spaces.
6. Hold a flashlight in various positions while performing a cell/area/building search.
7. Identify other resources available to your agency to perform searches, i.e., bomb or drug sniffing dogs, robots, etc.
e. Key considerations for performing a courtroom search:
1. Be systematic.
2. Be thorough.
3. Use common sense and instinct.
4. If contraband is located, do not remove until crime scene processing is complete per department policy.
5. Store evidence per department policy.
6. Use safety precautions, do not touch anything suspicious e.g., if a suspicious object is found:
a. Secure immediate area
b. Secure the court
c. Notify supervisor
d. Document date and time search was performed
f. Techniques for courtroom and area searches:
1. 360 degree search.
2. Bend over/kneel to search under stationary objects. (benches, fountains, vehicles, etc.)
3. Grid search of areas. (dividing areas into grids to search every inch)
4. Demonstrate ability to extend arm to reach and search tight spaces.
5. Hold a flashlight in various positions while performing a courtroom search.
6. Use mechanical devices available in your agency to perform searches. (extension mirrors, etc.)
7. Identify other resources available to your agency to perform searches, i.e. bomb or drug sniffing dogs, robots, etc.
g. Chain of custody requirements; Reference the Department of Forensic Science Evidence Handling and Laboratory Capabilities Guide, November, 2003.
Performance Outcome 4.3.
Conduct periodic security checks to identify, correct and document any security breaches.
Training Objective Related to 4.3.
1. Given a written and/or practical exercise, identify the procedures for security checks.
2. Given a written and/or practical exercise, demonstrate the procedures for security checks.
3. Given a practical exercise, observe and identify abnormal behaviors.
Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:
4.3.1. The frequency of security checks: Conduct irregularly timed security checks. Investigate unusual odors and sounds. Inspect facility to ensure that sanitary conditions are maintained.
4.3.2. Examples of equipment to be included in a security check.
4.3.3. Response to duress alarms.
4.3.4. Identification of power sources.
4.3.5. Identify actions to take related to individuals not complying with security requirements or engaging in suspicious activity: Observe inmate/arrestee/citizen behavior and question to determine deception, deceit, and manipulation. Observe inmate/arrestee/citizens for signs of drug, alcohol, or other substances. Identify abnormal and/or suspicious behavior of inmate/arrestee/citizen. Signs of abnormal behavior or dementia/Alzheimer’s disease Possible danger to a deputy or other from inmate/arrestee/citizen behaving abnormally. Appropriate action to be taken related to abnormal behavior observed. Identify procedure to follow to take into involuntary custody a person displaying behavior that gives the deputy probable cause to believe that mental illness exists using the appropriate Code of Virginia requirements.
4.3.6. Documentation of actions taken.
4.3.7. Monitor high risk inmates/arrestees with health problems.
4.3.8. Observe/monitor arrestee on suicide watch. Notify supervisor and request appropriate resources. Maintain a safe position while communicating with person and observe for weapons and the need for universal precautions in case of biohazards. Document all proceedings.
4.3.9. Verbally reprimand inmates/arrestees for rules violations.
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. The frequency of security checks:
a. Daily checks.
b. Regularly scheduled checks per department policy.
c. Random checks/irregularly timed security checks.
d. Investigate unusual odors:
1. Smoke from either electrical or material.
2. Cigarette, tobacco products smoke – to include illegal drugs
3. Chemical spills (e.g., someone throws cleaning solution)
4. Powder spills (baby powder to hide cigarette smoke)
5. Homemade mash, wine, alcohol
6. Overflowing toilets/backed up sewer system
7. Inmate vomiting
8. Gas smells
9. Blood
10. Others as instructor may identify
e. Investigate unusual sounds:
1. Sounds of scraping or knocking against exterior/interior walls.
2. Sounds of inmate in distress.
3. Sounds of inmate involved in fight and/or other illegal activities.
f. Inspect facility to ensure that sanitary conditions are maintained.
2. Conduct regular rounds of holding cells/areas and document actions taken on regular security checks.
a. Date and time
b. Locations checked
c. Note locations as secure or if breaches are noted and actions taken to correct these.
3. Examples of equipment to be included in a security check:
a. Security equipment
b. Telemonitors (identify restrictions for use)
c. Doors
d. Locks
e. Magnetometers
f. Power sources
g. X-ray machines (identify safety precautions)
h. Duress alarms:
1. Be aware of both location and use of all duress alarms:
a. Judges bench
b. Staff positions in courtroom (clerk)
c. Judges chambers
d. Court clerk’s offices
2. Test alarms periodically to ensure proper function.
3. Notify court security station or control room and law enforcement agency prior to a test being conducted.
i. Mechanical/electrical/utility rooms or closets.
j. Environmental control systems, i.e., heating/ac ventilation system.
k. Document in writing the date and times of security checks.
