Refer to the award conditions for specific guidance on allowances regarding payment advancements. In general, disbursement of funds will occur on a cost reimbursement basis for actual funds expended within the reporting period. Actual expenditures should be reported quarterly and invoiced pursuant to approved line item budget categories in the grant application. Grantees will only be reimbursed for costs that have been incurred within the grant period. Grant funds, including matching funds, may only be expended and/or obligated during the grant period. All obligations must be fulfilled no later than 90 days after the end of the grant period. Requests for reimbursement shall be submitted in OGMS via the Claims component. For instructions on how to submit a claim, go to the OGMS Training & Resources page: For technical assistance with a claim, contact your assigned DCJS grant monitor.
Can I request all of the awarded funds at one time?
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