Performance Outcome 3.1.
Identify restraints and restraining procedures.
Training Objective Related to 3.1.
1. Given a practical exercise, identify restraints (mechanical, medical, and electronic, etc)
2. Given a written exercise, define positional asphyxia
3. Given a practical exercise, identify safe and effective restraining procedures
4. Given a practical exercise, identify take down techniques and procedures
Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:
3.1.1. Identify safe and effective restraining procedures
3.1.2. Identify control and/or take down technique(s) in standing, kneeling, and prone positions
3.1.3. Identify restraining devices
3.1.4. Identify and demonstrate the use of leg irons or other devices that restrain legs or the torso
3.1.5. Define positional asphyxia
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify and demonstrate safe and effective handcuffing of cooperative single and multiple inmates.
2. Identify and demonstrate safe and effective handcuffing in the following positions:
a. Standing
b. Kneeling
c. Prone
3. Identify and demonstrate a safe and effective handcuffing/restraining of an inmate after having performed a learned control and/or take down technique(s) in standing, kneeling and prone positions.
4. Identify and demonstrate application of leg irons or other devices that restrain legs or torso avoiding increased levels of force and methods that presents unnecessary injury potential to the noncustodial employee and inmate.
5. Definition of positional asphyxia:
a. Primary medical dangers associated with the sudden restraint of a violent inmate
b. Primary medical dangers associated with positional asphyxia
Performance Outcome 3.3.
Identify homemade and/or improvised weapons.
Training Objective Related to 3.3.
1. Given a written exercise, identify methods and material readily available to create homemade and/or improvised weapons.
2. Given a written exercise, identify procedures for removing, preserving, protecting, and properly documenting homemade materials and weapons.
3. Given a written exercise, identify safety techniques to safe guard staff, visitors and inmates
Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:
3.3.1. Identify methods and materials to create homemade and or improvised weapons
3.3.2. Identify and demonstrate procedures for removing, preserving, protecting and properly documenting homemade materials and weapons.
3.3.3. Identify safety techniques to safe guard staff, visitors, and inmates.
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify methods and material to create homemade weapons.
2. Identify procedures for removing, preserving, protecting, and properly documenting homemade materials and weapons.
3. Identify safety techniques to safe guard staff, visitors, and inmates.
Performance Outcome 3.9.
Move inmates within the facility.
Training Objective Related to 3.9.
1. Given a practical exercise, identify movement procedures within the facility.
Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:
3.9.1. Identify movement procedures within facility
3.9.2. Identify security and safety procedures
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify inmate movement procedures within facility.
2. Identify security and safety procedures.
Performance Outcome 3.10.
Disperse fights between two or more inmates/visitors/persons.
Training Objective Related to 3.10.
1. Given a practical exercise, identify approved techniques for breaking up fights between two or more inmates.
Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:
3.10.1. Evaluation of the situation
3.10.2. Verbal intervention
3.10.3. Use of appropriate level of force
3.10.4. Use and identification of safety procedures
3.10.5. Identification of medical follow-up procedures
3.10.6. Identification of reporting and documentation procedures
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify how to evaluate the situation.
2. Identify intervention steps:
a. Intervene verbally using communications skills and voice commands
b. Establish contact with the hostile inmates/visitors/persons
c. Ascertain the reason(s) for his/her/their hostility
d. Use of calming techniques to reduce emotions and restore order
e. Communicate the noncustodial employee’s position and responsibilities in the situation
f. State any applicable laws and rules and consequences of continued acts
g. Reporting/documentation.
3. Identify appropriate level of force when verbal intervention fails.
4. Identify safety procedures:
a. Monitor activities:
1. Individual
2. Group
b. Observe and assess the inmate's/visitor's/person's propensity toward violence.
c. Determine presence of weapon(s)
d. Intervention
5. Identify medical follow-up procedures.
6. Identify documentation and reporting procedures.
Performance Outcome 3.11.
Defense against a physically attacking inmate(s).
Training Objective Related to 3.11.
1. Given a practical exercise, identify and demonstrate techniques for defending oneself against a physically attacking inmate(s).
Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:
3.11.1. Identify items that may be potential weapons used by inmate(s)
3.11.2. Demonstrate countermeasures designed to deflect aggressor
3.11.3. Identify defensive techniques
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify items that may be potential weapons used by inmate(s)
2. Demonstration of defensive strategy designed to protect the noncustodial employee’s vulnerable targets.
3. Demonstration of countermeasures designed to deflect aggressor for de-escalation
4. Identify physical techniques to stop aggressor.
Performance Outcome 3.13.
Identify and demonstrate body pressure points and techniques.
Training Objective Related to 3.13.
1. Given a written, audio-visual, or practical exercise, identify:
a. Body pressure points
b. Pressure point techniques
Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:
3.13.1. Identify body pressure points
3.13.2. Demonstrate pressure point techniques
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify and demonstrate body pressure points.
2. Demonstrate pressure point techniques.
Performance Outcome 3.15.
Identify chemical agents and other crowd control equipment.
Training Objective Related to 3.15.
1. Given a written exam or during a simulation exercise, identify the techniques for using chemical agents and other crowd control/management equipment.
2. Given a practical exercise, identify first aid or aftercare procedures.
3. Given a practical exercise, identify decontamination procedures.
Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:
3.15.1. Identify chemical agents, aerosol sprays and pyrotechnics and deployment methods
3.15.2. Identify first aid or aftercare
3.15.3. Identify decontamination techniques and procedures
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify types of chemical agents, aerosol sprays and pyrotechnics and methods of deployment.