4. Response to duress alarms:
a. Identify department procedure to respond to duress alarm from each location where a duress alarm is located.
b. Practice a response to a duress alarm. (instructor may develop an appropriate case scenario for this)
c. Document in writing all of the information that should be identified based on an alarm response:
1. Date and time
2. Incident information (parties involved, activities occurring, why the alarm was sounded)
3. Actions of responding deputies (what the deputies did in response and the results of their actions)
5. Identification of power sources:
a. Identify the importance of knowing where power sources are located and how to disable/reset power.
b. Identify how these may need to be used in a security response.
c. Identify emergency power sources.
d. Identify access panels.
6. Investigate and take appropriate action related to individuals not complying with security requirements or engaging in suspicious activity.
a. Observe inmate/arrestee/citizen behavior and question to determine deception, deceit and manipulation.
b. Observe inmate/arrestee/citizens for signs of drug, alcohol or other substances.
c. Identify abnormal and/or suspicious behavior of inmate/arrestee/citizen:
1. Signs of abnormal behavior/disorders or dementia/Alzheimer’s disease:
a. Bipolar disorder:
1. Mood swings
2. Delusions of greatness/grandeur
3. Rapid speech
b. Schizophrenia:
1. Hearing voices
2. Seeing others not there in reality
3. Delusions
c. Severe depression:
1. Going from talkative to quiet
2. Giving away personal effects
3. Extreme sadness
4. Excessive sleeping
5. Noncompliance with rules
6. Neglect of personal hygiene
d. Suicidal tendencies:
1. Same as above for depression
2. Talk of taking his/her life
3. Hoarding medications
4. Attempts at suicide
e. Dementia/Alzheimer’s disease:
1. Usually elderly
2. “Forgetfulness”
3. Not understanding their legal situation
4. Physical needs
f. Autism:
1. Non-verbal
2. Echolalia
3. Unnatural use or association of items
4. Strange verbal noises uttered
5. Need for uniformity and a regular routine
6. Physical movements (rocking, finger snapping, waving hands) associated with autism
7. Inability to meet personal needs
g. Mental Retardation:
1. Low I.Q. evident in verbal or written communication
2. Misunderstanding of even simple commands
3. Not able to do even simple tasks
4. Not able to meet personal needs
2. Possible danger to a deputy or other from inmate/arrestee/citizen behaving abnormally.
3. Appropriate sources and types of information useful in assessing an arrestee’s behavior.
4. Importance of seeking help for inmate/arrestee suffering from an emotional crisis.
5. Appropriate action to be taken related to abnormal behavior observed.
6. Communication of any statements or behavioral observations that indicate danger.
7. Monitor those in your custody who exhibit abnormal behavior to ensure their safety and the safety of others.
8. Identify procedure to follow to take into involuntary custody a person displaying behavior that gives the deputy probable cause to believe that mental illness exists using the appropriate Code of Virginia requirements:
a. Identify and be able to articulate conditions that assist mental health evaluations in an emergency custody order.
b. Identify and be able to articulate conditions for a Temporary Detention Order.
c. Identify procedures for obtaining and emergency custody order or temporary detention order.
d. Identify procedure for securing, searching, and transporting an inmate/arrestee who meets the criteria of an emergency custody order or temporary detention order.
7. Identify inmates/arrestees who are afraid of being victims of an assault and/or manipulation.
8. Observe inmate/arrestee after a violent confrontation to assess medical condition.
9. Monitor high risk inmates/arrestees with health problems in case emergency services need to be called.
10. Receive and follow instructions from medical staff about an inmate/arrestee’s medical condition.
11. Observe/monitor inmate/arrestee on suicide watch:
a. Notify supervisor and request appropriate resources.
b. Maintain a safe position while communicating with person and observe for weapons and need for universal precautions in case of biohazards:
1. Try to calm down the person.
2. Try to identify problems.
3. Try to intervene with person as much as possible.
4. Suggest resources for the person to help solve the problems.
5. Document all proceedings.
12. Verbally reprimand inmates/arrestees for violations of rules.
Performance Outcome 4.4.
Evacuate courtrooms and court buildings in an emergency.
Training Objective Related to 4.4.
1. Given a written and /or practical exercise, identify or demonstrate procedures for evacuating a courtroom and court building during an emergency.
Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:
4.4.1. Knowledge of the court building layout.
4.4.2. Secure evacuation of inmates/arrestees.
4.4.3. Evacuation of judges.
4.4.4. Evacuation of jurors.
4.4.5. Evacuation of general public and courthouse employees.
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify the layout of the court building:
a. Location of elevators
b. Location of stairwells
c. Location of all exits
2. Secure evacuation of inmates/arrestees:
a. Remove inmates/arrestees from courtroom to nearest holding cell.
b. Make efforts to keep male, female, and juvenile inmates/arrestees separate.
c. Provide security at different points in stairwell.
d. Communicate to have vehicles waiting to transport inmates/arrestees.
e. Move all inmates/arrestees to a secure location as soon as possible.
3. Evacuation of judges:
a. Ensure the judge is safely escorted from the courtroom.
b. Escort the judge through their chambers to nearest stairwell/exit and escort from building.
c. Provide security for judge while outside the building until the emergency is over.
4. Evacuation of jurors:
a. Ensure safe egress of jurors while protecting the integrity of the trial proceeding.
b. Instruct jurors to remain together as a group while outside.
c. Post a deputy with jurors to avoid any contact from the general public.
d Instruct jurors that discussion of the interrupted trial proceeding is prohibited.
e. Monitor the jurors while outside until the emergency is over.
5. Evacuation of general public and courthouse employees:
a. Direct the public and employees to the nearest stairwells/exits.
b. Check each floor starting at the top floor and descending to the ground floor or basement (if one exists) to ensure building is empty.
c. Communicate with other deputies when a specific floor or area is clear.
d. Observe for any unusual circumstances that may help to identify the cause of the emergency during a later investigation.
Instructor Note: Advise trainees that they will need to identify department policy relating to emergency evacuation plans for courtrooms and courthouses.
Performance Outcome 4.5.
Provide security for juries and sequestered juries.
Training Objective Related to 4.5.
1. Given a written exam, identify the procedures for protecting a jury in the courtroom.
2. Given a written exam, identify the procedure for protecting and monitoring a sequestered jury.
Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:
4.5.1. Identify deputy positions for protection of jury members.
4.5.2. Identify deputy positions for securing inmate/arrestee to prevent escape or threat to jury.
4.5.3. Identify specific requirements for sequestering a jury.
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Jury protection:
a. Deputies are to position themselves in locations that do not permit the inmate/arrestee to make verbal or physical contact with anyone other than his attorney or necessary court personnel.
b. Deputies are to position themselves behind inmate/arrestee in such a manner as to prevent escape or threat to jury or other court personnel.
c. Deputies accompany a inmate/arrestee to bench and witness box.
d. Deputies should remain alert to body language of inmate/arrestee and anticipate potential movements that may signal a physical attack.
e. Be prepared to intervene between inmate/arrestee and jury members and subdue inmate/arrestee when necessary.
2. Sequestering a jury:
a. Movement of jurors:
1. Arrange transport for jurors in one or two groups with accompanying deputy.
2. Ensure safe egress of jurors while protecting the integrity of the trial proceeding particularly being aware of media personnel who may try to gain access to jurors.
3. Instruct jurors to remain together as a group while outside.
4. Post a deputy with jurors to avoid any contact from the general public.
b. Monitoring the jurors:
1. Instruct jurors that discussion of the interrupted trial proceeding is prohibited.
2. Provide for meals as necessary.
3. Post deputies to provide security as needed.
Performance Outcome 4.6.
Administer cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and basic first aid.
Training Objectives Related to 4. 6.
1. Successfully complete an approved course for cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
2. Successfully complete an approved course for basic first aid.
3. Demonstrate ability to assist a person to prevent falling, move the person to a place of safety and support the person to a safe position.
4. Successfully complete an approved course for using an automatic external defibrillator (AED).
Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:
4.6.1. Testing provided by approved CPR course provider.
4.6.2. Testing provided by approved basic first aid provider.
4.6.3. Assisting a person to prevent falling, move the person to a place of safety if needed, and support the person to a safe position.
4.6.4. Testing provided by an approved automatic external defibrillator (AED) course provider.
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. An approved course for cardio-pulmonary resuscitation.
2. An approved course for basic first aid that covers the following at a minimum:
3. Assist a person to prevent falling, move the person to a place of safety and support the person to a safe position:
a. Protecting head and shoulders of person to the extent possible
b. Use of upper body strength
c. Use of base strength (hip and legs)
d. Use of torso/trunk strength (back and abdomen)
4. An approved course for using an automatic external defibrillator (AED).
Instructor Note: Approving entities for First Aid/CPR instruction may include the American Heart Association, American Red Cross, Virginia Department of Health, National Safety Council, American Safety & Health Institute or a program approved by the Operational Medical Director of a local Emergency Medical Services (EMS) provider.
