Virginia Opioid Use Reduction and Jail-Based Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Transition Fund Grant Program
The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) administers special funds designated to support Virginia Opioid Use Reduction and Jail-Based Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Treatment and Transition programs. This program is currently funded by the 2024 Appropriations Act, which includes $2,000,000 from the Commonwealth Opioid Abatement and Remediation Fund.
This grant program is intended to expand access to substance use disorder treatment and transitional services for individuals incarcerated in local and regional jails in Virginia. Funded programs may include medication assisted treatment therapies, addiction recovery and other substance use disorder services, reentry and transitional support, or a combination of these services.
This is a competitive application process. The Virginia Opioid Use Reduction and Jail-Based SUD Treatment and Transition Fund Grant Program Guidelines and Application Procedures provide detailed guidance to aid applicants in determining eligibility, justifying need, developing itemized budgets and budget narratives, and completing other related forms. Using the guidance presented in this document, applicants can efficiently and effectively prepare complete applications.
Local and regional jails may also want to consider applying for federal Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) funds when they become available to plan, implement, or enhance substance use disorder treatment programs within their facilities.