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Boards & Committees

Criminal Justice Services Board | Committee on Training | Private Security Services Advisory Board | CASA/CJA Advisory Committee | Virginia Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice and Prevention (ACJJP) | Virginia Advisory Committee on Sexual and Domestic Violence | Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Program Professional Standards Committee

Several boards, advisory committees and sub-committees provide governance and guidance for the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS). Below is a list of those boards and information pertaining to their membership and functions.

Criminal Justice Services Board

The 32 member Criminal Justice Services Board (CJSB) is the policy board for DCJS. It has representation from all aspects of the criminal justice system on both state and local levels of government, as well as representatives of the private security industry, the public-at-large, and the General Assembly.

The CJSB is the approving authority for the regulations DCJS promulgates in accord with the Administrative Process Act and approves most of the grants that DCJS awards to localities, state agencies, and private non-profit organizations.

Committee on Training

Policy-making body responsible to the Board for "effecting" those provisions of the Code of Virginia related to training standards.

Private Security Services Advisory Board

Advises the CJSB on matters related to the regulation of private security businesses. Fifteen members, appointed by the Board, must represent specified parts of the industry (e.g., armored car personnel).

CASA/CJA Advisory Committee

Advises the Board on CASA/CJA matters.

Virginia Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice and Prevention

Advises the Board, the Executive Branch and localities on matters related to the prevention/treatment of juvenile delinquency and the administration of the juvenile justice system; reviews grant applications for Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Act and Juvenile Accountability Block Grant funds, as well as other juvenile justice-related grant applications, and makes recommendations on them to the Board.

Virginia Advisory Committee on Sexual and Domestic Violence

Advises the Board on sexual and domestic violence matters.

Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Program Professional Standards Committee