Performance Outcome 4.7.
Provide courthouse entrance screening.
Training Objective Related to 4.7.
1. Given a practical exercise demonstrates procedures for courthouse entrance screening for individuals and packages.
Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:
4.7.1. Maintain a safe position, while conducting searches: Individuals Packages
4.7.2. Demonstrate technique for searching individuals.
4.7.3 Demonstrate technique for searching packages.
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Officer safety considerations:
a. Position of self and subject
b. Searching Packages
2. Techniques for searching individuals.
3. Techniques for searching packages.
Performance Outcome 4. 8.
Create and execute security plans for courtroom trials.
Training Objective Related to 4. 8.
1. Given a written exercise define what is a high risk trial and a high profile trial.
2. Given a written and/or practical exercise demonstrate procedures/protocols for creating and executing a high risk and high profile trial plan for the court.
Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:
4.8.1. Define a High Risk Trial.
4.8.2. Define a High Profile Trial.
4.8.3. Demonstrate procedure/protocol for creating a high risk trial plan.
4.8.4. Demonstrate procedure/protocol for creating a high profile trial plan.
4.8.5. Demonstrate execution of high risk trial plan.
4.8.6. Demonstrate execution of high profile trial plan.
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Define a High Risk Trial:
a. Elements include:
1. Unusual amount of jeopardy posed by defendant and or participants.
2. Requires more security than normal.
2. Define a High Profile Trial:
a. Elements include:
1. Unusual amount of community and or media interest.
2. Requires more security than normal.
3. Procedure/Protocol for creating a high risk trial plan:
a. Gather information on the case:
1. Charges on subject(s)
2. Ascertain level of community interest
3. Relationships of subjects/ participants/witnesses
4. Criminal history of subject/witnesses/participants
5. Criteria to recommend use of restraints to the Court:
a. Charges and behavior of defendant(s)
b. Ensure restraints are not visible
b. Determine how many participants can occupy courtroom:
1. Designate seating locations in courtroom for family, victim(s), public and media
c. Brief Command Staff and Presiding Trial Judge on plan:
1. Pre and post briefings of Security Plan to Command Staff and Trial Judge
4. Procedure/Protocol for creating a high profile trial plan:
a. Gather information on case:
1. Charges on subject(s)
2. Ascertain level of community interest
3. Relationships of subjects/ participants/witnesses
4. Criminal history of subject/witnesses/participants
b. Determine how many participants can occupy courtroom:
1. Designate seating locations in courtroom for family, victim(s), public and media.
c. Designate location for media to conduct interviews/provide briefings to the public.
d. Brief command staff and presiding trial judge on plan:
1. Pre and Post Briefings of Security Plan to Command Staff and Trial Judge.
5. Demonstrate Execution of High Risk Trial Plan:
a. Conduct Pre- Briefing of approved trial plan with designated courtroom security staff.
b. Conduct daily pre and post security briefing of trial plan
6. Demonstrate Execution of High Profile Trial Plan:
a. Conduct Pre- Briefing of approved trial plan with designated courtroom security staff.
b. Conduct daily pre and post security briefing of trial plan.
7. Define the court room security team concept and its role.
a. List the responsibilities of each team:
1. Judicial Team: responsible for security of trial judge in court.
2. Jury Team: responsible for all aspects of jury, in courtroom and sequestration if ordered by court.
3. Witness Team: responsible for security of witness(s) in and out of courtroom.
4. Defendant Team: responsible for security of defendant(s) in and out of courtroom.
5. Transportation Team: responsible for transportation of judge, defendant(s), jurors and other court designated personnel that require transportation for trial.
6. Public Information Office Team: responsible for media inquirers and briefings.
NOTE: team can be composed of one or several deputies/court security officers dependent upon trial security needs
Performance Outcome 4.9.
Identify applicable laws, definitions and background information related to terrorism.
Training Objectives Related to 4.9.
1. Given a written exercise, define terrorism according to Title 18 U.S.C and applicable laws in the Code of Virginia.
2. Given a written or practical exercise, identify the differences between extremist beliefs, terrorist activity, and acts/speech protected by the First Amendment.
