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Overview & Benefits

The Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Program Professional Standards Committee 
In 2015, legislation was enacted creating the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Program Professional Standards Committee (the “Committee”).  The purpose of the Committee is to establish voluntary accreditation standards and measures by which local sexual and domestic violence programs can be systematically evaluated with a peer-reviewed process.  In addition, the Committee is responsible for reviewing and voting on accreditation status recommendations for applicant programs; establishing a subcommittee as needed to address appeals from applicant programs; and periodically evaluating and revising the accreditation standards and measures.
Under Code of Virginia § 9.1-116.3, the Committee is required to consist of:
  • One nonvoting member from the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (“DCJS”) 
  • One nonvoting member from of the Virginia Department of Social Services
  • One nonvoting member from the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance 
  • Twelve non-legislative citizen members appointed by the Governor, who must be leadership staff of local sexual and domestic violence programs 
The appointment of members must take into consideration racial and ethnic diversity and must be representative of regional and geographic locations of the Commonwealth.  
The Department of Criminal Justice Services Professional Standards Team
The Committee receives assistance from the DCJS Professional Standards Team (the “Team”), which is made up of the Professional Standards Program Coordinator and the Professional Standards Site Visit Consultant. Under Code of Virginia § 9.1-116.3, the Team is responsible for establishing accreditation procedures by which local sexual and domestic violence programs can be systematically evaluated with a peer-reviewed process; assisting local programs in obtaining or retaining accreditation; reviewing and evaluating applications for accreditation; and determining accreditation status recommendations for applicant programs and presenting such recommendations to the Committee.
The Team has the authority to determine the eligibility of agencies applying for accreditation and to interpret the Professional Standards.

Throughout Virginia, all those impacted by sexual and domestic violence have accessible, community-driven quality services and resources.

To create Professional Standards that:
  • Credential sexual and domestic violence agencies
  • Ensure research-based best practices and inspire sexual and domestic violence organizations to learn and evolve in order to best meet the needs of all those impacted by sexual and domestic violence
  • Ensure an informed core level of services is available to all those impacted by sexual and domestic violence throughout Virginia
Value Statement
The Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Program Professional Standards Committee commits to a respectful, thoughtful, and transparent process to establish best practice standards for sexual and domestic violence programs.  The Committee is mindful that these standards are survivor-centered, inclusive, and empowering for both programs and those impacted by sexual and domestic violence.

Committee Documents

Benefits of Becoming an Accredited Agency
  • Confirms that your agency is operating at the highest level of practice standards in the sexual and domestic violence field
  • Conveys the quality of your program to potential clients, community members, staff, board, and funders
  • Provides access to ongoing technical assistance, peer consultation, and emerging practices
  • Allows your agency to receive valuable third-party insights into your practices and procedures