2. Identify proper application of chemical agents and aerosol sprays.
3. Identify side effects on staff, visitors, and inmates sprayed with chemical or aerosol spray:
a. Short-term
b. Long-term
4. Identify the correct first aid or aftercare to use when contaminated with chemical agents or aerosol sprays according to type and density of the contamination.
5. Identify methods of structural decontamination of chemical or aerosol agents.
6. Identify methods of restraint and transportation of inmates sprayed with a chemical or aerosol agent; be aware of positional asphyxia for an inmate who has ingested a chemical or aerosol agent.
Performance Outcome 3.16.
Confront non-violent inmate groups, hostile groups, and/or disorderly assemblies.
Training Objective Related to 3.16.
1. Given practical exercises, demonstrate techniques to control/physically restrain and/or confront non-violent inmate groups, hostile groups, and/or disorderly assemblies.
Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:
3.16.1. Identify three factors for controlling non-violent inmates, i.e., peaceable assemblies
3.16.2. Identify three factors to consider when dealing with hostile inmates
3.16.3. Identify safety and security procedures
3.16.4. Identify communication skills and voice commands
3.16.5. Identify and demonstrate command presence
3.16.6. Identify controls and movement
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify three factors for controlling non-violent inmates, i.e., peaceable assemblies:
a. Officer safety considerations
b. Command presence
c. Communication skills
d. Boundaries within which crowd must remain or move along
e. Patterns of movement for crowd for safety and control
f. Emergency access and/or exit.
2. Identify three factors to consider when dealing with hostile groups:
a. Techniques of detecting violations of facility rules and procedures (sources of disturbance in a crowd by noise and movements)
b. High risk areas
c. Conditions that will indicate rule violations
d. Appropriate steps to enforce procedures:
1. Safety considerations:
a. Monitor group activity
b. Wait for appropriate back-up
c. Determine the nature of their weapons and contraband
d. Known or suspected leaders
2. Command presence:
a. Safely approach
b. Appropriate formations for potential crowd disturbance and/or riot
c. Emergency escapes routes
d. Coordinate cover and contact responsibilities
3. Communication skills and voice commands:
a. Establish contact with hostile group
b. Identify the group leaders
c. Ascertain the reason(s) for their hostility
d. Evaluate the group’s proposed solutions to determine their specific “needs”
e. Communicate the noncustodial employee’s position and responsibilities in the situation
f. Relate any applicable laws, rules, regulations, policy and procedures, and consequences of continued acts
g. Explain the group’s option to comply with the law and/or rules and pursue legal and/or administrative solutions
h. Reassure commitment to resolve the group’s problems and/or issues and restore peace and/order
4. Techniques of group control:
a. Small hostile groups
b. Larger hostile groups and rioters
c. Shield, barricade, impact weapon, and other items to block groups when appropriate
5. Move group to break it up using authorized and appropriate use of force:
6. Disciplinary procedures
7. Transportation
8. Reporting and documentation
Performance Outcome 3.17.
Identify necessary and appropriate use of force.
Training Objective Related to 3.17.
1. Given a written or practical exercise, identify the factors that affect the use of force.
2. Given a written or practical exercise, identify the factors that affect the officers’ decision to use deadly force.
Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:
3.17.1. Factors affecting the use of force: Subject actions Intent Ability Means Opportunity Officer perception of the need for force Situation and environmental circumstances
3.17.2. Factors affecting the use of deadly force: Likelihood of serious bodily harm or death Perceived or announced intent of subject Ability Means Opportunity Legal criteria
3.17.3. General considerations for use of force: Key elements for appropriate response for situations or environmental circumstances where a violent orresistant reaction is foreseen (e.g., multiple officers/backup) Elements of command presence (e.g., stance, posture, eye contact) Avoiding unintentional and or unnecessarily antagonistic and provoking verbal and nonverbal factors by the officer. Primary aspects of proper verbalization (e.g., invoke authority, instructions on behavior compliance, clarity) Appropriate escalation and or de-escalation in use of force Application of handcuffs and additional restraints
3.17.4. Identify other alternatives that the officer may consider using before using deadly force.
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Factors affecting the use of force:
a. Subject actions
b. Intent
c. Ability
d. Means
e. Opportunity
f. Officer perception of the need for force
g. Situation and environmental circumstances
h. Officer safety considerations
2. Factors affecting the use of deadly force:
a. Likelihood of serious bodily harm or death:
1. Perceived or announced intent of subject
2. Ability
3. Means
4. Opportunity
b. Legal criteria
3. General considerations for use of force:
a. Key elements for appropriate response for situations or environmental circumstances where a violent or resistant reaction is foreseen (e.g., multiple officers/backup)
b. Elements of command presence (e.g., stance, posture, eye contact)
c. Avoiding unintentional and/or unnecessarily antagonistic and provoking verbal and nonverbal factors by the deputy/jail officer (e.g., invoke authority, instructions on behavior compliance, clarity)
e. Appropriate escalation/de-escalation on a use of force continuum:
1. Define use of force.
2. Identify the decision making process in using force.
f. Application
4. Identify other alternatives that the officer may consider using before using deadly force.
Instructor Notes: The use of force options is for the preservation of life or to prevent serious bodily injury. Safety equipment must be utilized appropriately during demonstrations.
Performance Outcome 3.18.
Identify sudden stress and its effects.
Training Objective Related to 3.18.
1. Given a written exercise, identify the psychological and physiological effects of sudden stress when threatened with danger.
Criteria: The noncustodial employee shall be tested on the following:
3.18.1. Identify psychological and physiological effects of stress when threatened with danger
Lesson Plan Guide: The lesson plan shall include the following:
1. Identify psychological and physiological effects of sudden stress when threatened with danger.