3. Given a written or practical exercise identify the distinctions between and individual acting alone, domestic and international terrorist organizations and their supporters:
a. Background information
1. International
2. Domestic (Intra-national)
b. Strategies/current trends
1. Propaganda
2. Internet resources
3. Complex coordinated attacks intended to overwhelm the local jurisdiction and initiate a regional /statewide response
a. Three or more attackers
b. Simultaneous attack of two or more sites
4. Other as identified
c. Primary objectives
d. Potential targets
Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:
4.9.1. Define terrorism according to Title 18 U.S.C and applicable laws in the Code of Virginia.
4.9.2. Identify the difference between extremist beliefs, terrorist activity, and acts/speech protected by the First Amendment
4.9.3. Identify the distinctions between and individual acting alone, domestic and international terrorist organizations and their supporters: Extreme political groups (Sovereign Citizens) Race-based hate groups (White Supremacist, Black Separatists) Religious-based hate groups (Christian Identity, Westboro Baptist Church) Special interest groups (anti-abortion, animal rights) Foreign Terrorist Organizations (al Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram) Identify the primary objectives of terrorists: Recognition Coercion Intimidation Provocation Insurgency Support Potential targets
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Define terrorism according to Title 18 U.S.C and applicable laws in the Code of Virginia.
2. Identify the difference between extremist beliefs and terrorist activity acts/speech protected by the First Amendment (i.e. subject has radical beliefs which are not a violation of law until they act upon them)
a. Identify the radicalization process and the behavioral factors influencing the process
b. Terrorist recruitment cycle and socialization activities
3. Identify the distinctions between and individual acting alone, domestic and international terrorist organizations and their supporters:
a. Extreme political groups (Sovereign Citizens)
b. Race-based hate groups (White Supremacist, Black Separatists) Religious-based hate groups (Christian Identity, Westboro Baptist Church)
c. Special interest groups (anti-abortion, animal rights)
d. Foreign Terrorist Organizations (al Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram)
4. Identify types of organizations and individuals engaging in acts of terrorism.
a. Background information
1. International
2. Domestic (Intra-national)
b. Strategies/current trends
1. Propaganda
2. Internet resources
3. Complex coordinated attacks intended to overwhelm the local jurisdiction and initiate a regional /statewide response
a. Three or more attackers
b. Simultaneous attack of two or more sites
c. Primary objectives
d. Potential targets
Performance Outcome 4.10.
Identify common precursors associated with the production of hazardous devices accessible through legal and illegal means.
Training Objective Related to 4.10.
1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify common precursors associated with the production of hazardous devices and related equipment using legal and illegal resources:
a. Chemical agents
b. Biological agents
c. Radiological devices
d. Explosive devices
e. Weapons of mass destruction
2. Given a written or practical exercise, identify the responsibilities of the first officer on the scene of an act of terrorism.
Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:
4.10.1. Identify common precursors associated with the production of hazardous devices and related equipment using legal and illegal resources: Chemical agents Biological agents Radiological devices Explosive devices Weapons of mass destruction
4.10.2. Recognize and evaluate the situation.
4.10.3. Avoid and isolate the area.
4.10.4. Notify appropriate agencies and request assistance.
4.10.5. If and when determined, proceed to evacuate/shelter in place.
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify common precursors associated with the production of hazardous devices and related equipment using legal and illegal resources:
a. Chemical agents
b. Biological agents
c. Radiological devices
d. Explosive devices
e. Weapons of mass destruction
2. Recognize and evaluate the situation.
3. Avoid and isolate the area.
4. Notify appropriate agencies and request assistance.
5. If and when determined, proceed to evacuate/shelter in place.
Performance Outcome 4.11.
Identify the impact of social media on today’s terrorism activities.
Training Objective Related to 4.11.
1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify the impact various forms of social media have on today’s terrorist activity.
Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:
4.11.1 Identify the impact of social media on terrorist activities. Monitor social media during the event, as applicable Utilizing social media for distribution of information
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify the impact of social media on terrorist activities.
a. Monitor social media during the event, as applicable
Performance Outcome 4.12.
Identify behavior(s) and indicators of suspicious non-criminal and criminal activity that may alert law enforcement to acts of terrorism and identify resources capable of providing assistance.
Training Objectives Related to 4.12.
1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify behavior(s) and indicators of suspicious noncriminal and criminal terrorist activity.
2. Given a written or practical exercise identify federal, state, and local resources.
Criteria: The trainee shall be tested on the following:
4.12.1. Identify behaviors and indicators of suspicious non-criminal and criminal activities.
4.12.2. Identify federal, state, and local resources. Federal Joint Terrorism Task Force Terrorist Screening Center (TSC) National Joint Terrorism Task Force State Police – Fusion Center Local resources
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify behavior(s) and indicators
a. Suspicious non-criminal
b. Criminal
2. Identify federal, state, and local resources.
a. Federal
1. Joint Terrorism Task Force
2. Terrorist Screening Center (TSC)
3. National Joint Terrorism Task Force
b. State Police – Fusion Center
c. Local resources