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Virginia Opioid Use Reduction and Jail-Based Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Transition Fund Grant Program

The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) administers special funds designated to support Virginia Opioid Use Reduction and Jail-Based Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Treatment and Transition programs. This program is currently funded by the 2024 Appropriations Act, which includes $2,000,000 from the Commonwealth Opioid Abatement and Remediation Fund. 

This grant program is intended to expand access to substance use disorder treatment and transitional services for individuals incarcerated in local and regional jails in Virginia. Funded programs may include medication assisted treatment therapies, addiction recovery and other substance use disorder services, reentry and transitional support, or a combination of these services. 

This is a competitive application process. The Virginia Opioid Use Reduction and Jail-Based SUD Treatment and Transition Fund Grant Program Guidelines and Application Procedures provide detailed guidance to aid applicants in determining eligibility, justifying need, developing itemized budgets and budget narratives, and completing other related forms. Using the guidance presented in this document, applicants can efficiently and effectively prepare complete applications. 

Local and regional jails may also want to consider applying for federal Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) funds when they become available to plan, implement, or enhance substance use disorder treatment programs within their facilities.

Jail Mental Health Pilot Program

The Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) administers general appropriation funds to continue the pilot Jail Mental Health Programs (JMHPP) at six local and regional jails. These programs provide mental health services for individuals housed in their facilities. Per the Appropriations Act, the programs cannot be expanded beyond those receiving funds during the first year of the pilot program. The Act further states the JMHPP sites are required to collect and report on a quarterly basis qualitative and quantitative data of pilot site performance including:

  1. mental health screenings and assessments provided to inmates,
  2. mental health treatment plans and services provided to inmates,
  3. jail safety incidents involving inmates and jail staff,
  4. the provision of appropriate services after release, [and]
  5. the number of inmates re-arrested or re-incarcerated within 90 days after release following a positive identification for mental health disorders in jail or the receipt of mental health treatment within the facility.

There are currently six JMHPP sites in Virginia that receive level grant funding to support their mental health services to mentally ill individuals. 

Comprehensive Opioid and Addiction Program (COAP)

The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS), in collaboration with the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS), is accepting applications for Virginia’s Comprehensive Opioid Addiction Program (COAP) grant program. The intent of COAP funding is to improve cross systems collaboration between criminal justice and behavioral health stakeholders and to improve outcomes for individuals with opioid use disorders who are involved in the criminal justice system. The purpose of these grants are to assist localities develop and implement, or enhance existing evidence based programs for individuals with opioid use disorders involved in the criminal justice system.

Addiction Recovery Program Grant

The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) is making state general funds available for grants to support addiction recovery programs in local and regional jails. The General Assembly appropriated funds for up to four pilot programs not to exceed $38,400 in state general funds (SGF) each. These funds are available for this purpose pursuant to §9.102(53), which directs DCJS to:

develop a model addiction recovery program that may be administered by sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, jail officers, administrators, or superintendents in any local or regional jail. Such program shall be based on any existing addiction recovery programs that are being administered by any local or regional jails in the Commonwealth. Participation in the model addiction recovery program shall be voluntary, and such program may address aspects of the recovery process, including medical and clinical recovery, peer-to-peer support, availability of mental health resources, family dynamics, and aftercare aspects of the recovery process….

This is a competitive solicitation.  A local match, cash or in kind, of 25% of the SGF award is required.  Eligible projects will be reviewed based on applicant need and comprehensiveness of program model selected.

Contact Information

Grant Coordinator(s)
Grant Monitor(s)
DCJS Grants Administration
1100 Bank Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Phone: 804.786.4000
Fax: 804.786.7231

Adult Justice Grants

The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) is making state general funds available for grants to support addiction recovery programs in local and regional jails.

The Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) administers general appropriation funds designated for the purpose of supporting the Comprehensive Community Corrections Act for Local-Responsible Offenders (CCCA) and the Pretrial Services Act (PSA) as discretionary grants to local units of government.

The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS), in collaboration with the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS), is accepting applications for Virginia’s Comprehensive Opioid Addiction Program (COAP) grant program.

The Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) administers general appropriation funds to continue the pilot Jail Mental Health Programs (JMHPP) at six local and regional jails. These programs provide mental health services for individuals housed in their facilities.

This program, which is financed by a state appropriation and administered by the DCJS, supports prerelease and post-incarceration professional services and guidance that increase the opportunity for, and the likelihood of, successful reintegration of adults upon release from prisons and jails into local communities. PAPIS programs are incorporating research-informed recidivism reduction services into service delivery, with specific focus areas of assessing clients for risk and needs related to recidivism, evidence-based cognitive-behavioral programming, and job readiness and employment services. As a key element for successful reintegration of returning clients, employment placement services are emphasized in the scope of service delivery by potential grant recipients.

Residential Substance Abuse Treatment programs provide individual and group treatment activities for offenders in residential facilities that are operated by state and local correctional agencies.

The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) administers special funds designated to support Virginia Opioid Use Reduction and Jail-Based Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Treatment and Transition programs. This program is currently funded by the 2024 Appropriations Act, which includes $2,000,000 from the Commonwealth Opioid Abatement and Remediation Fund.

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